It shows that the far left is more important to him tham mainstream voters who are rightly disgusted and appalled by the lunacy overtaking the country.
Monica Showalter
"Quick, what's the biggest no-brainer in Washington?
"Saying 'no' to looting?
"Denouncing rioting, arson, and terror, by self-appointed leftist mobs?
"Blasting statue-smashers, who deprive America's children of their heritage?
"To normal people, any one of these things is a no-brainer.
"But not Joe Biden.
"Here's Joe Biden, seeking the highest office of he land from his basement hideout, and despite the time he's got on his hands, he's tongue-tied on the issue of whether to remove statues of George Washington.
"The Daily Caller asked him an obvious softball question and Biden fled the scene.
"According to the Daily Caller:
As calls to remove statues of former U.S. presidents and even Jesus Christ come, presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2020 presidential election Joe Biden has remained silent on the issue, even after his campaign was contacted about the matter.The Daily Caller reached out to the Biden campaign and asked them if the former vice president agrees with the Democrats who want to tear down statues of George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt and some depictions of Jesus. The campaign was given over 24 hours to respond to the inquiry. They did not do so. . . .Joe Biden Was Asked About the Destruction of Monuments, Here’s His Answer
Regardless, the media’s refusal to hold Biden to account is yet another failure on their part. It has now been 84 days since Biden answered a question from the press (no, scripted interviews with CNN don’t count). He has no incentive to do anything differently because the press don’t care. They are all rooting for him and if eschewing journalistic principles helps him win office, they are willing to do what it takes.
Tony Branco |