Saturday, November 7, 2020

AOC and other Dems' vows of vengeance on Trump-supporters ensure a fanatical fight to the bitter end

This is NOT the Democrat Party of my family, my youth, and my career. It casts shame on all associated with it. The Tunnel Dweller

 Thomas Lifson  

"Since antiquity, military commanders leading expeditions have burned their boats so nobody would be tempted to desert the battles ahead and head for the safety of home.  Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, by calling for lists of Trump-supporters to be compiled, has in effect burned the boats for those Republicans tempted to concede the
presidential election and pledge their support to Biden so that the media and Democrats (they imagine) will be kind to them.

Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future

"In a tweet later made private, former Pete Buttigieg staffer Emily Abrams directed the vengeful to something called the "Trump Accountability Project."

We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.

Join us and help spread the word.

— Emily Abrams (@emabrams) November 6, 2020

More here...

Make no mistake that the left wing of the Democrat party is now revolutionary in intent and completely untethered from constitutional constraints.  If and when they gain the upper hand in a Democrat administration, probably through extensive street violence, they will not hesitate to torture and murder their opponents, the way the victorious Castro revolutionaries, especially the bloodthirsty Che Guevara so idolized by American leftists, did.

Democrats: The party of hypocrisy and villainy   . . . "How can this be? they ask.  Was not the whole nation waiting to repudiate Trump?  Guess they did not watch those rallies or pay attention to Trump's many successes in office.  Those many accomplishments annoyed the Dems; how could this guy achieve so much their guys never could?"...

 AOC, Jen Rubin (WaPo), and Former Buttigieg Staffers Launch Effort To Purge Trump Supporters From Public Life   "A few weeks ago, former Clinton Administration official Robert Reich called for a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to identify and shame people associated with Trump’s presidency. Now AOC, Jennifer Rubin, and others are actually pushing just such a thing. These are the people who accused Trump of being a fascist.

"Mia Cathill reports at the Post Millennial:

"New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled" . . .

Leftists, Never Trumpers Begin Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters    "Left-wing Democrats and Never Trump Republicans appealed Friday for assistance in compiling lists of Trump supporters to they could be held “accountable” for supporting President Donald Trump after the election.

“ 'Democratic socialist” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

. . . The database at the site includes a list of federal judges appointed by the president. Others also tweeted to announce the project: . . .

"Jennifer Rubin, a Washington Post columnist and Never Trumper, tweeted that anyone challenging the 2020 election results should not only be disqualified from holding public office, but ostracized from society.

“Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society,” she tweeted. “We have a list.” . . .

American Coup Victims Will Not Go Quietly

But potential imitators and antagonists alike would do well to remember that by that time, history’s greatest tyrant and most prolific mass-murderer had already managed another despot’s dirty trick. He had first confiscating the “people’s” guns.  A history lesson not to be trifled with.

  Marc Sheppard  "This was a Coup.  It lacked, at least for the moment, the spilled blood often associated with a classic coup d’etat but make no mistake about it – this was a coup. 

"A record number of Americans fought an unusual number of hardships to make certain their voices were heard in the selection of our next president.  And, given the stark difference in the candidates’ visions for America’s future and the growing national divide, that choice was surely not made lightly.

"So, when we on the right observed one “irregularity” after another on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, what we needed were answers and transparency.  What we got were evasions and coverups. 

"Keep in mind that we have endured over the past 4 years a seeming century’s worth of dishonesty, hoaxes, threats, wild conspiracy theories and widespread corruption from those on the left.  Indeed, Liberals appear to have made sport of treating Donald Trump and his supporters much like a cat treats a litter-box.  And we got the message: There is no limit to just how low they are willing to sink.

"So running up to Election Day, we weren’t overly shocked to hear stories of “replaced” and supposedly destroyed misprinted ballots being accepted at Pittsburgh polling centers, effectively allowing 1 person 2 votes.

