Washington Examiner
Related: The Manchurian Media
Again: Joe Biden, the Manchurian Virus Candidate
. . . "With the assistance of a compliant media that was overwhelmingly sympathetic to FDR, the issue of Roosevelt’s ability to serve four more years never materialized as a serious campaign issue.
"Seventy-six years later, history is repeating itself. Any neutral observer can see that Joe Biden’s mental acuity is a serious question mark. Biden's public appeareances repeatedly provide evidence of cognitive decline. He is easily confused, he stumbles over his words, and at times he seems not to even know where he is. Now that Biden will almost certainly be the Democratic nominee, questions about his health should be front and center. But instead, the liberal media is circling the wagons and trying to create a narrative that it is immoral or conspiracy-mongering even to raise the issue.
"The actual conspiracy is the one by the media to dismiss any inquiries into Biden’s capacity to serve as president. The same thing happened in 1944. Refusal to confront Roosevelt’s diminished capacity would later have serious and dire consequences. In February 1945, a dangerously ill Roosevelt traveled to Yalta to meet with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin to discuss the future of post-war Europe. At Yalta, FDR effectively surrendered Poland and most of Eastern Europe to the Soviets. During the conference, Roosevelt lacked the stamina to keep up Stalin, and the agreements they reached reflected the poor state of FDR’s health.
"Yalta should serve as a warning to what can happen when a president is materially unfit, physically or mentally, to serve in office. Biden’s health should and must be an issue, if not the key issue during the campaign. We mustn’t let history repeat itself." . . .
Glenn Reynolds of PJM’s sister site Instapundit coined the phrase, “Think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense,” to explain their bias to the left, and quadrennial open boosterism for a Democratic presidential candidate:. . . "And the DNC-MSM is apparently happy to play along, to simultaneously fill column inches, and bash the Bad Orange Man: “CNN Plays the ‘That’s Racist’ Card on Virus, Forgets Own History,” Jeffrey Lord writes at NewsBusters: . . ."
Again: Joe Biden, the Manchurian Virus Candidate
But don’t think it’s a stretch to say that, lucid or senile, Biden is for certain the Manchurian virus candidate. There’s a reason why Forbes wrote last summer that “Joe Biden Is The Only Man Who Can Save China In 2020” and why the “announcement of his campaign alone was enough to encourage Beijing suddenly to take a harder line on trade negotiations with the Trump administration,” as Senator Tom Cotton recently wrote at National Review. It’s that unlike “many other Democrats, he takes its side, reliably,” writes Cotton. (Certain other Democrats take China’s side only unreliably.)