Saturday, October 10, 2020

Lancaster mayor wanted police chief out because of wife's pro-Trump Facebook post: FOP tells us what happened:

"Lancaster’s police chief was forced to retire because his wife posted positive comments about President Trump on Facebook, according to the past president of the local Fraternal Order of Police.

"Mayor Danene Sorace announced Jarrad Berkihiser’s retirement on Friday, Oct. 2, during a three-and-a-half-minute news conference at which she did not answer questions and which Berkihiser did not attend. 

"It was retire or be fired, John Fiorill, the FOP’s immediate past president said Friday.

"Fiorill said his account of Berkihiser’s retirement is based on a call Berkihiser made to the FOP lodge seeking labor advice after Sorace demanded his resignation. Since Berkihiser had not reached an agreement with the city at the time of that call, Fiorill said he believes he can share the information with the media.

“The irony of this whole thing is, he didn’t make that statement,” Fiorill said. “He knows better than to get involved in politics. It was his wife. Where does the mayor have the audacity to request his resignation based on what his wife said? He had nothing to do with it.”

"In the since-deleted Sept. 27 Facebook posts, Kristy Berkhiser responded to comments made by a friend who had volunteered at the Trump campaign rally at Harrisburg International Airport the day before.

"The friend said Trump “spoke so much of law enforcement officers and his respect and thankfulness for them! ' ”

This is the Mayor's explanation: A message from Mayor Sorace about Police Chief Jarrad Berkihiser’s Retirement  "I want to thank Chief Berkihiser for his more than two decades of service to our city. He joined the Lancaster City Bureau of Police in May of 1994 as a patrolman and has worked through the ranks of sergeant, lieutenant, patrol captain, and chief. He has served not only our city but our country." . . .

Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris' Disastrous Debate Performance

The same way The Atlantic story about Trump denigrating our war dead is fake news. No one went on the record. No one. And that story died as well.

Townhall  "Well, he’ll probably piss off the Left again, but that’s what he's done so well over the past three or so years. Liberal reporter Michael Tracey absolutely ripped into Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her debate performance Wednesday night. Tracey is no fan of Harris and said that she was an “awful” VP pick from the get-go. So are we shocked her debate performance was equally disastrous? It was a train wreck. 

"Harris came off unprepared on a host of issues, avoided the court-packing question, and seemed incapable of delivering a solid blow against Vice President Mike Pence, who was prepared and lethal. Vice President Pence did well mounting a defense of the Trump-Pence record, whereas Harris couldn’t land any of the zingers Pence quietly doled out like an assassin. COVID was the highwater mark for Harris. She came off strong, but even that was torched when she peddled an anti-vaccine line regarding the coronavirus. These debates are about who we can trust should any situation arise when the president cannot perform their duties. Pence passed that test. Harris, not so much; you have to be more than just a machine that peddles talking points from MSNBC. That bubble landed her in trouble as there were a couple of points where she literally had nothing to say." . . .

Undecided Voters Viewed Kamala Harris as ‘Abrasive’ and ‘Condescending’ During Vice Presidential Debate

“Voters do not like it when candidates run long, and when they run long every time, they think that’s an example of being undisciplined and unfocused,” he acknowledged. “However, they were more agitated with Kamala’s presentation than they were with Mike Pence.”Luntz concluded that “Mike Pence was the winner of tonight’s confrontation.” 

What Our Children Learn In School

Power Line Blog   "Our public schools are run, for the most part, by liberal administrators, and teachers are drawn, usually, from the lowest quadrant of academic ability among college graduates. There are exceptions, of course, but the overall level of instruction in the public schools is abysmal. And that isn’t the worst of it: teachers who are marginally able, at best, to teach the subjects for which they are nominally responsible often devote themselves to political indoctrination instead.

"Most such forays into left-wing mythology go unreported, but occasionally an enterprising kid turns on his phone and records a teacher’s rant. That happened a few weeks ago in a 9th grade Geography class in a suburban Twin Cities high school:Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.