"We remained calm but curious when Michigan joined other battleground states in halting their counts early Wednesday morning.  We became concerned when we noticed hours later that, while Michigan’s Trump vote stayed exactly the same at 2,202,902, the Biden vote had somehow increased by 138,339.  And, even though that result was statistically impossible, we didn’t really shift into full-blown-pissed-off until we saw a video of what appeared to be illegal ballots being wheeled into a Detroit Vote Count Center in the dead of night that very same morning." . . .

Politico reported, "The polling industry blows it again."

ITEM 5Collin Rugg reported, "Communist Chinese State media is currently sharing their opinion on the 2020 election and they couldn't be happier with how well former Vice President Joe Biden is doing.

 Don Surber  "Donald John Trump is still our president.

"ITEM 1Politico reported, "The polling industry blows it again."


"The polling industry blows.

"The pollsters sold out and rigged their polls. I trust Red China paid them in dollars, not yuan.

"The story said, "Nonpartisan media and academic pollsters do not rig their surveys to harm Republicans’ political prospects.

"But there’s no doubt that public polls of the presidential race missed the mark, especially in key states. One popular explanation is that shy Trump voters hid their true intentions in interviews with pollsters.

" 'There's little evidence that poll respondents are lying, however. More pollsters believe it’s actually a difficulty reaching voters more likely to support Trump in the first place, either because they’re harder to find or are less likely to take phone surveys even if reached."

"Nothing in politics is nonpartisan. Media and university polls deliberately lied as part of a psy ops operation to elect Biden.

"How do we know? The errors were larger in favor of Biden than Hillary. They don't care. It worked, right?" . . .   More...

CNN Previews the Media Under a Possible Joe Biden Administration

RedState  "There are plenty of more important reasons to root for Trump to prevail in his current dogfight to win re-election than spiting the mainstream media. Saving the economic recovery, stopping the return of a disastrous foreign policy, and protecting the individual rights of citizens all come to mind.

"But I think every Republican can get behind spiting the media as another worthy cause. Perhaps no institution in modern history has done more damage to the credibly of our systems and elections than these people over the last four years. And right on cue, they are ready to turn back into lovable lap dogs at the mere thought of Biden prevailing.

"Thus we get this preview of how they’ll treat a possible Biden presidency.

"Jake Tapper introduces the conversation about Kamala Harris being the first female VP in the most fawning of terms, recounting her speech at the DNC convention. What follows is two minutes of softest, most supportive coverage of a politician you’ll see on cable news, as if the only reason Republicans oppose Biden and Harris is to prevent such a “historic” moment.

"If the current irregularities in vote counting are allowed to stand, ending with Biden standing victorious, this is only going to get worse. After four years of constant “anonymous sources familiar with” stories going after the Trump administration, you can expect those kinds of stories to die out completely. The government will once again, very conveniently, become a Fort Knox for information, with no negative leaks ever happening. That won’t be because people aren’t willing to talk to reporters anymore. It’ll be because the media will be actively suppressing any and all bad news for Biden and Harris.

"Of course, that’s only for as long as Biden remains in office. We all know he isn’t going last his first term, if he gets a first term. In fact, I’d be surprised if he makes it through a first year. And that’s really been the plan all along. It’s why CNN in the above clip isn’t focused on Biden, but rather are fainting with praise over Kamala Harris. That’s who they really want to be covering for the next four years, and they’ll be covering for her a lot more than actually covering her." . . .

Brutal tweets from Venezuelans who've seen this stolen-election movie before

Michael Welling @WellingMichael · Nov 5 Obviously @CNN and their biased coverage of this year’s #ElectionResults2020 is anything but impartial. Reminds me of #VTV election coverage in Venezuela 🇻🇪. #FakeNews
                                       CNN, the choice of third-world journalism

 Monica Showalter  "So how does this unfolding U.S. election disaster look to Venezuelans, Venezuelan-Americans, and neighbors in the region?

