Thursday, April 29, 2021

More than 200 Seattle police officers quit over the last year, many citing anti-police climate

 Fox News  . . . "Many of the officers cited an anti-police climate in the city – including in the City Council -- and disagreements with police management in their reasons for moving on, leaving the department with what Police Chief Adrian Diaz called a "staffing crisis" on Tuesday.

"He said 180 police officers quit last year and another 66 officers so far this year. 

"Some of the officers retired early while others took policing jobs in other cities or moved on to other careers, the officers said in exit interviews, according to KING-TV in Seattle.

"Diaz said the number of officers left with the department is at "record" lows. "I have about 1,080 deployable officers," he told KING. "This is the lowest I've seen our department.' " . . .

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) coronavirus protocols that match the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance.

Unless you are at a tony beauty parlor having maintenance and repairs performed. TD

Breitbart   . . . "Biden delivered his speech without a mask to about 200 people. The number is about 1,400 invitees short of a traditional speech of this magnitude due to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) coronavirus protocols that match the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance." . . .


When a politician uses the word "investments", hold on to your wallet

 Like All Robbers, They Wore Masks  . . . "Hundreds of masked people conspired to rob your children and grandchildren on Wednesday evening in Washington. Like the Hamburglar, Robin Hood, and the Riddler, the thieves hid their faces behind masks.
"Chalking up the facial accoutrement to the bylaws of the Secret Society of the Knights of Fauci misses something beyond their identities. The already vaccinated wore masks for the reasons other violators of “thou shalt not steal” do: so their victims cannot pick them out of a lineup, to allow the anonymity to boost their courage, to psychologically separate themselves from the act, shame.
"The conspirator-in-chief outlined the $6 trillion in proposed and actual spending during his first 100 days in office at the gathering. “We can afford it,” Joe Biden assured his audience. But the weight of a $28 trillion debt and a fiscal year 2021 projected (before Biden took office) deficit of $2.3 trillion contradicts those words.  
"And who is this “we” of which the president speaks?" . . .

Biden tells rich to 'pay their share' with tax hikes as he tops off $6TRILLION Big Government splurge with $2.3TRILLION 'blue-collar’ jobs plan announced in address to Congress slammed by Republicans as a 'boring, socialist dream' "President Joe Biden launched his sweeping tax hikes, attacked Wall Street, said he inherited a country in 'peril' and laid out a list of legislative demands in his first address to Congress.

Walking into a chamber with just 200 lawmakers he pitched his $2.3trillion 'blue-collar blueprint' American Jobs Plan, pushed his $1.8trillion investment into 'human infrastructure' and spoke about how he will try and deal with the border, China, guns and police reform. 

"He also handed over more responsibility to Vice President Kamala Harris by asking her to promote his investment in 'jobs, jobs, jobs' and insisted she would 'get it done', a month after directing her to deal with the border.  

"He opened his speech standing in front of Harris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi by calling the Capitol riot the 'worst attack on our Democracy since the Civil War' and said 'America's house was on fire' when he took office - but he didn't mention Donald Trump.

"Republicans widely panned the speech as 'boring' and a list of 'socialist dreams'. GOP Senator Tim Scott said in his party's rebuttal that the president was 'pulling the country apart' instead of promoting unity and his remarks were 'full of empty platitudes'." . . .  More...

Joe Biden Announces $1.8 Trillion ‘Human Infrastructure’ Proposal to Congress Partly Financed by Expanding Death Tax   . . . "A breakdown of the tax adjustment from the officially named American Families Plan are as follows:

  1. Raise the top income-tax rate to 39.6 percent from 37 percent
  2. Raise the capital gains and dividends tax to 39.6 percent from 20 percent for households making more than $1 million
  3. Raise the payroll and investment taxes each by 3.8 percent — the top rates on wages and the death tax would reach 43.4 percent from 23.8 percent
  4. Use the previous 3.8 percent increase to expand over other types of income currently uncovered like active income from S corporations making over $400,000
  5. Adjust death tax to include unrealized gains as sold and thus taxable with an exemption of $1 million a person
  6. Limit the ability for real estate to be exchanged without reporting capital-gains income by capping that break at $500,000  . . . 

Coca-Cola receives warning over its attempt to impose racial quotas

 Power Line Blog  . . . "Coca Cola’s stated goal is that the legal teams it hires “be representative of the population it serves,” and the policy’s minimum racial quotas therefore roughly track the racial distribution of the American population at large, rather than the labor market for attorneys. Thus, for example, the letter requires that at least 15% of time be billed by black attorneys. Blacks make up approximately 13.4% of the U.S. population, but only 5.9% of attorneys. . . .

