Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Devastating Trump campaign video portrays the dramatic mental decline of Joe Biden over the last few years

I could feel compassion for Joe, and then I recall not only his many gaffes but the extreme disrespect he showed toward Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate. His strange behavior indicated signs of a mental something or other. TD 

Thomas Lifson  "The Democrats are hiding their radical platform and the party’s capitulation to the Sanders-AOC socialists, and instead touting the personality and purported character of Joe Biden as a guarantor of moderation.

It’s a phony appeal, of course, on two counts. One is that the lefty rads are totally in control and they know it.  They just have to keep a low profile and count on the media to hide them and their views.
"But the other count is harder to conceal: Joe Biden’s mental decline is severe.
"The old gaffe-prone Biden was never the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the video below from the Trump campaign put the lie to the contention that his mental wandering off is just “Joe being Joe.” It is barely over a minute long: . . ."

. . . "This video argues against both counts of the Democrats’ fraud. Biden lacks the focus and energy to keep the radicals reined in, even if that were possible). And his character, even if voters accept the fiction that it is sterling (ignoring his corruption in China, Ukraine and elsewhere), now that nobody is home upstairs, it doesn’t matter. " 

Also here: Biden’s mental decline is an issue on the day he’s nominated   . . . "For the first time in American history, we will see a campaign that has, on the Republican side, an incredibly vital man who is dedicated to bringing American back to normal. Meanwhile, on the Democrat side, we will see a man manifestly losing himself to some form of dementia, with the real candidate being his vice-presidential sidekick, a vicious, unprincipled, opportunistic woman who pulled out of the primaries with barely any support from the party faithful and who has a 100% hard-left rating in the Senate putting her to the left of Bernie Sanders.
"The next few months should be interesting and could be scary."

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Leftist brutality: Black Lives Matter, Antifa Crowd Beat Man Unconscious in Portland

National Review

"A crowd of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters in downtown Portland beat a white man unconscious Sunday night after dragging him from his truck, video footage of the incident shows.
"The crowd surrounded the man’s white truck around 10:30 p.m. near where he crashed into a light pole at Southwest Broadway and Taylor Street. At least one individual punched him as he sat inside before he was pulled out of the vehicle.
"The rioters punched the man and forced him to sit in the street as he tried to answer a call from his wife. One man in the crowd wearing a “security” vest delivered a kick to his head from behind that appears to have knocked him out cold and caused his head to bleed after it hit the street.
"The rioters can be heard accusing the man of attempting to run them over in his truck, but video clips on social media appear to show the moments just before the attack, when the man attempted to help a person the crowd had previously robbed and beaten. When the crowd turned on him, he attempted to drive away to escape, but ended up crashing his truck.
" 'He wrecked his car, and he got beat up because he tried to run people over,” said one black-clad man as he escorts a crying woman to the sidewalk.
"Afterwards, the rioters can be seen going through the man’s truck, saying they are making sure it does not contain any “weapons.” Several street medics begin to attend to the injured man." . . .

The agitators were harassing the driver and he tried to leave the area via a pickup truck but crashed down the road, exciting the rioters as they chased after him.
A crowd is gathered around the unconscious victim’s body; some are pouring water on his head. Others can be heard arguing and establishing BLM responsibility for the attack.
Antifa 'SECURITY' Mobs Truck Driver, Kicks Him in the Face, and Leaves Him Bleeding on the Pavement
. . . "Antifa militants are agitating for the abolition of police. These violent incidents might give some inkling as to what comes afterward. What does antifa policing look like? Does this attack on the truck driver represent an antifa-style traffic stop?" . . .

“Stay the f*** down, n****r,” rioters jeer. They tell him to stay down “until the cops come.” The driver, bloodied and sitting on the pavement, asks the mob if he can answer his phone.
. . . "Another video shows the antifa “SECURITY” thug kick the driver in the side of the head, knocking him unconscious. Others jeer, “Knock that f***in racist! F***in loser. F***ing try and run people over?!”
"After the man lies, bleeding and unconscious, on the pavement for some time, the crowd tries to get him out of the street." . . .

