Saturday, November 7, 2020

AOC And Democrats Are Eager To Archive Records, Make Lists To Ensure Trump Allies Face ‘Accountability’

 Hot Air

"This afternoon, AOC tweeted out a desire to make sure someone was keeping track of Trump supporter’s tweets so they could be held accountable for them:" . . .

Lol at the “party of personal responsibility” being upset at the idea of being responsible for their behavior over last four years

"Hmmm. I guess she can’t see the difference between “personal responsibility” which means success or failure is largely on you and the desire to create a list of bad people so they can be collectively shunned and punished by others. Cancel culture is not personal responsibility, comrade, it’s mob punishment.

"In any case, someone is already on the job today, launching what they are calling the Trump Accountability Project:

"Who is this person? She’s a former Buttigieg staffer:" . . .

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