Friday, September 4, 2020

Blow Dryer Rebellion: Angry beauty parlor–owners hang blow dryers, curling irons from tree near Nancy Pelosi's home

After all, the rules that keep salons shut are not observed by the elites.  Just little people have to play by those oppressive rules. 
Monica Showalter  "How do you know a movement has caught fire?
"When the symbols start appearing.  Everyday symbols, placed preposterously, mockingly, giving a scandal a name and associating it with the tangible, the popular.  It's very effectively used in Latin America, where housewives in Chile started the practice, banging on pots and pans to protest the communist Allende-Castro puppet regime's signature socialist food shortages.  Coat hangers for abortion supporters, underwear for Clinton protesters — when it happens, it's a popular movement that's taken off. 
"And in this case, the instrument is blow dryers and curling irons, and the target is House speaker Nancy Pelosi, who turned up at an expensive San Francisco hair salon to get her hair done, not even wearing a mask, while everyone else had to stay home, and every salon had to legally remain shut, ostensibly out of fear of COVID, an old crisis that has since peaked.  The unused blow dryers are now turning up in trees, as loony decorations, a tangible symbol to show that the public is outraged.  And that's one heck of a memorable protest." . . . 

Gov. Kristi Noem Extends Offer to Salon Owner Smeared by Pelosi   . . . "Asked by Carlson if she thinks she'll stay in San Francisco, where she's been for 12 years, Kious said she doubts it. And it pains her because she thought this was her community. But ever since the Pelosi controversy, her Yelp page has been inundated with bad reviews, and she's received hateful threats, including one that warned her they'd burn her salon down. 
"Gov. Kristi Noem, who watched Kious's interview, took sympathy on her situation and said that South Dakota would welcome her with open arms." . . .

You knew this was coming, didn't you?  San Fran Mayor Blames ‘Dictator’ Trump For Pelosi’s Salon Fiasco….   Video

CNN’s Brian Stelter Gets BRUTALLY ROASTED By CSPAN Callers Over Network’s Biased News Coverage

"CNN's Brian Stelter went on CSPAN yesterday had no choice but to sit there in silence as almost all of the callers ROASTED him. WATCH Press Sec. embarrass reporter for ignoring the riots: . . ."

Don't mess with Queen Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi is just too important to obey the rules  . . . Yes, Nancy, regular people must wear masks at a salon these days — if they can find one open.
"What a slap in the face to Americans across the country out of work because of lockdown rules.
"As Kious told Fox News, “If she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down?”
"Clearly because Nancy Pelosi is too important to be bothered." . . .

Tony Branco

Salon owner Erica Kious fights back tears as she denies setting up Nancy Pelosi . . . “ 'Of course, since I had no contact with Mrs. Pelosi or her team for any of this and Jonathan is the only one they communicated with, if there was a setup, it only could have been Jonathan who orchestrated it,” Kious continued.
" 'In fact, not only did I not set her up, her assertion that she is a victim and set up is totally false and outrageous,” she added." . . .
Millionaire Pelosi is out to destroy the struggling salon owner who exposed her hypocrisy  . . . "Pelosi is now speaker of the House. She lives in the wealthiest neighborhood in the nation and has an estimated net worth of $114 million.
"So, it would be disgusting enough to see her attack and attempt to destroy a struggling single mother's business, even if the economy were booming. But Pelosi is now doing just that amid a global pandemic and endless rioting that have destroyed more than 10 million jobs and countless businesses." . . .
. . . "Pelosi didn't just claim that salon owner Erica Kious, a single mother whose business has struggled under California's draconian lockdown, deliberately set her up, an implausible claim, since it's unclear how Kious could have made Pelosi not wear a mask. Now, Pelosi's daughter, Christine, has released a letter from a lawyer representing the independent stylist who gave Pelosi the blowout at Kious's facility, charging Kious with "furthering a set-up of Speaker Pelosi" by authorizing the appointment and then releasing the footage." . . .