"Just sum it up this way: Venezuelans are coming out in force to state they've seen this movie before.  The fraud being played out now sounds as if Democrats used Venezuela as their how-to guide. 

"Here is a curation of choice tweets, starting with one from an obvious Venezuelan:

"Here's another Venezuelan from the western city of Valencia, who's seen this travesty, too:

"So how does this unfolding U.S. election disaster look to Venezuelans, Venezuelan-Americans, and neighbors in the region?

"Just sum it up this way: Venezuelans are coming out in force to state they've seen this movie before.  The fraud being played out now sounds as if Democrats used Venezuela as their how-to guide. 

"Here is a curation of choice tweets, starting with one from an obvious Venezuelan:

‘American HUSTLE’: Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work


Judges who obtained their positions by fraud, according to an indictment, have denied the Trump campaign's ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time to Democrat vote counters.

"Most Americans might not know the name Ozzie Myers, although a part of his tale was told in the hit 2013 movie “American Hustle” about the FBI sting that sent four congressmen to prison in the 1970s.

"If you’re from Philadelphia, though, you know his name, and knew it well before 2013. He’s important to the country now because he’s currently under indictment for bribing a state elections judge to stuff ballots for Democratic candidates. Among the candidates he was paid to get elected are three as-yet-unnamed judges sitting on the Philadelphia Common Pleas Court. That’s where President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has to go when local election officials refuse to let campaign monitors oversee ballot integrity, as has been the case these past few days throughout Pennsylvania.

"In addition, Trump’s U.S. attorney, William McSwain, has hinted that in addition to the three unidentified judges, those Democrats tainted by election-fixing go all the way from local officials to the U.S. Congress.

"Why should anyone care about that court? Because it’s playing a major role in the presidential election.

"On Tuesday, Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge Stella Tsai ruled that the city’s Board of Elections was complying with state laws governing partisan election monitors, contradicting claims from the Trump campaign that GOP monitors were being kept too far away from absentee ballot-counters to observe whether ballots were being properly counted.

"Then on Thursday, a state appellate court sided with the Trump campaign, ordering that election observers be allowed to stand within six feet of ballot-counters to ensure meaningful monitoring of the process. The City of Philadelphia immediately appealed the ruling to the state’s top court, which has yet to decide whether it will take up the matter.

"Meanwhile, Republicans filed a lawsuit Tuesday in state court accusing Democratic election leaders of violating state code by authorizing local election officials to give information about rejected mail-in ballots to Democratic operatives so they could contact those voters and offer them a new ballot. Not only would such actions violate state law, they would defy a ruling from Pennsylvania’s state Supreme Court last month, which stated “mail-in or absentee voters are not provided any opportunity to cure perceived defects (to their ballot) in a timely manner.”

"The back-and-forth in the courts, and the accusations of corruption at multiple levels of government, underscores the outsized role local Democratic officials are playing in the presidential election, with President Trump narrowly trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in a few key states, including Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia, those local officials are often connected to a Democratic Party machine with a long history of corruption, organized crime, and election fraud." . . .

AOC And Democrats Are Eager To Archive Records, Make Lists To Ensure Trump Allies Face ‘Accountability’

 Hot Air

"This afternoon, AOC tweeted out a desire to make sure someone was keeping track of Trump supporter’s tweets so they could be held accountable for them:" . . .

Lol at the “party of personal responsibility” being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years

"Hmmm. I guess she can’t see the difference between “personal responsibility” which means success or failure is largely on you and the desire to create a list of bad people so they can be collectively shunned and punished by others. Cancel culture is not personal responsibility, comrade, it’s mob punishment.

"In any case, someone is already on the job today, launching what they are calling the Trump Accountability Project:

"Who is this person? She’s a former Buttigieg staffer:" . . .

Friday, November 6, 2020

Looking beyond Trump, Democrats blew it badly on Tuesday

 American Thinker  . . . "The big takeaway of the night: Republicans won; Democrats lost, spectacularly so.  Oh, and the psephology profession is now dead.

