Charles Turot (Pseudonym)* . . . "Is there an American who doesn't know Lindell? A college dropout and serial entrepreneur, he became addicted to crack cocaine. He lost his home and was divorced. He credits his sobriety to his Christian faith . He's passionate about it, as anyone should be after escaping the talons of the devil. There but for the grace of God goes any of us. He invented his revolutionary pillow in 2004.
"My pillow is a MyPillow. It costs a lot, but darned if it doesn't do exactly what it claims. The typical box-store pillow is shot after a year at most. MyPillow soldiers on. Lindell's son is running the company now, though Dad's familiar face still sells the products on TV. His new ambition is politics. Last March, "the MyPillow guy" appeared with the president, praising his handling of COVID and dedicating his factories to production of then-scarce masks. He defied the narrative that we should tremble in our locked down homes and it was all Trump's fault. With his highly visible support of the Orange Man, the benevolent bedding-peddler with the cross around his neck quickly earned a place on the Public Enemies List of the mainstream media and the radical left.
. . .
"We also support those who do. We stocked up Goya foods in response to a boycott when its CEO joined a presidential panel on Hispanic enterprise. The shelves were half-emptied in my supermarket. We ordered from L.L. Bean more than ever when a donation to a Trump PAC from a Bean family member sparked a boycott (not that its products aren't sufficient reason for loyalty).
"Conservatives support businesses who support freedom: freedom of expression, freedom of political affiliation, freedom to pursue success. The left boycotts those same businesses, for the same reason. This defines conservatives as well as anything.
"Your money, it turns out, buys not just pillows. It buys freedom, for you and for others. Where you spend your money matters much more now than it did when we bought the old sofa.
* probably to keep his home from being burned down by Democrats. TD