Suspect in deadly shooting of right-wing activist in Portland killed by officers in Lacey

KOMO News Staff and Associated Press   . . . "His encounter with federal agents came shortly after Reinoehl gave an interview to VICE News in which he appeared to acknowledge having killed Aaron J. Danielson, 38, on Saturday. In the interview, Reinoehl said he "had no choice" but to do what he did because he thought he and his friend were about to be stabbed." . . .

. . . "The fatal shooting comes less than a week after Aaron “Jay” Danielson died from a gunshot wound to the chest Saturday near Southwest 3rd Avenue and Alder Street in Portland, Oregon as a large group of protesters and counter-protesters were moving throughout the area.
"Officers arrived on-scene to find Danielson with a gunshot wound to the chest but he was later pronounced dead.
"Police said the shooting happened shortly after a caravan of President Donald Trump supporters was reportedly leaving the city.
"Earlier in the evening, a pro-Trump rally gathered at the Clackamas Town Center and held a procession through downtown Portland. The group was met by counter-protesters supporting Black lives." . . .

Daily Wire: Authorities Kill Far-Left Extremist Accused Of Murdering Trump Supporter In Portland, Report Says  . . . "Federalist co-founder Sean Davis also slammed The New York Times’ reporting, writing: “This NYT hagiography of a cold-blooded murderer is so obscene and divorced from reality that I’m surprised they didn’t refer to him as an Austere Protest Scholar.' ”

Portland Police rush out to clear #antifa rioters at the Kelly Penumbra police building
. . . "The streets of Portland were relatively quiet last night, Insanity Wrap is happy to report. The usual gangs of anarcho-communists, professional race grievance rioters, and the like were still out in force, but the mood was more subdued. 
"What Insanity Wrap is unhappy to report is the reason.
"Portland’s antifa/BLM thugs were, apparently, mourning the loss of one of their own: suspected murderer and would-be antifa revolutionary Michael Reinoehl."

Michael Reinoehl was killed by a federally led fugitive task force in Lacey, Wash., on Thursday. He was being investigated in a fatal shooting at a Portland protest.  . .  Jashon Spencer, who also lives not far away, also heard the gunshots. “I just heard a whole bunch of pops,” Mr. Spencer said. “I ducked. I thought they were shooting in my yard.”
"He said that he went out and saw a bloodied man in the street, and a video he took showed a law enforcement officer attempting CPR." . . .

Just like rats in a plague, Dems feed on America's misery

Image by Marcus Aurelius
Just like rats in a plague, Dems feed on America's misery . . . "In other words, this is the perfect time for Washington Democrats to pillage for their own personal political profit.
"Mr. Trump, they say, was slow to address the pandemic. This, from the very vermin who paralyzed the federal government for the first two months of the pandemic in order to pursue a fraudulent impeachment trial against Mr. Trump." . . .

One intelligence analysis offers some hope for November   . . . "Trump ought to be a shoo-in for the election, but the Democrats weaponized the Wuhan virus to destroy the economy, piggybacked on an ex-felon's death from an overdose or heart attack to stoke violent racial unrest and anarchy, and are promising massive election fraud.  But fear not: a former analyst for the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency offers some hope.  I'll share some of what he said with you, and I urge you to read his entire article." . . . 

Joe Biden: The audacity of dope  . . . "For a week during the Democratic convention, Mr. Biden and his party were silent about the flames and violence ravaging neighborhoods across the country. They mocked anyone who reported on the fiery mayhem out of Portland or Kenosha or D.C.
"They thought the bloodshed was so funny they found corners of these cities where rioting and looting were NOT happening and posted pictures as some kind of twisted evidence that the violence was not happening in other parts of the city." , , ,

Thursday, September 3, 2020

BLM eats their own, shows up at the mayor’s house after midnight

Independent Sentinel   "The terrorists of Black Lives Matter showed up at Mayor Muriel Bowser’s house last night after midnight. Muriel’s the mayor who wants to get rid of the Washington Monument or name it something else. She’s on BLM’s side and has Black Lives Matter graffiti on her streets, renamed a street after them, and constantly caters to them.
"They couldn’t get into Bower’s house so they banged on neighbor’s doors.
"After encouraging this type of behavior for months, she [condemned] the BLM for harassing diners. That might have agitated them, but they are eating their own." . . .