A vapid and dishonest case against Trump

Don Surber  "Desperate to stop the re-election of President Donald John Trump, Democrats are throwing at him John Kasich, three pro-abortion RINO women, and the chief of staff of a former Homeland Security secretary. The latter's case is as small as his importance in the Trump administration.
"Miles Taylor. the ex-chief of staff in question, wrote an op-ed column in the Washington Post that was as vapid as it was dishonest.
"He said in a video, "What we saw week in and week out, for me, after two and a half years in that administration, was terrifying. We would go in to try to talk to him about a pressing national security issue -- cyberattack, terrorism threat -- he wasn't interested in those things. To him, they weren't priorities.
" 'Given what I have experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for president and even though I am not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I'm confident that Joe Biden will protect the country and I'm confident that he won't make the same mistakes as this president."
"Given that Taylor went from Homeland Security to a lobbying job at Google, I'd say he has to support Biden or lose his job."
"Red China, which is the biggest threat to homeland security, bought Biden off 6 years ago when it gave coke-addled Hunter Biden a billion bucks "to invest." Biden flew his son to Beijing in air Force Two to pick up the loot.
"As for Taylor's wild charge that President Trump somehow used Homeland Security politically, Taylor now backs the successor to an administration who used the FBI to lie and spy on a political opponent.
"CNN reported that Jared Kushner dismissed Taylor as a nice kid.
"Kushner said, ""It makes a lot of sense to me that he's endorsing Joe Biden because when he was working at the Department of Homeland Security, no wall was built and the border was wide open. That's why the president changed up the team there."
"Ah yes, the wall." . . .

How are things in Democrat-governed California?

Gavin Newsom admits it: Green energy mandates are driving California's blackouts
"As Democrats tout their green new deal at their virtual convention, an ugly picture is emerging from California as to what that looks like:
"According to Deadline Hollywood:
As temperatures broke records across the state, California energy officials announced the first rolling blackouts in the state since 2001 and warned that the state was bracing for what could be the largest power outage it has ever seen, likely on Monday.
"And it was pretty bad, Caracas-bad if you lived in the wrong parts. Yet this is the California that touts itself as "the model" for Democrats' climate action, and what the Democrats holding their convention this week would like to impose on the rest of the states if God forbid, Joe Biden gets elected president.
"Gov. Gavin Newsom, who's in the middle of this, and probably hearing from his Silicon Valley baron allies, is finally admitting the truth about the failure of green energy to deliver actual energy when it's needed, calling on the state to 'sober up.'
"According to Breitbart, which is the only news agency out there not editing these 'inconvenient truths' from their stories:
One reason the state lacked power, officials admitted, was its over-reliance on “renewables” — i.e. wind and solar power.
There was not enough wind to keep turbines going, Newsom said, and cloud cover and nightfall restricted solar power.
“While we’ve had some peak gust winds,” he explained, “wind gust events across the state have been relatively mild.”

California’s Blackouts Display The Results Of Kamala Harris’s Favored Energy Policy

"California’s energy travails come at an embarrassing time for the Democratic national presidential ticket of former Vice President Joe Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris."

How will the greenies explain away California?  . . . "While 2020 has been a difficult year, it’s had one major virtue: It has revealed to anyone paying attention [to] what America will look like if we trade Donald Trump in for the Democrat package. Within a very short time, [America] will be a violent, racist, broken third world country. And if you don’t believe me, look at every blue city and state in America in 2020. That’s your future under the Democrats"

Much more st the Tunnel Wall

The 2020 Democrat infomercial

Ian Macfarlane
Democrats’ virtual convention was embarrassingly bad television  "The political party that has a near-lock on donations and endorsements from the entertainment industry could not muster a tolerable video feed to take advantage of the 2 hours of free television coverage available to them last night.  The series of pre-recorded video presentations offered as a substitute for an actual Democrat political convention was so tedious that even one of the runners-up in the Democrats’ contest panned it in a tweet." . . .

