Saturday, July 17, 2021

Dementia Joe Goes All in With His Most Insane Comment Yet

RedState   "What is misinformation and who gets to define what it is?

"The Biden team thinks that they get to. They think they get to censor what is misinformation because they say so and they put pressure on/or work in tandem with social media platforms. That’s what White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has made clear. She admitted it yesterday and then made it worse today, saying that if someone is banned for misinformation from one platform, that person should be banned from every social media platform." . . .

. . . "What is this? More government scare tactics to frighten people into more ceding more control to them? Haven’t we seen enough of this already? As the pandemic lessens, they’re actually squeezing more as they start to lose control. They show once again, it isn’t about the pandemic. It’s about the control.

"This is the guy they claimed was a unifier? He wants to suppress information, he thinks people who want election security are a “domestic threat” (think where that leads next), he thinks election security laws are the worst thing since the Civil War. Now Facebook is “killing people.” Everything is the height of hyperbole, having no relation to reality, to justify government actions. Biden is equating not agreeing with the government with murder. Think how dangerous that is.

"Speaking of misinformation, if they actually wanted to stop the purveyors of misinformation, they should look in the mirror." . . . 

NFL launches new ad proclaiming 'football is gay, football is lesbian...'

Normally, I'd "Be ready for some football!"  Now, however, I can never take the NFL seriously again.  And after this, members of the LGBT community shouldn't, either.

Eric Utter  "The National Football League (NFL) recently joined virtually every other American institution in lauding —  and marketing to — the LGBT community during Pride Month in June.  It did so by releasing a new 30-second commercial proudly proclaiming that "football is gay, lesbian, queer, transgender, bisexual and exciting."

"The ad begins by stating "football is gay" to the sound of drums rolling and people cheering.  (I'm not sure what Dick Butkus would have to say about this advertisement, but I digress.)". . . 

Four seconds into the ad. Twitter video screen grab.

Friday, July 16, 2021

A planeful of Democrat Robins


"Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the scene with Brave Sir Robin, with subtitles."

Forget about Booting Biden

Tony Branco

 George Walsh

When the investigations reach a point where the Democrat media can no longer hide the truth, and the public is free to act, we win; they lose.  But winning can happen only if we quit trying to fix 2020 and focus on the people caught trying to fix the election.  

. . . "If the goal is bouncing Biden, then, as a practical matter, at a certain point, we need to stop litigating the outcome of the 2020 election and focus on winning the 2024 election.  That point is the end of next year, and while that seems like a lot of time, it isn't.  

To understand why, let's start with the Maricopa audit.  It can't prove fraud.  All it can do is show if the county conducted the election according to legal minimum standards.  Given the long list of Election Day "anomalies" and "irregularities," it's an easy bet that the audit will show that Maricopa Country failed to meet those standards.    

. . . "If the Republican Party takes control of Congress in 2022, and if Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and the other quislings can be kept from sabotaging the impeachment effort, you could have a trial by January 2023.  But that's as far as you'll get.  It still takes two thirds of the Senate to vote for conviction.  A dozen of more Democrat senators would have to put country over party.  Honestly, what are the odds?

"So bouncing Biden before 2024 isn't happening.  This may not be a bad thing.  Biden isn't the real threat to the Republic.  The real threat is the network of local politicians who rig elections, national leaders who pay for the rigging, and the Democrat-controlled media who refuse to report the truth to the American people." . . .


How the Kennedys closed ranks after Ted's Chappaquiddick Incident ended Mary Jo Kopechne’s life and derailed Ted Kennedy’s presidential ambitions for good.:

 It was a gruesome death for Mary Jo, according to John Farrar, captain of Mary Jo wasn’t in the front seat but had been thrown into the back and her head was cocked back with her face pressed into the foot-well of the floor and hands gripping the edge of the backseat
The diver who found the body said she did not drown but, rather, died of suffocation; 
It was estimated that it took her three or four hours to die.

 Distinct Today    "Newspaper headlines were sympathetic to the ‘cursed Kennedys’ and labeled Kopechne an opportunist who had attached herself to the Kennedy family for profit.

"Some news stories suggested the 28-year-old was having an affair with the senator, was pregnant and had threatened to tell his wife Joan, already mired in Ted’s marriage infidelities.

