Saturday, April 10, 2021

Biden's California Dream; "Make America California."


Frontpagemag   "I was surprised to read (in The Los Angeles Times) that the Biden administration's "role model for America" is... California! He wants to "Make America California."

"That is a terrible idea.

"Californians now rush to move out of California.

"Some hopeful folks still move there, but so many more leave that California now loses more than 10,000 citizens every month. In fact, the state will soon lose a congressional seat.

"Why do Californians leave? "Exorbitant tax rates, high crime rates, the failing public school systems, the exorbitant cost of living," says reporter Kristen Tate in my new video.

"So many Californians move away that there's now even a shortage of U-Hauls. Renting one to go from Los Angeles to Houston costs four times as much as it does to go from Houston to LA.

" 'People are just emptying out!" says Tate.

"But this seems crazy. California has great weather and all kinds of natural advantages.

"The state's politicians drive people away with bad policies." . . .

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