Conrad Black; American Greatness
The U.S. now has an official regime of lies, supported by an almost worthlessly dishonest media, and scores of millions of Americans brainwashed into the false view that they live in an evil country.
. . . "There was from the start the terrible problem of slavery, which belied the assertion that “all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” The Civil War was conducted in the North to preserve the Union, and only the immense political dexterity of Abraham Lincoln achieved the approval of the emancipation of the slaves as a war aim, in part to stir unrest within the Confederacy.
"Segregation continued to be enforced with an iron fist in the South and not infrequently in parts of the North as well, for over a century. The South was completely defeated but had received credit for 60 percent of the slave population in establishing their congressional and Electoral College representations before the war and henceforth received 100 percent credit for the African Americans who, though nominally emancipated, still could not vote in the South.
"When Franklin D. Roosevelt was hassling Winston Churchill in the midst of World War II about granting independence to India and suggesting texts from the founding of America as models to use, Churchill was well within his rights in saying to his entourage (although, unfortunately, he did not say it to Roosevelt) that he would take his solicitude for the vast masses of India more seriously if he could pass an anti-lynching law in his own Congress." . . .