. . . "Disney’s hard-left “creative” people are tunneling their messages about intersectionalism, sexual identity, sexual orientation, climate change, feminism, and all the other leftist shibboleths, directly into your children’s brains. And because Disney is always going to be more fun and exciting than you are, you can bet that Disney’s messages will resonate more than yours will."Andrea Widburg "As is the case for most Americans living today, I grew up on Disney. I loved the classic princess movies, The Wonderful World of Disney, and the live-action movies of the 1960s and 1970s. When a local television channel syndicated The Mouseketeers in the late 1960s, I watched that too.
"Some (indeed, a lot) of the Disney product was banal, but it never deviated from a certain purity: Be good, be kind, be patriotic (if that was relevant), work hard . . . that kind of stuff. The next generation of Disney movies also promoted that message, whether with classic princess movies (Beauty and the Beast) or a non-romantic “adventure with a friend” film such as Moana.
"Moana’s earth goddess ending, though, hinted at what was to come with Frozen II, which was a visually beautiful, but tedious effort to introduce kids to anti-colonialism, man-deriding feminism, and Gaia worship. Watching that and thinking of the classic Disney movies, one has to wonder "Where on earth does this stuff come from?"
"The answer is surprisingly easy: It comes from the current crop of Disney writers and producers, all of whom were marinated in hard-left college liberal arts programs.
"This post offers two exhibits to prop up this assertion. The first is a cri de cœur from Itxu Díaz about the horrible changes wrought on Disney’s DuckTales. Díaz is Spanish, so the syntax is a little scrambled, but you’ll quickly get the gist about the push to take an entertaining character who always has an eye for the girls and turn him into a vehicle for pushing homosexuality on small children: . . ."
- The second example is a Prager U video in which Ben Shapiro explains intersectionality, a terrible idea that was born on college campuses and that indoctrinated college graduates are carrying into corporate America. To illustrate the point, the video plays footage of a Disney writer discussing how important intersectionality is to her work and her messaging. I’ve transcribed the gist of it, but you have to watch this incoherent cultural Marxist speak to appreciate who’s teaching your children: . . .
Here the left does what the left does instinctively:
*Blue-check PhD of Women’s Studies shames Trudeau for referencing #MothersDay because it ‘erases’ LGBTQ families "You had to know we couldn’t go a full Mother’s Day without some blue-check saying something stupid, right? We’d have been super confused if people who spend their whole lives focused on identity politics actually let this little holiday actually go by without some sort of controversy.
"Or outrage.
"Or some sort of social justice nonsense.
"Thank goodness Doctor of Women’s Studies, Jill Andrew, stepped up to do her part in trying to ruin a day for moms: . . ."
"Or outrage.
"Or some sort of social justice nonsense.
"Thank goodness Doctor of Women’s Studies, Jill Andrew, stepped up to do her part in trying to ruin a day for moms: . . ."