Friday, November 6, 2020

A Judge Just Dethroned California COVID Dictator Gav the Gov.

Victoria Taft  "Gavin Newsom may want to mask up for the news. The California governor was just dethroned by a Superior Court judge who reminded him on Monday that he’s not a king, but a servant of the people – people who elected a legislature to make laws.

"Sutter County Superior Court Judge Sarah Heckman barred Newsom from making new 

coronavirus laws that use the “California Emergency Services Act [which] amends, alters, or changes existing statutory law or makes new statutory law or legislative policy.”

"The decision Monday afternoon was a pointed reminder to Newsom that there’s such a thing as a legislature, whose job, after all, is to make laws. It forbade him from exercising, as my colleague over at RedState Jennifer Van Laar characterized, “one-man rule.

"That assessment was echoed by California State Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, who said, “the judge has ruled in our case against Gavin Newsom. We won. The Judge found good cause to issue a permanent injunction restraining the Governor from issuing further unconstitutional orders.”

"The ruling was met with delight by people sick and tired of the governor’s heavy-handed coronavirus diktats, such as the state legislators that brought the lawsuit.

"The lawsuit centers on one of the Newsom diktats from June that rewrote the laws on holding elections, which the legislature later adopted. Though it’s too late for Tuesday’s election and doesn’t apply because the legislature ratified Newsom’s diktat, the court reminded the governor that, going forward, he can’t rewrite the law even under his emergency powers." . . .

Governor Mask-Between-Bites Should Get Disinvited from Thanksgiving in California

. . . "Welcome to the gulag that is coronavirus California in 2020!

"After canceling Halloween, Governor Gavin Newsom issued his government edicts for the Thanksgiving table and, though this is hard to believe, they’re dumber than demanding people wear masks on the open beach in 80ยบ weather. They’re so ridiculous that even mask-woke Hollywood leftists, who speak fluent dumb, are probably wondering about them.

“ 'Vernon Dursley” Newsom is now banishing the proletariat to Thanksgiving solitude, making no noise in our cupboards under the stairs.

"OK, that’s not entirely true. The governor is giving you permission to have some guests for Thanksgiving. Outside. Wearing a mask. Without exertion.

Gavin signs pro-reparations plan
"Californians may not celebrate Thanksgiving inside. Their dinners must be held outside with at “least three sides of the space (or 75%) … open to the outdoors.” Guests, who are required to wear masks, are also required to be kept six feet apart if they take them off. That’s going to have to be a gigantic table. Guests from more than three families “are prohibited.

"Those who pass the test may stay for only two hours. They shall not sing." . . .

Much more at the Tunnel Wall

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Joy Reid: The Close Election Proves America is 'Racist'; MSNBC claims results show widespread ‘racism, anti-blackness, anti-wokeness’

Aren't we getting sick of this racial whining?

 Neon Nettle

                       Why isn't MSNBC ashamed of their race-obsessed personnel?

MSNBC’s Joy Reid declared that the close U.S. presidential election has somehow proved that America is "racist."

"On Wednesday, Reid told co-host Rachel Maddow that “a great amount of racism, anti-blackness, anti-wokeness” has been exposed by the closeness of the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden. 

"On Wednesday, Reid and Maddow discussed the closeness of the race and how the potential for a “red wave” bothered them so much because they’ve spent five years reporting on alleged Russian collusion, Trump “undermining national security,” “impeachment,” “racism” and "Nazis.”

"Yet, despite their best efforts, millions of Americans still somehow voted for Trump. 

" 'I think even though we intellectually understand what America is at its base, right?" Reid said." . . .

DISGUSTING: MSNBC's Joy Reid Uses Racial Slur Against Clarence Thomas:  "The “Uncle Tom” slur derives from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin and it is a derogatory term for a black man considered a traitor to his race by being too deferential to whites who take advantage of him. Reid also used the “Uncle Clarence” slur in multiple tweets on election night. In one tweet, she mocked four originalist justices, using the Uncle Tom slur and calling Samuel Alito “Scalito,” Barrett “Amy Covid,” and Kavanaugh “Beer Man.” In another, she demonized Thomas as a “hardcore theocratic ideologue” and an opponent of “voting rights and democracy.” 



An Election in Overtime  "Donald Trump over-performed the polls and shocked the pundits again on Tuesday, getting so close to the finish line that several key states have yet to be called.
"This is a significant achievement, and even if he doesn’t ultimately win, Republicans have a strong chance of holding the Senate and defanging a Biden presidency from the outset.
"But beginning late on election night, Trump has reminded everyone how he’s always refused to conform himself to the institution of the presidency, a fact that helped repel suburban and college-educated voters, perhaps dooming his reelection bid.
"In his 2:30 a.m. appearance before supporters at the White House, Trump said that he had already won the election and it was being stolen away from him in a fraud on the nation, vowing to go to the Supreme Court for redress. He doubled down with an even more outlandish statement on Thursday night.
"It’s not unusual for candidates in close, drawn-out elections to project confidence, but a president of the United States obviously shouldn’t declare himself the winner of a national election before the final result is known and allege fraud without any hard evidence." . . .