"The teacher’s ignorance is cosmic: 1) There is no “Speaker of the Senate.” 2) McConnell didn’t say there wasn’t enough time to confirm Merrick Garland. 3) The idea that “life in America is gonna change radically” if there is a conservative majority on the Supreme Court is a fantasy. 4) “This is an opinion of the court”? Sheer incoherence. 5) “Conservatives believe that corporations should be considered humans and should have rights.” Stupid beyond belief. No one has ever said that a corporation is a human, nor has anyone ever denied that corporations have rights. This is why, for example, President Trump can’t shut down CNN and the New York Times. Tempting though it may be.

"In this particular case, the kid’s parents are fighting back and taking the teacher’s incompetent and inappropriate conduct to the local school board. But this kind of thing goes on every day, in thousands of classrooms across the country. Almost never are there consequences.

"A colleague of mine had an idea that I think has merit. She thinks that if parents knew this kind of political indoctrination is going on, teachers would stop, or at least scale back. Thus, every classroom should be streamed online, and parents of kids in every class should be given access to the stream. At any moment, a parent could check in and see exactly what is going on in his son’s or daughter’s classroom. This is much like the manner in which parents use cameras in their homes to keep tabs on what babysitters are up to. Given the quality of instruction in our public schools, the analogy is almost perfect."

Pro-Trump pundit goes off on Fox News for perceived shift: ‘I think they are enablers of the left

“It’s becoming increasingly clear to people, every single day, that it has just gone so far away from its purpose,” Kassam concluded, adding that Fox News executives have allegedly donated millions to the Joe Biden presidential campaign.

BPR  Pro-Trump pundit Raheem Kassam blasted Fox News for, in his opinion, distinctly moving left in its programming during an interview with Trump campaign adviser and former Bernie Sanders backer Harlan Hill on The National Pulse TV show.

"Fox News had just essentially banned Hill from the network for tweeting about Kamala Harris’ VP debate performance, stating that she “comes off as such an insufferable lying b***h.”

"While Hill was conciliatory about Fox News because “at the end of the day, they are the biggest bulwark against the leftist media that we have,” Kassam strongly rejected the premise based on the way the channel is trending. “I don’t think Fox News is a bulwark against the left at all, I think they are enablers of the left,” he declared.

"Trump supporter Kassam then gave a litany of folks he claims are no longer welcome on Fox News such as Ann Coulter, Trish Regan, and others. In an apparent reference toTucker Carlson Tonight, The National Pulse website editor in chief observed that “we get an hour of conservative programming, maybe two, if you include Laura [Ingraham]. I’m not interested in what Sean Hannity has to say anymore, because Sean Hannity says the same thing every day.” . . .

"He pointed out that Fox runs paid ads for the Never Trump Lincoln Project and constantly gives a megaphone to Never Trumpers. He also alluded to liberal contributors like Donna Brazile, who reportedly gave Hillary Clinton debate questions in advance in the 2016 election cycle. Kassam also recalled how Fox News’ Outnumbered cut off Newt Gingrich for trying to call attention to how left-wing billionaire George Soros is interfering with American politics. “What is this bulwark against the left? It’s gone. Let it go.”

"Apparently referring to conservative audiences, Kassam added that “Drudge doesn’t like you anymore, and Fox doesn’t like you anymore. Embrace the suck.' ” . . .

Separately, Fox News viewers have probably noticed the relatively new strident, anti-Trump tone of America’s Newsroom anchor Sandra Smith, as one example of how the network seems to be “evolving.”

Delaware suspect in Whitmer plot was pardoned last year

"Carney’s pardon came after a December 2018 Board of Pardons hearing at which the attorney general’s office did not object to Croft’s request for a pardon. The board’s recommendation for a pardon was based on the lack of opposition from the state “and the need for a pardon for employment purposes.' ”

RANDALL CHASE ,Associated Press  "DOVER, Del. (AP) — The Delaware man charged in federal court with conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has a long criminal history and was pardoned just last year by Delaware’s governor for crimes dating to 1994, according to state records.

