Image by Timothy Bishop |
"So, Mr. Nadler sought to blame the riots on Mr. Barr and, by extension, on Mr. Trump. Yes, Mr. Nadler — AKA the exploded air bag — blames the riots on the only people who are lifting a finger to curb the riots and enforce, you know, the laws. You know, the ones arresting rioters for assaulting innocent people, firebombing public buildings, torching police cars and using lasers to blind officers.
"“The president wants footage for his campaign and you appear to be serving it up to him as ordered,” Mr. Nadler wheezed.
"Yes, the looting and arson and bloodshed, the roping of statues in Washington, D.C., and Portland, Oregon, is all the fault of President Trump. And Bill Barr.
“ 'Shame on you, Mr. Barr! Shame on you!”
"By then, all the air had leaked out of the giant air bag and when Mr. Barr offered to answer the questions he had been called into the hearing for, the wheedling Nadler could only gasp, “My time has expired. My time has expired.”
"The whole hearing proved as enlightening as a clown car smash-up derby. Nobody was actually seeking answers. They just wanted to scream at Mr. Barr. And, whenever the attorney general offered to reply, they shouted, “Reclaiming my time!' ”
"As Mr. Barr noted, this is not normally how hearings go. Usually, the government official (in this case, Mr. Barr) is required to provide actual answers to actual questions posed by the committee.
"But these are no more “hearings” than the bloodthirsty arson and mayhem in the streets are “protests.”
"It’s all smash-and-grab politics and Jerold Nadler is the mythical air bag lording over all of it." . . .