Tony Branco

Rantz: Seattle Antifa hid weapons cache inside tents at occupied park

Aren't these the kind of people Antifa should be hating?


"Criminal Antifa activists and other Seattle agitators hid deadly weapons inside tents at a park they were occupying across the street from the East Precinct on Capitol Hill.
"The activists purportedly occupied portions of Cal Anderson Park to help provide resources for homeless residents.
"But during a sweep Monday morning, Seattle police found scores of weapons, including a machete, hatchet, homemade spike strips, an unexploded mortar, and well over a dozen makeshift shields.
"Cal Anderson Park has become a staging ground for Antifa and other agitators for their near-nightly assaults on the East Precinct in Capitol Hill. And while there was some low-level outreach by activists for the homeless, criminal Antifa and other agitators were actually using the space to help store weapons they could have used to hurt or kill police officers.
"Dozens of black bloc criminal activists routinely stage attacks on the precinct, last week using quick-dry cement to seal closed a door while setting the building on fire.
"On Monday night, a mob gathered around the newly-fortified police station to lob items at the building, including a Molotov Cocktail. Luckily, no one was hurt." .  .  .

Bill Barr Has A Good Laugh When Wolf Blitzer Tells Him CNN Is ‘Fair And Balanced’

Weasel Zippers   "AG Bill Barr to CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "The media should be fair and balanced no matter who the president is. Doesn't give the media a license to lie the way a lot of the media is."
"Blitzer: "I can speak for us, we are fair and balanced."
"Barr, laughing: "Ok..."
"Then, right after the interview ended they did exactly that. Tore apart everything Barr said with their misinterpretation of the truth."  "Fair and balanced is obviously the motto of Fox News, also-ran CNN’s rival for viewership.
"Despite what Blitzer is claiming, anyone who tunes in can immediately recognize CNN’s 24-7 vendetta against the president, who has accordingly and repeatedly called out the network for fake news.
"During the same interview, Barr also educated Blitzer about the fraud inherent in universal mail-in voting." . . .

Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Releases Letter From Law Firm Attacking Owner Of Salon That Pelosi Visited: ‘Setup’

Daily Wire  "Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), released a letter from a law firm on Wednesday afternoon that attacked the owner of the salon that Pelosi recently visited in apparent violation of coronavirus lockdown rules.
"The letter from attorney Matthew Soleimanpour was on behalf of Jonathan De Nardo, a California Certified Cosmetologist based out of San Francisco, California.

"The letter stated:
"The letter comes after an interview that Kious had on Fox News earlier in the evening where she completely dismissed the notion that this was any kind of a setup.
“ 'She had called the stylist, or her assistant did, and made the appointment, so the appointment was already booked, so there was no way I could’ve set that up,” Kious said. “And I’ve had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, I didn’t go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in to set her up. So that’s absolutely false.' ”

Left; Earl of Taint

Pelosi and her hair

Pelosi's malignantly narcissistic response to being caught at the salon  . . . "For Democrats, as for all malignant narcissists, they can always throw the first punch with impunity; it's only the counterpunch that is a mortal sin.  In their own minds, they are always the victims of setups or of people evil or naïve enough to respond to Democrat insults, defamation, violence, or chicanery.
"If you want to understand the dynamics of Nancy Pelosi's defamatory non-apology, a little history is in order.  First, Pelosi is fabulously wealthy, with Pelosi and her husband having a combined net worth estimated, at minimum, to be around $97 million.  She lives in a home with a $24,000 refrigerator that holds $14 pints of ice cream.  Second, Pelosi is 80 years old, which means she is in the high-risk category for the Wuhan virus." . . .