"To the first point, GOP candidates didn't just perform better than expected; the party as a whole is poised to make larger gains in the near future.  Holding the Senate circumscribes a President Biden agenda from the get-go.  Stoppage alone would have justified a conservative beano on Election Night.  But Republicans picked up at least six House of Representatives seats, with the possibility of further gains not far.  These unexpected captures weren't in bleak areas of rolling farmland — many took place in suburban enclaves that were supposed to house the Democrats' new gentry base."

. . . 

"The presidency is the bug light of politics, but if you're able to peer around it, the paths of the two major parties can be discerned.  Republicans would be foolish to abandon the populist-nationalist admixture Trump goosed the moribund party with.  Democrats can look forward to more losses if they continue to support, materially and otherwise, Antifa and urban rioters.  Trump-despiser Andrew Sullivan summed up what's looking like 2020's eventual outcome: "Biden wins; wokeness loses; Trump loses; Trumpism wins."  Vegas odds on Republicans taking back in the House in 2022 just plumped.

And for the political handicappers who got it all wrong again?  There's nothing left to say other than to ignore them, which most Americans have shown they do already.  The human ordinateurs were like Olympic sprinters who tripped halfway through the race in 2016 and had four years to train and better themselves to avoid the same mistake.  Yet they tripped again.  Don't watch them get up; better, even, don't offer a helping hand.  Let them stay down and think about what they did.  Dunce caps permanently grafted to their crowns would be a fitting punishment, Geneva Convention violation or not."

An Open Letter to Michelle Obama on Biden’s Racism

 The Blacksphere

A friend of mine wrote an open letter to Michelle Obama on Biden’s racism. He asked me to distribute it.

. . . "If Donald Trump had a history of lying to Black Americans about participating in the Civil Rights movement, you would have called him out publicly on it, would you not?

"You would have promoted the hashtag “#TRUMPCOMECLEAN,” would you not?

"Then, you would have called him “unqualified” to be President of the United States, would you not? Why? Because he would have intended to make fools out of Black Americans for personal political gain." . .  "So why do you support Joe Biden?"

"No doubt you have heard of high-profile activist Shaun King, who has gained the utmost respect of Al Sharpton. He wrote the following about Biden:

“Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar. Especially when it comes to his ‘work’ in the Civil Rights Movement. It’s the equivalent of stolen valor and is fundamentally disqualifying.


Soon, it was discovered that Biden had not just plagiarized those four speeches, but had lied about academic awards, lied about scholarships, lied about his ranking at Syracuse Law School, where he had nearly been kicked out for plagiarizing five entire pages of an essay, and that he also frequently lied about something that he had made a central part not just of his 1988 presidential campaign bid, but of his entire public persona.

Temporarily, Joe Biden paid a price for most of those lies, but was never fully held to account for the worst of them all. On the backs of people who actually paid an enormous price for being activists and organizers in the Civil Rights Movement, Joe Biden created a completely false narrative of his work and contributions to the movement that persists to this very day. Instead of plagiarized speeches, he was plagiarizing details about his actual life. He not only told these lies in previous generations, they have now fully returned to his current stump speeches in churches and venues around the country as if he never acknowledged and apologized for them in the past. It’s shameful.”

"King continues:

“On two very important occasions, Joe Biden actually told the entire truth about his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. Nearly everything else has been a lie. I’ve counted at least 31 different lies he has told about being an activist, organizer, sit-in demonstrator, boycott leader, voter registration volunteer, Black church trainee and more in the Civil Rights Movement, but every single time I dig, I actually find more interviews, more lies, more fabrications, more tales he told to voters, reporters, historians, and more.