Hey, Democrats . . . How Is All of This Working Out for You?

National Review
                                         San Fran Nan and der Schumerglower

. . . "Look, the GOP has its own share of problems. But when Republicans have a lousy year — like 2006, or 2008, or 2018 — they generally see it coming. Almost every time the Republicans have a good year, Democrats get blindsided.
"Maybe Democrats should stop assuming that they have African Americans and Latinos locked up, and stop reflexively labeling all opposition to any aspect of their agenda racist. Maybe they should recognize that Americans of all races, creeds, and colors own small businesses or dream of doing so one day and don’t see capitalism as an inherently cruel and unjust system. As I discuss in today’s Morning Jolt, maybe Democrats should realize “socialism” is not a winning message among Cuban Americans, Venezuelan Americans, Nicaraguan Americans, and Colombian Americans.
"Maybe Democrats should look at the deranged accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, and the claims that Amy Coney Barrett is some sort of Handmaid’s Tale religious extremist, and realize that to at least half the country, they look unhinged. Democrats are never going to be the pro-life party, but maybe they can treat pro-lifers with respect and inch back towards Bill Clinton’s “safe, legal, and rare” philosophy.
"Maybe Democrats should speak up in defense of law-abiding gun owners every now and then.
"Maybe when people riot, Democrats should call it a riot. Maybe when a city has been poorly run for a long time, Democrats should say so and demand better results.
"Maybe when a judicial nominee uses the term “sexual preference,” Democrats should just gently say that term is used less often now, and not cite it, ipso facto, as evidence of a verbal hate crime." . . .  Full article . . .

Vote No on 1984; Thought crimes, ministries of truth, and memory holes belong in Oceania, not America.

"Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?"

Victor Davis Hanson  "If we were to wake up in 2022, would we be more likely to see a 15-person Supreme Court, a Senate without a filibuster, a nation without an Electoral College, and an effort to admit two more states and with them four more senators if Joe Biden or Donald Trump were president?

"Why would we blow up a nine-justice Supreme Court after 151 years, or a 233-year Electoral College, or a 170-year Senate filibuster, or a 60-year 50-state Union? And why now? What is the theme, the argument, the momentum for shattering these traditions, other than that progressives see them as ancient impediments to their radical ends?

"Who, if president, would alter our ways of governance, and who would resist? Why are the proponents of these radical changes to the way we are governed so fanatical and yet so quiet about their intentions?" . . .

What became of our sense of right and wrong?  ... "Are we crazy who watch the violence in our streets and scream at our TVs that that masked man, this hooded woman on the screen is, in real time, assaulting the police, looting a family’s store, tossing a firebomb at a police car — and all with virtual immunity? Did Americans miss out on some new state or local law decreeing that it’s now legal to ransack a store or demolish a business?" . . .

What judgment will future generations pass on us?  ..."For a generation so prone to damn the past by the standards of the present, what will our grandchildren say about us in 50 years, we who have aborted 2,000 to 3,000 infants a day? Will they scream that we were racists to allow 1,000 African-American lives to be extinguished every 24 hours? And which current presidential candidate would be more likely to say, “Please, don’t do this” and which to boast, “Who are you to object?' ”...

Today we have our tech barons just as the 1800s had the robber barons:  . . . "When listening the other day to the senatorial furor directed at Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder and CEO, I thought of the 19th-century agrarian venom against the railroad monopolies that rigged freight rates when farmers had no other way to ship their produce. Dorsey essentially admitted that, as a private tech baron, he too can do as he pleases. And as he pleases means censoring conservative content on all he owns. 

CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google

"Dorsey, like the late-19th-century railroad conglomerates, operates a virtual octopus, as do Facebook and Google. Their tentacles squeeze out all their competition. They are vertically integrated. Long ago they strangulated competitors and censored and rigged their operations in a way that assumes that they are neither operating in the public domain like a utility nor subject to antitrust and anti-monopoly laws that tend to reappear when moguls express open contempt for their customers." . . .

More at the Tunnel Wall

CNN Contributor Shamefully Puts Her Anti-Trump Bias On Full Display — Says President Donald Trump Has Made The United States ‘More Dangerous’

Analyzing America

"The Daily Caller reports, CNN’s Amanda Carpenter blasts President Donald Trump for making America “more dangerous.”

"Carpenter claimed that he is at fault for cities facing civil unrest and that it is impossible to separate what the president tweets from his policies.

“ 'We are living in a more dangerous country because of Donald Trump. The tweets are the policy. You cannot separate what he says from what he is.”