Pelosi's stylist claims hair appointment WAS a 'political' set up - but the salon owner denies tricking speaker and says her business is 'done' because of 'hypocrite' Democrat's demand for apology   "Nancy Pelosi's stylist has defended the House Speaker, suggesting the salon owner had deliberately set her up and had authorized the controversial hair appointment.
"Jonathan DeNardo, the San Francisco cosmetologist who did Nancy Pelosi's hair before the city allowed salons to operate indoors, released a statement through his lawyer on Wednesday.
"The hair stylist appeared to support Pelosi's accusation that she was 'set up' by the salon. " . . .

Biden might want to skip his meeting with Jacob Blake’s family

Andrea Widburg  

"The Democrats have a nasty habit of choosing as martyrs some highly unpleasant people. Trayvon Martin was a wannabe gangbanger, Michael Brown was a strong-arm robber who attacked a police officer, George Floyd was an ex-felon with a violent past who died from an overdose of illegal drugs, and there was a warrant out for Jacob Blake because he violated a restraining order imposed following a particular ugly alleged sexual assault.
"Now it emerges that Jacob Blake, Sr., the man who raised such a violent son, has some ugly ideas about Jews. This is going to be a problem for Joe Biden who has finally decided to visit Kenosha, the place where Jacob Blake got shot and where Antifa and Black Lives Matter tried to burn an American town to the ground." . . .
"Here are screengrabs from Blake Sr.’s publicly viewable timeline. These are statements and posters we associate with people who are anti-Semitic. Every last one shows a man who is obsessed with and feels ill-used by Jews. They also bear no relationship to reality. After all, no rational person claims that Hitler is a Jew who killed Europeans. Blake Sr. is someone who has drunk too deep from the well of Louis Farrakhan's open and unembarrassed anti-Semitism:"
Some FB posts by Jacob Blake, the guy
is planning to meet with. He’s a vicious antisemite. If the investigation finds that his son’s shooting was unjustified those responsible should be held accountable, but there is no excuse for Biden to meet with a Jew hater.

With Joe in charge of the nation, who's in charge of Joe?
Joe Biden’s disastrous plans for America’s suburbs  "The ex-veep wants to ramp up an Obama-era social engineering scheme called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing that mercifully barely got underway before President Trump took office, vowing to stop it.
"Biden’s plan is to force suburban towns with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to build high-density affordable housing smack in the middle of their leafy neighborhoods — local preferences and local control be damned." . . .

Biden attempt to recast riots as right-wing extremism will run into trouble . . . "Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh shot back: Biden “failed to condemn antifa. He failed to condemn people who called the police a ‘cancer’ or people on his campaign staff who called them ‘pigs.’ He failed to apologize for his campaign staff donating to a fund which bailed violent criminals out of jail in Minneapolis.”
“ 'It will fail,” Republican strategist and former Trump 2016 campaign official Bryan Lanza said of Biden’s tactic. “We all know it’s antifa and BLM.” As the violence has continued in some cities throughout the summer, public approval of Black Lives Matter has dipped and violent crime has reemerged as a top issue in some polls." . . .
Speaking from the South Lawn of the White House, Trump, 74, said that no one will be safe under a Biden administration.  “ 'In the left's backward view, they do not see America as the most free, just, and exceptional nation on earth. Instead, they see a wicked nation that must be punished for its sins. Our opponents say that redemption for you can only come from giving power to them. This is a tired anthem spoken by every repressive movement throughout history,” he said." . . .
Joe Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control
“I want to make something clear, I’m going to guarantee you this is not the last you’ve seen of him,” Biden said Monday evening during a campaign rally in Dallas. “You’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re going to be the one who leads this effort.”
In the Richardson, TX area I saw many flags on homes honoring our police, including blue ribbons on the property; I also saw many homes with "Beto" signs. I cannot recall finding one single home with a Beto sign and signs of police-support. TD

Picture yourself listening to President Biden speaking from the Oval Office. 
Joe Biden Given Script Note Answers to Questions in TV Interview, Reads the “Topline Message” Part of the Talking Points Given by His Handlers
Remember Ted Baxter on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show?