Tuesday, November 3, 2020

The trashing of our great nation



Radical left groups are already plotting a coup  "A new website is leaking internal documents, images, and videos from radical left groups and people working inside the federal government planning a coup if President Trump wins re-election.  The only way to defeat these people and their ideology is for Trump to have an overwhelming victory that establishes his mandate to restore America's constitutional order.

"The website is called "Sunrise Exposed," and it went live on Sunday.  The site explains:

This website houses leaked internal documents, images, videos, and internal communications from The Sunrise Movement and other radical left affinity groups.

"What's gotten the most play since the website went live are two videos, one in which federal employees talk about how to take down the Trump government from within and the other in which Antifa-style activists make plans for a full-scale war, one that involves killing people.  YouTube has already removed the second video.' , , ,

64 Percent of College Students Say Rioting and Looting is ‘Justified'

According to ABC News, at least 30 police officers have been injured in the violent unrest, while dozens of people have been arrested for rioting or vandalism. Mobs have descended on Walmart and rushed out carrying TVs, while other agitators ransacked Footlocker for new sneakers. The full number of businesses ravaged by the destruction is increasing and still being tallied.

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