Mollie Hemingway ‘will pay cash money’ for someone to do something exciting at the Democratic Convention Monday night

Michelle Obama’s Gaslighting Speech Took Some Nerve, Attacking Trump With a Hot Mess of ‘Going Low’    What's "gaslighting", you ask?:  

Michelle Obama Offers Gloomy Convention Speech: ‘You Know I Hate Politics’
. . . "Obama pointedly noted that she loved her country “with all my heart,” but she said that Americans continue to struggle with injustice, racism, and pain. " . . . That was now; 
This was then:

President Trump blasted former first lady Michelle Obama after she delivered a scathing criticism of him at the Democratic National Convention.
John Kasich Gushes Over Joe Biden in 2020 DNC Speech — Accused Him of Lying in 2012 RNC Address  "John Kasich couldn’t say enough nice things about Joe Biden during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention, but in 2012, Kasich accused him of being a liar.
"During the Republican National Convention in support of Mitt Romney, then-Ohio Gov. Kasich said, “But Joe Biden told me he was a good golfer. And I’ve played golf with Joe Biden. I can tell you that’s not true, as well as all the other things that he says.” . . .
By the way, were you aware Kasich's father was a mailman?

At DNC, John Kasich Voices Faith In Biden’s Independence Before Sanders Affirms Biden As A Vehicle For The Revolution   " . . .They fear Joe may turn sharp left and leave them behind. I don’t believe that,” Kasich said. “He’s reasonable, faithful, respectful, and you know, no one pushes Joe around.”

"Just moments later, former presidential rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose team strong-armed Biden into endorsing a litany of hard-left proposals in the “Unity Task Forces” agreement earlier this summer, reaffirmed to voters of Biden’s commitment to pursuing what Sanders celebrated as ideas once considered “radical” have gone mainstream." . . .
Here’s Where The Biden-Harris Ticket Stands On Taxpayer Funded Abortions, Religious Freedom   "Joe Biden promises to protect religious freedom in the United States, but both he and Kamala Harris have advocated for policies that are contrary to the religious convictions of many Americans.
“ 'We all have a right to practice our faith openly, or to practice no faith at all—a right that is being degraded under the Trump Administration’s watch,” Biden’s plan for “Safeguarding America’s Faith Based Communities” says. 
"Both Biden and Harris support tax payer funded abortions and pushed for Catholic nuns to pay for birth control against their religious beliefs. " . . .

Kamala Harris Lies Repeatedly in First Speech as Biden’s Running Mate  . . . "Just look where [Trump and Mike Pence] have gotten us. . . . Millions of kids who cannot go back to school,” Harris said.
"Wrong. It is not Donald Trump’s decision whether kids go back to school, because the federal government does not run schools, but he has urged the schools to reopen. The primary reason kids cannot go back to school is opposition from teachers’ unions. The second-largest teachers’ union is threatening to strike if schools reopen. " . . .

GOP candidate Kimberly Klacik believes she can flip Elijah Cummings' Baltimore district

Fox News  . . . Klacik explained that the district has voted Democrat since 1953 and facing incumbent Kweisi Mfume, who held the seat before Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., will be a challenge.
"Mfume won the Democratic primary for Maryland’s 7th Congressional District on Tuesday in the race to finish the rest of the late Rep. Elijah Cummings' term in Congress." . . .

