Friday, July 31, 2020

The Riots in Portland Started in Public School

Marion Smith, executive director of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, blames this preference for totalitarian systems on the "widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago."     
T.R. Clancy . . . "None of this should come as a shock.  The nightly attacks on statues, on a federal courthouse, and on police are the proof of Solomon's injunction, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old[er], he will not depart from it."  Solomon wanted children taught the fear of the Lord; but the principle applies no matter what you teach.
"This is the moment that America's teacher's colleges, and the public-school systems fed by them, have been working toward since the 1960s.  That's when the "education schools began conditioning teachers to peddle impossible social and economic theories to captive human sponges in K-12 classrooms," as described here by Chuck Rogér:
[T]he "evidence-free" education school theory of "social justice" alleges that minority children learn best when encouraged to embrace grievances against middle class whites.  Social justice–indoctrinated teachers instill resentment in "non-dominant" (minority) children and guilt in "dominant" (white) children.  Judging by the abundance of guilt-ridden white Americans, the tactic is working its magic well.     
"It's even worse if you've been to college.
"A 2017 poll suggested that a "majority of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist, communist or fascist nation rather than a capitalistic one."  That makes slightly more sense when you see that only 33% of Millennials "were able to identify the correct definition of socialism.' "  . . .
Is there a better description of what's missing from the souls of those unhinged women shrieking at cops in the front lines of the BLM riots, or the Orc swarms of Antifa kicking a prostrate victim?  Not only do they reject the possibility of their enemies' redemption from America's "original sin of racism," but they're insensible to their own need of redemption and mercy.  They don't know about the much graver Original Sin of Adam that starts all of us out on the wrong side of history.  None of their textbooks mentioned anything about souls.

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