These are people who want to rule over us through the like of Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, and torch-bearing street mobs dressed in black. Want protection from authorities? They'll be the ones screaming outside your house at any hour of the day, threatening to burn it down because you voted against them. TD
Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist "Supporters of Joe Biden were caught on video bullying a seven-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump just outside the Democrat National Convention on Thursday night. “We’ll knock you the f*ck out!” the Biden supporters screamed at the little boy as they took away his MAGA hat. Well, those two leftists were quickly made to regret it. You’ll love this." . . .
Rebecca Diserio, Opinion Columnist "Supporters of Joe Biden were caught on video bullying a seven-year-old supporter of President Donald Trump just outside the Democrat National Convention on Thursday night. “We’ll knock you the f*ck out!” the Biden supporters screamed at the little boy as they took away his MAGA hat. Well, those two leftists were quickly made to regret it. You’ll love this." . . .
"While Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden was telling Americans that the president is the cause of all the darkness in this country, just outside two of his supporters were attacking a little 7-year-old named Riley.
"That was the basis of Biden’s speech on Thursday, we are good and supporters of President Donald Trump are evil.
The two women not yet identified got a glimpse of Riley and his parents at a restaurant near the DNC convention. Riley’s mom Abbey released a statement of the attack:
“I was with my 7-year-old son across the street from Joe Biden’s DNC Convention speech in Wilmington, Delaware,” she said. “We were waiting for a table at a restaurant to eat dinner. We had just left a peaceful protest against Joe Biden. I was holding a pro-Trump sign. My son was wearing his MAGA hat. We were standing outside peacefully minding our own business waiting for our table.”
“Suddenly, two Joe Biden supporters began to yell political epithets at my child,” she added. “They ripped the sign from my arms and assaulted my 7-year-old son. The Joe Biden supporters laid hands on my child and ripped his ‘Make America Great Again’ hat from his head while cursing at him and pushing him over.” . . .
Andrea Widberg; Moments ago Riley got a call from the White House... . . . "The obvious takeaway is that too many Democrats are hate-filled, violent, racist, and have no boundaries – and Trump is a kind man.
"But there’s also that metamessage, about which I’ve written before: In the war that the Democrats are waging against normal people in America, women are in the front lines.
"That phony sense of victimization turns women in feral animals. Leftism has conditioned them by dividing people into dozens of hostile subclasses. Each group believes that the American pie is not just finite but shrinking. Group members conclude, therefore, that it’s only through mortal combat that they will get their “fair” share." Video