"Barry G. Croft Jr., 44, was taken into custody this week after being arrested by the FBI in Swedesboro, New Jersey. Croft made an initial appearance before a federal magistrate in Wilmington on Thursday.

"Croft was being held Friday at a state prison in Wilmington. A hearing on his continued detention and removal to Michigan is scheduled for Tuesday.

"Five other men, all from Michigan, were charged in the alleged scheme that involved months of planning and even rehearsals to snatch Whitmer from her vacation home.

"Croft spent nearly three years in prison after being convicted on Dec. 1, 1997, of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. That sentence followed a one-year stint that ended in March 1996.

"In April 2019, one week after Delaware revenue officials filed a state tax lien against Croft for more than $36,700, Democratic Gov. John Carney granted him a pardon for the 1997 gun charge and several other convictions from 1994 to 1996. The crimes involved included assault, burglary, theft and receiving stolen property." . .

Narrative Fail: Turns Out the Folks Behind the Whitmer Plot Aren’t Who Dems and Media Are Painting Them As  . . . "The FBI did a good job taking down the group and it sounded like a serious danger to Whitmer if they did what they are alleged to have done, so it’s good they got them.

"But when Whitmer sounded off about the plot, she immediately tried to falsely link the president and the Proud Boys to the event, neither of which had anything to do with it. According to Whitmer, Trump had sent a “rallying cry” to “action.”

"Of course there were several problems with her assertions. The Proud Boys are a different group, Trump has nothing to do with them and they aren’t “white supremacists.”

"Further, turns out in checking out the folks behind the alleged plot, one of the alleged members, Brandon Caserta, would appear to be an anarchist. Not only that, he’s anti-Trump. Check the flag in the background." . . .

They were charged as members of domestic terror group "Wolverine Watchmen," Nessel said.

. . . "The FBI quoted one of the accused as saying Whitmer "has no checks and balances at all. She has uncontrolled power right now. All good things must come to an end."
"The government used informants and undercover agents to thwart the alleged plot. Federal search warrants were put out in about a dozen cities across Michigan in the process. All suspects were arrested Wednesday night without incident and each faces up to life in prison.
"U.S. attorney Andrew Birge called them "violent extremists.' " . . .

A must-watch Tucker Carlson segment tackles court-packing

Over the years, conservatives have gained seats on the Court playing by the rules.  Leftists will take over the Court by cheating.  That's how it goes. For Trump-supporters, this is one more reason to vote for him.  However, we still have work ahead of us, for we must help the undecideds understand that a vote for Biden and Harris is a vote to undo the Constitution and recreate Venezuela on the Potomac.

Andrea Widburg  "It's likely that many people, when they hear the phrase "packing the Supreme Court," mentally check out because they think it refers to some arcane procedural issue that really doesn't matter.  The truth is that the Democrats' ill concealed plan to pack the Supreme Court is the most critical issue of this election.  If the Democrats succeed with adding new justices to the Supreme Court, they will also have succeeded in doing away with our carefully balanced constitutional government.  Instead, radical leftists will govern American unopposed. 

"On Friday, Tucker Carlson opened his show with a segment about the peculiar fact that Joe Biden, a liar's liar, is not even bothering to lie about packing the Supreme Court.  His bizarre non-answers essentially say the topic is way too important for people to know about before they vote.  Committed leftists understand these words to be a blaring siren forecasting court-packing if Democrats gain control of the White House and Congress.

"Carlson clarifies that a Supreme Court that is made big enough to have an overwhelming and permanent activist majority is simply another legislature.  The only difference is that this is a legislature that the people haven't elected and that has members who serve for life.