Republican Kim Klacik Exposes The Poor Conditions For Blacks In Baltimore Under Democrat Control

Monday, August 17, 2020

Online Trolls Mock President over Death of Brother, Robert Trump


"Online trolls lost no time in mocking President Donald Trump in response to news that his younger brother, Robert Trump, died Saturday.
“ 'He was not just my brother, he was my best friend,” Trump said in a statement. “He will be greatly missed, but we will meet again.”
“ 'Almost immediately after, tweets calling for the president’s death were posted using the hashtag #wrongtrump, which quickly became the number four trending topic on the website,” the U.S. Sun reported.
“Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump,” Twitter user @TalbertSwan wrote.
"The president visited his brother Robert at the hospital on Friday afternoon in New York City before returning to his club at Bedminster, New Jersey, but Swan claimed Trump just wanted to spend his time “golfing and tweeting.” . . .
If so, I regret that Mr. Trump did that; just as I resented this:
Mr Obama now admits decision to go golfing minutes after commiserating with the nation over the beheading of US journalist James Foley looked bad, but offers no apology.  Hard to "hold back tears", was it?
The 'optics', which included front page pictures of Mr Obama smiling and relaxing in a golf buggy at a course on Martha's Vineyard where he was on holiday, were met with a barrage of unfavourable news headlines and scornful commentary from both Republicans and Democrats.
CNN’s Kayleigh McEnany Apologizes for False Obama Slam...back in 2017  Well, she was a CNN employee at the time, so no problem.

Why We Can’t Trust Postal Workers With Our Ballots

The American Spectator
     The two largest postal worker unions have endorsed Joe Biden for President.

"If you are queasy about entrusting the U.S. Postal Service with a vastly expanded role in our electoral system in the midst of a crucial election, the following news will exacerbate your nausea. Last Friday, the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) followed the lead of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) by endorsing presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Thus far, most objections to increasing the role of the USPS in the election process involve the inevitable logistical problems that will accompany a precipitous expansion of mail-in voting. The addition of overt partisanship among postal workers to inefficiency renders it obvious that the widespread expansion of vote-by-mail is dangerous.
"On behalf of nearly 300,000 active and retired letter carriers, we are proud to endorse Vice President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to lead this country as president and vice president.… The Executive Council’s decision to endorse the Biden/Harris ticket was based on the input of our membership through polling, surveys, responses to our candidate questionnaire.… The decision is also partly informed by what we have seen from the current administration with regard to the Postal Service.
"Even if we assume that most postal workers are nonpartisan, there is enormous potential for chaos associated with a wholesale increase in absentee voting. The leadership of the USPS has already warned most states that millions may be disfranchised by late delivery of ballots. The Washington Post reports, “The U.S. Postal Service recently sent detailed letters to 46 states and D.C. warning that it cannot guarantee that all ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted.” As alarming as such warnings are, they aren’t as perilous as a politicized postal service. Trump voters simply can’t trust their ballots to mail carriers represented by unions that endorse his opponent:" . . .

Ayanna Pressley writes the GOP's ads for them: Vote Dem for more unrest

Now we have this squad leftist, admitting and advocating exactly what conservatives say they're advocating. Up until now, they have tried to dissociate themselves from it, calling the rioters outliers or else saying the rioters don't exist. Joe Biden claims he's against riots and looting but has yet to condemn these so-called "peaceful protestors."
Tony Branco
Monica Showalter  . . . "Here she is in action:
UNHINGED: Squad member Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for targeting GOP officials with “unrest in the streets”
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) August 15, 2020
"So a vote for Democrats is a vote for unrest, riots, looting and all the other things brought to us by the enraged left. 
"Which is exactly what Republicans are seeing as driving voters back for them as President Trump's polling numbers edge upward.
"Here's a June poll from Morning Consult from June, according to Forbes, apparently showing that not only do Americans abhor riots, most want the Army called in to take care of it:
Some 58% of registered voters polled by Morning Consult support the deployment of the military to aid police responding to protests, with 33% of the 1,624 respondents saying they’d “strongly support” it and only 30% opposing.
"The GOP already is making political hay on the matter, too:"

Media Lie When They Try To Sell Kamala Harris As A ‘Moderate’