In September of 1987, with his presidential campaign completely consumed by his lies, Biden, with his entire public life in shambles, fell on his sword and told the truth about his lack of work in the Civil Rights Movement. In repeated interviews, campaign events, and national keynote speeches at the Democratic Conventions of both Maine and California, Biden told wild tales of how he marched, sat-in, and boycotted during the Civil Rights Movement and even went so far as to suggest that he had traveled to Selma and Birmingham with such actions, but with his campaign in tatters, he finally said they were all lies.” — “2 truths and 31 lies Joe Biden has told about his work in the Civil Rights Movement”.

"I interrupt to say that I referenced King’s work not long ago. I asked the very same questions, particularly given the calls of “racist” against President Trump. Clearly, Biden is the real racist. Perhaps worse, he’s an opportunist.

"Oliver continues"...

All in all, then, conservatives have good reason to be enraged by Biden’s victory. If we are less angry than the left was four years ago, it’s because we’re more stable emotionally.

 Personally, I’m not enraged. I won’t be unless it becomes clear that the election was stolen.    . . . "Though not enraged by Biden’s victory, I’m offended by it — offended that this mediocre man will become the president of our great country.

"It’s been exactly 100 years since Americans chose anyone even arguably as mediocre as Biden for our highest office. And at least Warren Harding had a distinguished vice president. Biden has Kamala Harris. Nor was Harding in a state of mental decline.

"The ascendency of Joe Biden to the presidency is an unmistakable sign of our national decline. That’s cause for sadness, though maybe not intense anger."

Fox News continues its move left

This was noticed back in 2018 with the fear that Fox was becoming just another of the bunch; made manifest recently in the presence of non-journalist hacks such as Marie Harf and Donna Brazile. What's with Fox News, and why is it moving left?  . . . "Why are Baier and so many others acting so out of character?  I think it's because all those people obviously want to be liked by their peers and don't care about their viewers.  Instead of giving us any sort of balance in the news, they are rapidly coming to resemble their peers.

"How about a tough time explaining Juan Williams?  Does Baier have a tough time explaining Williams?

"Tonight, Baier had Mort Kondracke, a leftist, on his show, whose first comment was to call Trump a racist and a xenophobe. 

"Then Fred Barnes, who works for Weekly Standard, which has been anti-Trump since 2015, came on. 

"After that, we got treated to Mara Laisson from NPR, which is an openly far-left organization.

"OK, he did have Byron York. " . . .

Remember Harris Faulkner stopping Newt Gingrich's attack of George Soros?  Winning the approval of the left-wing Daily Beast.

The Left-Wing Takeover of Fox News  . . . "The Gateway Pundit website notes that Kathryn Murdoch regularly trashes Trump on Twitter. Indeed, her Twitter feed goes after many different conservative personalities and policies of all kinds. A collection of her most significant Tweets includes attacks on Trump aide Steve Bannon, and despondency over Trump’s election victory. On the other hand, she praised Fox News personality Shepard Smith for criticizing Trump.

"Her Tweets have included messages such as:

  • A vote for Trump is a vote for climate catastrophe.
  • Can we impeach a candidate? Seriously.
  • Happy to see this on Fox News. The final argument for Hillary Clinton, based on 3 indisputable facts.

"The latter was a reference to a Lanny Davis pro-Hillary article on the Fox News website." . . .

Nasa discovers mail-in-meteorite en route to Earth

 The People's Cube

"Experts at NASA have discovered a large object heading towards earth, made up completely of Joe Biden ballots. After calculating its mass, the scientists concluded that the meteorite contains approximately 19,000,000,000,000 galactic mail-in-ballots. An astronomical number, indeed.

"When asked how they are so sure the ballots aren't cast for the incumbent, a NASA employee said that there is no evidence that pro-Trump mail-in-ballots even exist in the universe. Team Biden has already promised to grant citizenship to all extraterrestrial aliens, even if they are bent on destroying humanity and devouring mankind.

"It will take about 400 years for the meteorite to strike earth. Pending the unavoidable arrival, Fox News has already called this election, as well as all other elections for all eternity, in favor of Biden and any other Democratic candidates running for office throughout the Galaxy."

Oleg Atbashian