Monday, August 17, 2020

Ayanna Pressley writes the GOP's ads for them: Vote Dem for more unrest

Now we have this squad leftist, admitting and advocating exactly what conservatives say they're advocating. Up until now, they have tried to dissociate themselves from it, calling the rioters outliers or else saying the rioters don't exist. Joe Biden claims he's against riots and looting but has yet to condemn these so-called "peaceful protestors."
Tony Branco
Monica Showalter  . . . "Here she is in action:
UNHINGED: Squad member Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for targeting GOP officials with “unrest in the streets”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 15, 2020
"So a vote for Democrats is a vote for unrest, riots, looting and all the other things brought to us by the enraged left. 
"Which is exactly what Republicans are seeing as driving voters back for them as President Trump's polling numbers edge upward.
"Here's a June poll from Morning Consult from June, according to Forbes, apparently showing that not only do Americans abhor riots, most want the Army called in to take care of it:
Some 58% of registered voters polled by Morning Consult support the deployment of the military to aid police responding to protests, with 33% of the 1,624 respondents saying they’d “strongly support” it and only 30% opposing.
"The GOP already is making political hay on the matter, too:"

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