"In adopting this new policy, Coke appears to be following the view of “anti-racist” activist Ibram X. Kendi that justice requires proportional representation in all spheres of life and that the “only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. . . .And in order to treat some persons equally, we must treat them differently.”

"Such a policy of discrimination is illegal. Since the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (codified at 42 U.S.C. 1981), federal law has prohibited all forms of racial discrimination in private contracting. As the late Justice Ginsburg noted just last year, Section 1981 is a “‘sweeping’ law designed to ‘break down all discrimination between black men and white men’ regarding ‘basic civil rights'” Comcast Corp. v. Nat’l Ass’n of Afr. Am.-Owned Media, 140 S.Ct. 1009, 1020 (2020) (Ginsburg, J. concurring) (quoting Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co., 392 U.S. 409, 432 (1968) (emphasis in original). And decades of case law have held that — no matter how well intentioned — policies that seek to impose permanent racial balancing are prohibited."

The abrupt departure of Bradley Gayton after less than a year as General Counsel suggests that Coca-Cola is already aware that its racial quota requirements on outside firms are indefensible. Indeed, if press reports are accurate, Coca-Cola has already paused the policy, though with the intention of retaining at least some of its provisions. This pause is a welcome development, but more is needed. Racial discrimination should have no place in private contracting, and Coca-Cola should act swiftly to publicly undo this destructive legacy of Mr. Gayton’s tenure.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Thanks, Jurors! You’re Safe Now. We Aren’t.

By Ann Coulter; Indiana Gazette "To watch the hours of celebratory fist-pumping from government officials and Black activists after the guilty verdicts against police officer Derek Chauvin this week, you’d think Minnesota had just won the NCAA tournament.

"One man is dead and another will be spending up to 40 years in prison. How about Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison show a little dignity, with something like: “We had the trial; we’ve got a verdict; I’m not taking any questions”?


"We got a one-hour spirit rally for the championship team. The key was teamwork.

"Our guys practiced every night — staying even after the gym had closed! We couldn’t have done it without the fans.

"There wasn’t this much triumphalism when Ted Bundy was convicted! He murdered 30 women, escaped from jail twice, and killed again before finally being brought to trial. We didn’t have hours of gloating after they got the Green River Killer, and it took 20 years to catch him.

"Maybe we’ve gotten less decorous in the past few decades. But how about celebrating the conviction of a gangbanger who killed an 8-year-old girl in a drive-by? Would the media be as giddy about that?

"Not likely." . . .

Joe Concha: It Could Cost Lives if NBC’s Lester Holt Doesn’t Apologize Immediately for Deceptively-Edited 911 Call

“Lester Holt needs to go on the air tonight, John, and apologize on behalf of NBC News, on the NBC Nightly News – because tensions are far too high in this country right now, the stakes are far too high.

Craig Bannister   "NBC’s Lester Holt needs to go on the air immediately and apologize for the way he reported on Ohio Police Officer Nicholas Reardon’s deadly shooting of a knife-wielding Black 16 year-old, Ma’khia Bryant, Media and Political Columnist Joe Concha says.

"As NewsBusters reports, NBC News edited out a crucial part of the 911 call Officer Reardon was responding to and characterized Bryant’s possession of a knife, visible in body camera footage, as merely a contention by police.

"In an appearance on Fox News on Thursday, Concha told Host John Roberts that Holt must publicly apologize for the omission - and for conflating Bryant’s death with that of Black Minnesotan George Floyd. In light of the racial tensions already aflame in the country, lives and businesses could be lost, if Holt doesn’t immediately go on the air and set the record straight, Concha said." . . .

Damage Control: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Psaki About Kerry Selling Out Israel

Curtis Houck   "Without someone from the Daily Caller, the Fox News Channel, or Real Clear Politics’s Philip Wegmann in the room, the White House reporters seated for Tuesday’s briefing refused to follow up on Wegmann’s attempt from Monday to ask Press Secretary Jen Psaki about former Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly selling out Israel to his friends in the terrorist-loving Iran.

"Instead, two reporters asked questions from the left as they touted a Human Rights Watch report blasting Israel as an apartheid state and purposefully treating Palestinians to a life of ruin. Iran was definitely on the mind of at least some in the room as one journalist levied four questions about the progress of talks involving the resumption of the Iran nuclear deal.The Associated Press’s Josh Boak opened the Q&A portion and brought up this Israel smear from the left-wing activist group:

[A] report came out today from Human Rights Watch about Israel, saying that Israel is guilty of international crimes of apartheid and persecution because of discriminatory policies were Palestinians. Israel has rejected that characterization. Does the White House think the report is accurate or inaccurate?