“ 'We are no longer free to move about the country.”

“ 'So, yes, these Republicans can come on and tell me I should support Trump for policies. That goes out the window when we are not free to see our loved ones.”

“ 'That goes out the window when someone sticks a tube down the throat of your loved ones, when I see Americans gassed in Lafayette Square and people made into orphans at our border.”

“ 'We are in a scary time right now. And four years ago I thought I knew what kind of country we were. It has become a much more scary, dangerous place,” Carpenter concluded, pivoting gain to blame Trump for the division. “This is a scary time before the election because we are waiting to see who we are again. It is because of Donald Trump’s words and actions that we’re here.”

Media and the pollsters

Video:  Sean Spicer and Mark Halperin react to the 'bias' they've seen on other news networks throughout the night.

The Enemy of the People  . . . "Their job, they routinely tell us, is to simply report what is happening in the country and the world. It’s hard to type that line without laughing. 

"The last four years they have done the activism the Democratic National Committee couldn’t do - wrap liberal BS in a blanket of objectivity. 

"It doesn't work like it used to, the Internet exists so there are too many different, unobstructed pathways for information to flow through for these leftists to completely prevent the escape of information into the public, but it doesn’t have to work with everyone. It only has to work with just enough." 

"Whichever way the election turns out, never forget the lies we were told in liberal’s pursuit of power. 

"Three years of “RUSSIA,” 4 months of “IMPEACH OVER UKRAINE,” and four solid years of nitpicking, false stories, and insisting the President and Republicans are liars hellbent on trying to kill people. To the casual news consumer, there is no way for that to not have some kind of impact. " . . . . .

Election Day's Biggest Losers: The Poll Analyst Bros, and They Should Never Work Again

Gutfeld on the media and pollsters getting it wrong

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

What Now?

Combine the empty suit from Delaware with Kamala Harris, who was polling at about 2% among Democrats before she dropped out of the primaries. Harris added nothing to the ticket — except Biden’s ridiculously narrow, self-imposed requirement that his vice president be a woman of color.Unfortunately for him, there just aren’t a lot of massively impressive black women who are elected Democrats right now. Barbara Jordan is dead. Shirley Chisholm is dead. Either of them would have been chosen over Kamala.

 Ann Coulter   "This may be the strangest election in history in that there is no evidence that any sizable group of people want Biden for president.]

"It’s his fourth time running for that office. This year, Biden lost three primaries in a row, coming in fourth in the Iowa caucus, fifth in New Hampshire a distant second in Nevada. At the end of February, he had accumulated a paltry 14 delegates — compared to 45 for Bernie Sanders and 26 for Pete Buttigieg.

"Then James Clyburn said, Vote for Biden and African Americans in South Carolina voted for Biden. (Although the black vote is NOT monolithic, they decided to make an exception this one time and vote monolithically.)

"Democrats never looked back.

"Biden has nothing going for him — no constituency, no fanatical supporters, just a career in politics that stretches back 50 years.

"Bill Clinton had Southern Democrats and baby boomers. Gore had the global warming zealots. George Bush had conservative Christians and Texans. Even Hillary had fanatical supporters. Remember the PUMAs (Party Unity My A$$)? How about the weeping loons at the Javits Center on election night 2016?

"Will anyone weep that Biden lost? No, they’ll weep because Trump won." . . .

Democrats could come out for vivisection of little children. No one cares! A significant share of the electorate was voting for Anyone But Trump.

Fox News Channel joins the dark side

Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs should go to other networks rather than being associated with this betrayer of its conservative audience. . .
Faux News – Grrr Graphics - Ben Garrison Cartoon - Conservative Daily News

 Dex Bahr: Election night reveals three disturbing facts  "Election night revealed a few disturbing items that should trouble freedom-loving Americans.

"First that the race is even this tight speaks to [a] disturbing number of Americans who are woefully uninformed. Second, Fox News has gone over to the dark side, or, rather, the left. And third, the level of coordination to make this race close is stunning.

"That the senile and corrupt Joe Biden could finish so strong speaks to either the gullibility or unseriousness of far too many Americans. Biden obviously has mental acuity issues and has a history of corruption, but that did not seem to be a big deal to the Americans who voted for him.  I guess the probability of more lockdowns are lost on a number of Americans who are more frightened by the Wuhan virus than the probability of America becoming a socialist, if not communist, nation under a Biden presidency.

"Speaking of a Biden presidency, if he were to win, odds are he would not finish out his first term. Vice President Kamala Harris would become president, a person who dropped out of the Democrat primaries before a single vote was cast based on her lack of voter support, and a politician who is one of the most leftist senators. So the people who squandered American freedom and prosperity for safety or because they don’t like Trump’s personality, are basically voting for a figurehead, to be replaced by guess who. Either these voters are oblivious to this fact or they simply do not care.

