Surber |
"Miles Taylor. the ex-chief of staff in question, wrote an op-ed column in the Washington Post that was as vapid as it was dishonest.
"He said in a video, "What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue -- cyberattack, terrorism threat -- he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities.
" 'Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this president."
"Given that Taylor went from Homeland Security to a lobbying job at Google, I'd say he has to support Biden or lose his job."
"Red China, which is the biggest threat to homeland security, bought Biden off 6 years ago when it gave coke-addled Hunter Biden a billion bucks "to invest." Biden flew his son to Beijing in air Force Two to pick up the loot.
"As for Taylor's wild charge that President Trump somehow used Homeland Security politically, Taylor now backs the successor to an administration who used the FBI to lie and spy on a political opponent.
"CNN reported that Jared Kushner dismissed Taylor as a nice kid.
"Kushner said, ""It makes a lot of sense to me that he's endorsing Joe Biden because when he was working at the Department of Homeland Security, no wall was built and the border was wide open. That's why the president changed up the team there."
"Ah yes, the wall." . . .