"Another story reported she had confessed to an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr. in 1968.

"Hate mail and death threats besieged her parents, driving her mother to drink and her father’s sorrow manifesting itself in cancer.

"She was slandered as an adulteress responsible for costing the Massachusetts senator a shot at the presidency.

Ted never apologized to Mary Jo’s parents but he went on national television to ask the people of Massachusetts for their forgiveness – and they did for the next four decades.the search and rescue division of the Edgartown, Massachusetts volunteer fire department. Farrar knew that Mary Jo had suffocated slowly over three or four hours rather than drowned and it was a slow terrorizing death trapped in the car – while Ted Kennedy worried about how he could spin this story and get someone else to take the blame.". . . 

 Full article...

Chappaquiddick Victim's Family: "There Are People Out There Who Know More"

In a recent interview with Peopletwo of Kopechne's cousins spoke out about the way their family member is remembered and why they believe that there are still people out there who have more information on what exactly happened the night Senator Kennedy crashed his car into a pond, killing Kopechne. Read on to see what they have to say, half a century after the mysterious death of their family member.

Grifters Father

The American Spectator


Watch Jen Psaki Blatantly Lie Her Head Off, Doubling Down on Joe Biden's Lies on Georgia Law

The Post Millennial "As we reported earlier, Joe Biden has lied his head off about the new Georgia law. Biden claimed that the new law was “Jim Crow on steroids.” Why?

"He claimed that it prevented people from providing voters in line with food and water and that it ended voting at 5 p.m. “when people were getting off of work.”

First, it should be noted that neither claim is true.

"As the WaPo’s fact-checker Glenn Kessler wrote it was false that voting was ended at 5 p.m. He gave Biden four Pinocchios for the falsehood (the worst rating for lies).". . . 

. . . "But, in any event, for Joe Biden to suggest that any of this is somehow Jim Crow is beyond insulting and diminishing of the real evils of Jim Crow laws.

"So when Jen Psaki was asked about the question during her briefing today, you would think that perhaps she try to explain away Biden’s lies or back away from them.

"Instead, she defended his lies, repeating them again." . . .

"It wasn’t forcing anyone to shut down at five, it was setting that as a minimum business day for early voting and the hours on Election Day stayed the same, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m."

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Cuba: The Collapse Of Another Socialist Utopia? Let’s Hope So


Image by Marcus Aurelius

Issues & Insights    "Like an unwatched pot suddenly violently boiling over, Havana and other cities have erupted in defiant protests by Cubans fed up with living in their perpetually depressed tropical police state. True to form, the Castroite regime has already reflexively cracked down on the protests with brutality.

"Cubans weary of being treated like animals without rights took to the streets, shouting “Freedom!” “Down with the dictatorship,” and, most pointedly, “Down with communism!” In some cases, protesters carried American flags. This was not an isolated demonstration: According to the Spanish-language data site Inventario, some 63 cities and towns were roiled by demonstrations on Sunday through early Monday.

"Here in the U.S., some on the left initially tried to portray this as Cubans being upset over COVID-19 infections and a lack of vaccines. A State Department spokesperson styled it as Cubans “exercising their right to peaceful assembly … about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages.”

“We call for calm and condemn any violence,” Julie Chung, acting assistant secretary for the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, tweeted Sunday.

"Nice try. To begin with, Cubans don’t have a “right to peaceful assembly,” nor any other real enforceable rights. All their rights depend on the government’s willingness to grant them. As for the demonstrations, the reasons plainly went well beyond a mere “medicine shortage.” Watch videos: You’ll see it has nothing to do with COVID-19." . . .

That is in America's Constitution - not Cuba's. Ours is the one where using it gets you beaten to a bloody pulp before CNN cameras and as you lay prone some product of our school systems kicks you in the head. As he shouts slogans taught by others.

Joe Biden’s Shameful Voting-Rights Speech

National Review

The president’s fabricated panic had lots of hyperbole but few specifics.