"Biden voters also are either unaware of his past associations with racists and his stand against integration through busing or they think it’s not a point of contention. And the same goes for his pay-for-play schemes with Ukraine, China, and more, as revealed by son Hunter’s laptop. Now granted , the corporate media and big tech teamed up to squelch these revelations, but the information could be found if one did one's due diligence before casting a vote. Trump certainly mentioned Biden’s corruption in every single one of his rallies in the last few weeks." . . .  Keep reading...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

America After The Election: A Few Hard Truths About The Things That Won't Change


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”  - George Orwell

The American people remain eager to be persuaded that a new president in the White House can solve the problems that plague us.

Yet no matter who wins this presidential election, you can rest assured that the new boss will be the same as the old boss, and we—the permanent underclass in America—will continue to be forced to march in lockstep with the police state in all matters, public and private.

Indeed, it really doesn’t matter what you call them—the Deep State, the 1%, the elite, the controllers, the masterminds, the shadow government, the police state, the surveillance state, the military industrial complex—so long as you understand that no matter which party occupies the White House in 2021, the unelected bureaucracy that actually calls the shots will continue to do so.

In the interest of liberty and truth, here are a few hard truths about life in the American police state that will persist no matter who wins the 2020 presidential election. Indeed, these issues persisted—and in many cases flourished—under both Republican and Democratic administrations in recent years.

Police militarization will continue. Thanks to federal grant programs allowing the Pentagon to transfer surplus military supplies and weapons to local law enforcement agencies without charge, police forces will continue to be transformed from peace officers to heavily armed extensions of the military, complete with jackboots, helmets, shields, batons, pepper-spray, stun guns, assault rifles, body armor, miniature tanks and weaponized drones. “Today, 17,000 local police forces are equipped with such military equipment as Blackhawk helicopters, machine guns, grenade launchers, battering rams, explosives, chemical sprays, body armor, night vision, rappelling gear and armored vehicles,” stated Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. “Some have tanks.”

Overcriminalization will continue. In the face of a government bureaucracy consumed with churning out laws, statutes, codes and regulations that reinforce its powers and value systems and those of the police state and its corporate allies, we will all continue to be viewed as petty criminals, guilty of violating some minor law. Thanks to an overabundance of 4,500-plus federal crimes and 400,000-plus rules and regulations, it is estimated that the average American actually commits three felonies a day without knowing it. In fact, according to law professor John Baker, “There is no one in the United States over the age of 18 who cannot be indicted for some federal crime.” Consequently, we now find ourselves operating in a strange new world where small farmers who dare to make unpasteurized goat cheese and share it with members of their community are finding their farms raided, while home gardeners face jail time for daring to cultivate their own varieties of orchids without having completed sufficient paperwork. This frightening state of affairs—where a person can actually be arrested and incarcerated for the most innocent and inane activities, including feeding a whale and collecting rainwater on their own property—is due to what law scholars refer to as overcriminalization." . . .

The trashing of our great nation

Radical left groups are already plotting a coup  "A new website is leaking internal documents, images, and videos from radical left groups and people working inside the federal government planning a coup if President Trump wins re-election.  The only way to defeat these people and their ideology is for Trump to have an overwhelming victory that establishes his mandate to restore America's constitutional order.

"The website is called "Sunrise Exposed," and it went live on Sunday.  The site explains:

This website houses leaked internal documents, images, videos, and internal communications from The Sunrise Movement and other radical left affinity groups.

"What's gotten the most play since the website went live are two videos, one in which federal employees talk about how to take down the Trump government from within and the other in which Antifa-style activists make plans for a full-scale war, one that involves killing people.  YouTube has already removed the second video.' , , ,

64 Percent of College Students Say Rioting and Looting is ‘Justified'

According to ABC News, at least 30 police officers have been injured in the violent unrest, while dozens of people have been arrested for rioting or vandalism. Mobs have descended on Walmart and rushed out carrying TVs, while other agitators ransacked Footlocker for new sneakers. The full number of businesses ravaged by the destruction is increasing and still being tallied.

Gavin Newsom's Abuse of Power Declared Unconstitutional; Permanent Injunction Issued


"California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-PrivateJet) was Whitmered in spectacular fashion by a Sutter County Superior Court Judge in a just-released ruling; an Executive Order Newsom issued June 3 that amended sections of the state’s Elections Code was declared unconstitutional and a permanent injunction has been issued, barring Newsom from issuing additional Executive Orders that amend, change, alter, or create new statutory law or legislative policy.

"As we previously reported, Newsom was sued by two Republican Assemblymembers, Kevin Kiley and James Gallagher over his one-man rule. A trial was held October 21, and Judge Sarah H. Heckman issued her tentative decision today."  . . .