"Psaki demurred on the report, saying the claims of apartheid do not represent “the view of this administration” and “the State Department has its own rigorous process for making atrocity determinations and reports on human rights abuse issues globally on an annual basis through the Human Rights report that they issue.” . . .

BLM Seems to Think a Black Person Should Not Be Stopped from Stabbing Someone

 Western Journal "Apparently, BLM activists think knife fights are normal and it’s OK if someone gets stabbed to death."

America Is In The Hands Of Its Most Foolish Rather Than Its Finest

Asserting that “the dominant ideology of the modern West is an ideology of suicide,”. . .  From progressive city halls and blue legislatures and Democratic governors’ mansions, to the U.S. House and the White House itself, the worst possible people are holding the levers of government, and it’s a death-grip of self-destruction.

 Issues & Insights

"Mark Jan. 20, 2021, as the day the U.S. fell under the control of the lousiest presidential administration of our lifetimes, if not our history. Heaven help us to get past this bunch in Washington that is either so inept, or so blinded by its radical ideology, that it’s ushering the country into an era of decline.

"Where to begin? How about with John Kerry? President Joe Biden’s climate envoy believes that “even if we get to net zero, we still have to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.” So no CO2, get rid of it all? Was this a slip of the tongue? A misstatement that can happen to anyone? Or simply yet another politician on the left gone mad?

"More likely the latter. As our friend Steve Milloy at pointed out, Kerry actually made the same nonsensical statement twice Biden Equals 'Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated'at last week’s virtual climate summit to emphasize his point.

"Another friend, Anthony Watts of the world’s most widely read global warming website," . . . reminds us Kerry “said essentially the same thing back in 2015” when arguing – correctly – that no matter what the West does, carbon emissions will still be pouring out of the developing world.

"Whether or not Kerry was making this exact same point last week, or was absurdly suggesting a zero-CO2 Earth, matters little. The inanity, however, does. How did we allow ourselves to be saddled with such a character?" . . .

Some of us said after the 2012 election we won’t get fooled again. The evidence that too many were has been evident throughout every news cycle since Jan. 20

 2019; nothing new: The Seven Dumbest Things Democrats Demand You Believe  . . . "If you don’t like seeing young men with pants hanging below their derrières and underwear showing, you are clearly a racist. If you think Ilhan Omar is an unmitigated, hateful disaster, you’re racist through and through. If you don’t think politicians seeking to represent the entire country should be breaking bread with Louis Farrakhan, you might as well join the Ku Klux Klan. Similarly, you’re a racist if you believe Al Sharpton should pay his federal taxes, that the city of Baltimore has greatly declined under Democrat leadership, a state of affairs that happens to manifest itself with black people in positions of power (that decline, however, was present when Martin O’Malley, who is white as a sheet, was mayor) or that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hank Johnson, Mazie Hirono, or Rashida Tlaib are among the lesser examples of American leadership one might produce for inspection." . . .

B.I.D.E.N. Biden Equals 'Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated'  . . . "Forget about supporting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's $10 trillion Green New Deal that will bankrupt the U.S. economy and kill millions of jobs forever.  Forget about old Joe's radical new beliefs on open borders and "defunding the police." Oh, and Biden also said recently the police could "become the enemy." Process that for a minute." . . .

Dem State Rep Targets Veterans With Proposal To Strip Them Of Earned Benefits If Government Labels Them “Domestic Terrorists”  

Americans Waking Up to Fact That Kamala Harris Is an Idiot  . . . "I’ve tried to explain for years that Democrats in California don’t have to be good at their jobs or even be good politicians to rise through the party ranks there. They merely have to meet the right money people early in their careers. That’s how Barbara Boxer, Gavin Newsom, and Kamala Harris happen.
"I used to think it was nightmarish to imagine Joe Biden having to become president if something happened to Barack Obama. Now we’re living that nightmare with an even bigger nightmare backing him up.

"A cackling nightmare." . . .

Is Joe Biden Trying to Limit Americans to Four Pounds of Red Meat Per Year?

The Dispatch   "Over the weekend, Republican politicians and personalities claimed that President Joe Biden’s climate plan would require Americans to cut their red meat consumption by 90 percent, allowing only four pounds of red meat per year. " . . .

"These claims came on the heels of Biden committing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by the year 2030 at a climate summit on Thursday. It appears to have originated with an article  in the British tabloid The Daily Mail that explores hypothetical ways in which Americans could reduce their emissions. In the headline—”How Biden's climate plan could limit you to eat just one burger a MONTH, cost $3.5K a year per person in taxes, force you to spend $55K on an electric car and 'crush' American jobs”—the word “could” is doing a lot of work. As the article notes,  such proposals are not from a Biden plan, as the president “is yet to release any firm details on exactly how such a plan [to reduce greenhouse gas emissions] will affect the daily lives of ordinary Americans.”