"Republican “anti-voting laws,” President Joe Biden claimed during his demagogic speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia this afternoon, are the most “significant threat to our democracy since the Civil War.” These laws are “odious,” “pernicious,” “vicious,” and “unconscionable,” a “subversion and suppression,” the “21st-century Jim Crow,” and the sure sign of an emerging “autocracy.” Biden’s fabricated panic offers lots of space for hyperbole, but precious little room for specifics. I was prepared to fact-check Biden’s contentions about new election laws, but the president offered few details. Perhaps he comprehends that most Americans would probably find voter-integrity laws rather …

Pete Hegseth Nails Runaway Texas Dem to the Wall With One Simple Question . . . "So you would think if this bill is as horrible as the Texas Democrats say — if it’s Jim Crow, worst thing since the Civil War, a “domestic threat” that he must protect against, as Joe Biden claims — then they should be able to tell us who is actually being denied the right to vote, right? They’re saying that’s happening. So who is being denied?

"Fox’s Pete Hegseth asked that very question of one of the runaway Texas Democrats, James Talarico. He wasn’t able to name one person who would be denied." Video

Democrat Candidate Harley Rouda Calls Trump Voters ‘Morons’

A Steel spokesman told Fox, “Between not paying his taxes and insulting families in Orange County, it’s no wonder voters fired Harley Rouda last November.” Last week, reports came out that Rouda missed the deadline to disclose stock trades his wife made selling off shares of Amazon and Tesla.

Former Democrat Rep. Harley Rouda (CA), who is running to get his old seat he lost to Republican Rep. Michelle Steel (CA), who is running to get his old seat he lost to Republican Rep. Michelle Steel (CA), called Republicans who voted for former President Donald Trump “morons.”

"Rouda’s comments were made at a town hall hosted by the Laguna Beach Democratic Club, Fox News reported.

"During his remarks, Rouda said, “Trump being at the top of the ticket” in 2020 was one of the reasons he lost his House seat, according to an “audit” he did.

"He went on to say that “The fact that six million more ‘morons’ voted for this man, is mind-boggling to me,” but he noted, “Thank goodness about 11 more million Americans voted for [President] Joe Biden.”

"Rouda also blamed Democrat “low-propensity, uninformed voters who came out and voted for Trump and the down the ticket.” He said that “impacted” him." . . .

Critical Race Theory Is a Complex -- Oh, Who Are We Kidding?

How'd you like to be hired by the (then) premier university in the world, not based on the excellence of your scholarship, but because of students threatening to burn the campus down? 

Tony Branco

Ann Coulter "One of the unintended consequences of teachers using COVID to refuse to do their jobs in 2020 is that their students suddenly had to take classes remotely -- within earshot of Dad. A mother at a fancy New York City private school told me that the wokeness curriculum was nothing new, but mothers never made a fuss about it. Then the fathers overheard their kids' remote classes -- and all hell broke loose.

"Now that the teachers' anti-white agenda has been exposed (thank you, fathers of America!), the left is spinning a series of increasingly hilarious defenses of "critical race theory," which is just a more boring version of the left's usual hatred of Western civilization.

"Their current position is that they simply can't discuss CRT with you because it's too complex and can only be understood by high-level graduate students after years of study.

"Paul Begala on CNN: "It's a graduate-level construct."

"CNN's Anderson Cooper: "It started in the '70s, as I understand, in sort of academic circles, law schools."

"'Dr." Ibram Kendi -- who is a "doctor" in the same sense that Jill Biden is -- explaining his position on CRT:

"I'm not a legal scholar. So I wasn't trained on critical race theory. I'm a historian. ... Critical race theory is taught in law schools. I didn't attend law school, which is where critical race theory is taught." . . .

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Never forget the US left’s disgusting love affair with the Castro regime

 NY Post  . . . "It’s not easy to run a hideous dictatorship and still have fans and defenders in fashionable quarters, but the Castro dictatorship has managed it all of these decades.

"The mass, spontaneous protests that broke out all over the country last weekend are yet another sign that the Cuban government lacks all legitimacy. In Cuba, it is the government versus the people, and lo, all these years, Castro’s apologists have been with the government.

"They have romanticized Fidel Castro, the founder father of Cuba’s junta. They have swallowed its propaganda. They have made excuses for it. They have looked away from its crimes. And they have blamed America for its manifest failures." . . .

Cubans protesting communism with American flag because it's a symbol of freedom: Rep. Gimenez   fiddlesticks465:

If you ever wondered why the left despises the Star Spangled Banner, that is your answer in a nutshell. It is a universally accepted symbol of freedom, and they can't subvert it.