Issues & Insights  "Joe Biden won his nomination by taking the primary votes of rank-and-file Democrats wrongly convinced he was a “moderate” among the motley assemblage of socialists, so-called progressives and hard-left remnants from the ’60s and ’70s he ran against. Biden isn’t a moderate. The media only said he was. Now the media are trying the same trick with Kamala Harris. Don’t believe the lie.
"The press is already in full dissembling mode regarding where Harris sits on the political spectrum.
"The Washington Post took the cake for chutzpah, tweeting its opinion that “Harris is a small-c conservative, party-friendly pick — which makes her just right for Biden.”
"The New York Times, no slouch itself in the leftist department, dubbed Harris a “pragmatic moderate.”
"Meanwhile, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos claimed the California senator “comes from the middle-of-the-road, moderate wing of the Democratic Party.”
"Meanwhile, both the Los Angeles Times and Associated Press used the more wishy-washy term “centrist” to describe Harris’ ideological turn.
"These are not mere differences of opinion or analysis of where Harris stands on the issues, and the writers know that. No, they are flat-out lies by journalists who have abandoned all pretense of objectivity, fairness or factuality.
"We’ve talked about her left-wing proclivities both here and here. Don’t take our word for it. "Here’s what former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau had to say about Harris’ supposed moderation:
“It was hilarious to me that she’s being called, in all this coverage, a ‘moderate,’ like Joe Biden has found a fellow moderate or centrist,” he said. “She supports something extremely close to ‘Medicare for All,’ which Bernie Sanders acknowledged in his statement supporting her. She’s for the Green New Deal. She has one of the most liberal records in the U.S. Senate.”
"Say what you will about Favreau, but he’s dead on in his description. Americans shouldn’t be deceived." . . .

A Vote For Biden Puts Far-Left Kamala Harris In Line To Be President — Scared Yet?
Picking Harris was no surprise. The Democratic hard left, which today governs the party, likes to shove people in boxes. No one’s ever a mere human being, but a race, a gender, a religion, a political category. As such, Harris checked three big boxes for the Democrats: Woman, check. African-American, check. Far-left progressive, check.

KA ma-la; Ka MA la, Ka-ma-LAH, we hardly knew ya.

Rich Terrell
Now, criticizing Kamala . . . Harris has been officially declared racist and cisgender and sexist, as well as sexist, cisgender, and racist, by The New York Times, all of pinko Twitter, and the Fredocons, so we better not criticize her. Got that? No criticism. You must just sit back and let the tsunami of excitement created by the nomination of this avaricious grasper wash over you.  Kurt Schlichter
THIS Is Why Trump HATES Kamala Harris  "Pres. Trump just called Sen. Kamala Harris "extraordinarily nasty" for her grilling of Brett Kavanaugh -- when she pressed Kavanaugh on whether he had ever discussed the Mueller investigation with Trump's lawyer."

She seems to believe that by repeating the word "debate" over and over, it negates everything she attacked Biden about. So was she lying then, or is she lying now?
. . . "Sounds like what she’s saying is that her ripping him to shreds in that first debate was just words, meaningless. Like her claiming she believed Biden’s accusers last year but seemingly forgetting that this year, this is another example of Harris being willing to say anything if it sounds good enough to get her ahead politically." . . .

Does Kamala Harris Excite Absolutely Anyone at All?  . . . "The Trump campaign, then, can focus on depressing the Democratic enthusiasm by continuing their assault on Biden’s decades of unproductive work in Washington D.C. and Kamala Harris’ past and her lack of consistency. These are the angles that the Trump team should take (assuming the President can stay on message, which seems to be a continuing problem for him), and it is very likely that a lot of the more progressive voters could be so depressed by the election that they simply stay home." . . .

Democratic State House Candidate Suggests Minnesota Suburb Be Burned Down: ‘I Didn’t Come Here To Be Peaceful’

Weasel Zippers
The guy yelling and cursing at neighborhood children and neighbors of police union leader Bob Kroll is John Thompson, a Dem candidate for the MN House of Representatives. He has been endorsed by Rep. Ilhan Omar, MN Gov. Tim Walz, and MN AG Keith Ellison.
Video here