Independent Sentinel "The popular cartoon Mallard Fillmore, created by Bruce Tinsley 27 years ago, was canceled by left-wing Gannett newspapers without warning. It’s described as unprecedented.
"They canceled it over criticism of [demented] Joe Biden and transgenders participating in womens’ sports.
"Tinsley said it’s unheard of. His syndicate never heard of anything like it.
"The first cartoon depicts Biden musing, “For too long segregation sullied women’s sports…They were restricted to women! Thank goodness those dark days are over.”
"The second has Biden saying, “I hear what you, the American people, want me to The second has Biden saying, “I hear what you, the American people, want me to do…kill fossil fuel jobs…devalue Americans’ labor…and help more transgender athletes beat the *@!# out of biological females.”
"Both ran on February 19-20. Tinsley spoke to half the country and if you don’t like it, don’t read it. But, no, Gannett has to ban it. That was the last vestige of conservatism in their newspapers.
"Mr. Tinsley didn’t feel either cartoon was over-the-top.
"Mallard Fillmore chronicles the exploits of a politically conservative duck as a reporter at a television station in Washington, D.C.
"The Left is thrilled. They say things like, “thank you, thank you,' " . . .
Numerous Newspapers Cancel Popular Comic Strip Over Joe Biden Criticism