"The Founders created a carefully balanced three-part government — an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary — with each branch of the government jealously guarding its powers and acting as a brake on another branch's potential power-grab.  With court-packing, that's out the window.  A Democrat legislature and a politically packed court will be a tag team, with the former passing whatever legislation it wants and the Supreme Court approving it.  The executive will be reduced to a rubber stamp on the legislation.

"And what will this new, all-Democrat, all-the-time government do?  It will... " 

Keep reading if you dare

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Older Voters Turning Away From Trump

How can they not, with the likes of CNN, MSNBC, and TV talk shows tearing him down 24/7? Why on earth would reasonable people choose Biden and Harris over this most effective President?  TD

Newsmax   "Many older Americans have turned away from President Donald Trump this year as the coronavirus ravages the country, eroding an important Republican support base that helped propel him into the White House in 2016, Reuters/Ipsos polling data shows.

"Trump and his Democrat opponent Joe Biden now split American voters aged 55 years and older almost evenly: 47% say they are voting for Biden on Nov. 3, while 46% back Trump, according to Reuters/Ipsos national surveys in September and October.

"That could be an alarming sign for the president, who trails Biden with 25 days to go before the election.                 

"Republicans have relied on the support of older Americans in national elections for years, routinely benefiting from a demographic that consistently shows up in force on Election Day.

"Trump won the 55-plus age group by 13 percentage points in 2016, according to exit polls. Mitt Romney, the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, achieved the same margin.

"Reuters/Ipsos state polls also show Biden outperforming Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee, among older voters in a handful of battleground states, where seniors make up an outsized proportion of the electorate." . . .

Friday, October 9, 2020

Sen Harris Applauds the Mayor of Los Angeles For Defunding the Police; the Soros family Applauds Harris!

Kamala Harris Earns Soros Endorsement 

. . . "On social media sites suggestions were raised that Harris was the VP pick of George Soros and the Democratic Party, and that having California Senator, Harris as a running mate was not Biden’s choice."Harris was elected as U.S. District Attorney of San Francisco in 2003. She was elected as Attorney General in of California 2010 and reelected in 2014. Harris served as Junior U.S. Senator since 2017."Soros also recognized Rep. Ilhan Omar’s win of her primary. Both Alexander Soros and Alexandria Ocasio-Ortez shared Omar’s triumph in her Minnesota win on Twitter." . . .

Saving the Republic   "Kamala Harris said “I applaud Eric Garcetti” for moving to defund the LAPD, diverting funds to social programs, which in reality after you wipe away the sugarcoating, eliminates resources and eventually manpower. Now keep in mind this is California who already has legislation that more or less permits theft up to $950, where an individual MAY get a slap on the wrist. This is also the same state that is already releasing convicted criminals early from jail. The LAPD as well as other jurisdictions who will follow Garcetti’s lead will see an increase in crime… they already are as it is. Oh we should also note the state is doing everything in its power to disarm civilians, so what you have here is the perfect recipe for absolute chaos." . . .

"But chaos is the endgame for democrats. Their long term plan of defunding the police is to in fact leave Americans defenseless and completely dependent on the govt where they will gladly welcome an iron fist (under democrat control) coming down on crime. They will be forced to give up their liberty for some security. And remember what starts in CA spreads like wildfire to the rest of the country, especially when you have radical Leftists in Congress like Harris who applauds defunding = dismantling the police!

Republican men must NEVER speak over leftist women; but on the other hand Democrat reporters....

'I'm speaking': Kamala Harris reins in Mike Pence during VP debate 
"The vice-presidential debate was more courteous than last week’s horror show, during which Donald Trump interrupted Joe Biden 71 times during the first presidential debate, but the events in Salt Lake City still showed two contrasting faces of the US. 'Mr Vice-President, I’m speaking. I’m speaking,' Kamala Harris told Mike Pence, as he again tried to interject as she discussed Donald Trump’s tax plans ."

And because of her feminist rebuke, she sold t-shirts by the bundles.

