American Spectator
Ex-president uses John Lewis funeral to play the race card. As once did George Wallace:
Ex-president uses John Lewis funeral to play the race card. As once did George Wallace:
"And I say … segregation today … segregation tomorrow … segregation forever.”
"Fifty-seven years ago, the newly sworn-in Democrat governor of Alabama, George Wallace, delivered those words in his inaugural address.
"In other words: George Wallace, who was a product of a political party that built its political power by supporting every imaginable policy that divided Americans by race, was at it again. Using the momentary pulpit that was a governor’s inaugural to play the race card — again.
"In other words: George Wallace, who was a product of a political party that built its political power by supporting every imaginable policy that divided Americans by race, was at it again. Using the momentary pulpit that was a governor’s inaugural to play the race card — again.
"Yesterday there was a new George Wallace. He appeared in an Atlanta church to eulogize the late Democratic Congressman John Lewis, Lewis a certifiable hero of the 1960s civil rights movement.
"There were, in fact, three former presidents there, including George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. But it was former President Barack Obama and Obama alone who chose to use the literal pulpit to divide by race. Among things said by the former president were these gems: