Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Where would Communists be without their gulags

Sanders Staffer Calls for 'F**king Revolution'    . . . "the undercover video captures paid Sanders staffer Martin Weissgerber saying: "I'll straight up get armed ... I'm ready for the "f**king revolution"; "Guillotine the rich"; "Send Republicans to re-education camps," adding, "Can you imagine [Republican Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell? [South Carolina Senator] Lindsey Graham [in the camps]?" 
"This is the second Sanders campaign staffer Project Veritas has exposed in the last week calling for violence against Sanders' political enemies." . . .
This is a dangerous time for this Republic, with Communist clones on one side and Democrats establishing impeachment as a recurring "vote of confidence" on the other.
Image by Dianny of Patriot Retort

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