"The basis for the red meat claim comes not from any plan released or endorsed by Biden, but from a study by the University of Michigan's Center for Sustainable Systems published January 13, 2020. The paper calculated that if Americans reduced meat consumption by 50 percent with a 90 percent reduction of beef specifically, there would be a 51 percent decline in greenhouse gas emissions produced by meat production." . . . 

Why My Pillow is different from Coca-Cola when it comes to politics

 Andrea Widberg "We wrote to the CEO of a company with which we intended to do business asking why the company had stopped stocking the My Pillow products? Our question was a simple one: Was this a business decision or a political decision? To our surprise, the CEO himself wrote back to us explaining that it was a business decision, adding that Mike Lindell did this to himself. The CEO wasn’t being obnoxious, and I didn’t take it that way. However, what he said was illuminating for what he inadvertently revealed about woke corporations in America. what’s become of businesses in America." . . . 

. . . "And that gets me to my interaction with the CEO we queried about his company’s decision to drop My Pillow from its inventory. I’m not going to name the corporation or the CEO because he was very nice, and I don’t want him to get heat from left or right. (Also, don’t assume “his” gender just because I used the grammatically correct pronoun to respond to an unidentified person of either sex.) Here’s his email:. . .

Thank you. It is a business we do when we discontinue any supplier. *** If My Pillow stayed out of politics they may save the brand. Sales decline equals discontinued products. All the best. (Emphasis mine.) . . .

. . . "Maybe I’m splitting hairs, but I think My Pillow’s business model is strikingly different from what we’re getting from the left. On one side, we have a company that stays in its lane, although it has a CEO who freely exercises his First Amendment rights. On the other side, we have a wall of corporations that see their products as almost secondary to their political proselytizing. The moment you buy that product, you’re putting your imprimatur on the company’s politics".

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

John Kerry faces calls to resign over allegations of leaking Israeli intel to Iran


Iran's foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations in Syria

"Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine Trump administration"

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed in recently leaked audio that John Kerry, when he was serving as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, informed him of more than 200 Israeli operations in Syria. Kerry has previously been accused of colluding with Iranian leaders to undermine the Trump administration. Kerry is now a part of the Biden administration and has a seat on the National Security Council as the special presidential envoy for climate. Kerry shocked Zarif by revealing that Israel had attacked Iranian targets in Syria more than 200 times, according to leaked audio obtained by The New York Times and other outlets.

"Asked to resign...why isn't every member of the senate, asking for an inquiry and put him on "administrative leave" until a full investigation can be completed. "Basically, clearance should be evaluated or paused while this heinous act is reviewed. If it is a lie from an enemy, sanctions should be made against the enemy state, if it true, then Kerry should be held accountable (financially as well)."

Iran's foreign minister's leaked revelations are eye-opening   . . . "On Sunday, news broke that a private interview that Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had with an economist had been leaked to a London-based Persian news service, which then shared it with the New York Times.  There are several interesting points to the conversation, with two of the most striking being (a) Javad's acknowledging that Trump's decision to assassinate Qassem Soleimani was a powerful strike against Iran and (b) a reminder of why the Biden administration is making a terrible mistake when it politicizes the American military." . . .

Lawrence Sellin On WION TV Discussing Biden Lifting Sanctions On Iran  Video

Buried Bombshell: Kerry Tipped off Iran About Covert Israeli Operations in Syria  "During the Obama years, former Secretary of State John Kerry informed Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that Israel, a United States ally, had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, according to leaked audio obtained by the New York Times.

"During the Trump years, Kerry repeatedly held unauthorized meetings with the Iranians to undermine the Trump administration’s plans to end the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal.

"In May of 2018, Kerry sat down with Zarif in Paris to discuss ways of preserving the Obama administration’s “crowning diplomatic achievement.”  It was the second time in about two months that the two had met to strategize over ways to salvage an agreement Trump planned to scuttle. Although there were calls at the time for Kerry to be investigated for potential crimes, nothing was ever done about it.

"He is now the Biden administration’s United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate.

" 'Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed him that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said,” Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi wrote.

"Zarif’s shocking claim about Kerry’s potential treason comes deep into the Times‘ story about the leaked tape, which is mostly about Zarif describing his rivalry with the now deceased Islamic Revolutionary Guard leader, Qassim Suleimani." . . .