How's this for irony? A Kamala Harris 

#WalkAway Campaign Founder Brandon Straka Says He ‘Wants To Take This Country Back’

Daily Caller

"Brandon Straka, the founder of the #WalkAway campaign, spoke with the Daily Caller’s Samantha Renck about his Un-Silent Majority March in Washington, D.C., his advice on how the Republican Party can appeal to the LGBT community and more.

"Straka hosted the “Unsilent Majority” march in Washington, D.C. over the weekend. Despite polls showing that President Donald Trump is trailing former Vice President Joe Biden, Straka is staying positive.

“ 'I’m feeling really good especially now that President Trump was diagnosed with coronavirus but then seemed to make this incredibly-speedy and really triumphant recovery,” he said, “which has absolutely triggered the left. I mean — they are spiraling right now.” 

"He added, “I think that he gave a lot of people optimism and hope by doing that. “Meanwhile, Joe Biden is out there messaging ‘be afraid.'”

“ 'The radical left exists because we have allowed them to thrive,” he said, “in our silence and our passivity over here on the right. If we want to take this country back, if we want to fight against radicalism that has infected our entertainment industry, our academia, our media, our social media — nearly every aspect of our culture — we have to be vocal.' ” . . .

Being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than being Osama bin Laden’s niece

 Spectator USA

"Americans are, in my experience, the warmest, most kind-hearted and open-minded people in the world. I have found this to be true for my whole life, despite being the niece of Osama bin Laden and sharing the same last name (albeit spelled slightly differently — bin Ladin is the original translation). Americans base their judgment on the content of someone’s character and actions, not on the color of their skin — or their last name. This was reaffirmed last month, after I voiced my love for America and support for President Trump. The response to ‘My Letter to America’ has been overwhelmingly wonderful, and I am most thankful to all those who took the time to read it and send kind messages, including Spectator readers. But in my private life, I have lost a few so-called friends for backing Donald Trump over the past five years. Coming out publicly was a step too far for some, and the vitriol I received for stating my political beliefs revealed unflattering sides to certain characters. From a sociological standpoint, it is quite interesting that in some elitist circles being pro-Trump has caused me more grief than carrying the name bin Ladin.

Even more striking were the contrasting reactions to President Trump’s COVID diagnosis. Gleeful comments devoid of compassion flooded social media, some even going as far as to wish for his death. Kim Jong-un showed more sympathy than many of the President’s detractors. . . ."

Here We Go: Pelosi Will Re-Unveil 'How to Remove a President Without an Election' Legislation Friday

Rich Terrell/

 PJ Media "Now we know what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s bizarre 25th Amendment comments were really about.

"During her Thursday press conference, Pelosi told media to come on back Friday to hear something regarding the constitutional amendment by which a president may be removed from office. Passed in the wake of President Kennedy’s assassination in 1963, the 25th spells out what may be lawfully done when a sitting president is deemed no longer fit to serve.

Section 4
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

"The 25th Amendment to our august Constitution was never intended to be a partisan cudgel. It was intended to bring order out of chaos for a nation reeling from some tragedy.

"But welcome to 2020, where literally anything can happen, and it usually does! We’ve nearly had World War III, we have had space aliens a couple of times, and we’ve had a deadly virus sweep the world and we’re all supposed to stay mum about where it came from while we stay locked up and watch our economy crash and burn. Well, mainly in the locked-up Democrat states. Red states that have reopened seem to be bringing more jobs back." . . .

Nancy Pelosi’s latest coup-coup nonsense  . . . "The 25th Amendment allows for temporary ouster of a disabled president, but it requires the active participation of a majority of his cabinet — or the Republican Senate’s assent to setting up some other body to rule on his fitness. The prez just gave an hour-long interview to Maria Bartiromo — pretty compelling proof that he’s clicking on all cylinders. And there is no provision for removing a president just because Pelosi is offended by his existence." . . .