Friday, July 16, 2021

How the Kennedys closed ranks after Ted's Chappaquiddick Incident ended Mary Jo Kopechne’s life and derailed Ted Kennedy’s presidential ambitions for good.:

 It was a gruesome death for Mary Jo, according to John Farrar, captain of Mary Jo wasn’t in the front seat but had been thrown into the back and her head was cocked back with her face pressed into the foot-well of the floor and hands gripping the edge of the backseat
The diver who found the body said she did not drown but, rather, died of suffocation; 
It was estimated that it took her three or four hours to die.

 Distinct Today    "Newspaper headlines were sympathetic to the ‘cursed Kennedys’ and labeled Kopechne an opportunist who had attached herself to the Kennedy family for profit.

"Some news stories suggested the 28-year-old was having an affair with the senator, was pregnant and had threatened to tell his wife Joan, already mired in Ted’s marriage infidelities.

"Another story reported she had confessed to an affair with Robert Kennedy Jr. in 1968.

"Hate mail and death threats besieged her parents, driving her mother to drink and her father’s sorrow manifesting itself in cancer.

"She was slandered as an adulteress responsible for costing the Massachusetts senator a shot at the presidency.

Ted never apologized to Mary Jo’s parents but he went on national television to ask the people of Massachusetts for their forgiveness – and they did for the next four decades.the search and rescue division of the Edgartown, Massachusetts volunteer fire department. Farrar knew that Mary Jo had suffocated slowly over three or four hours rather than drowned and it was a slow terrorizing death trapped in the car – while Ted Kennedy worried about how he could spin this story and get someone else to take the blame.". . . 

 Full article...

Chappaquiddick Victim's Family: "There Are People Out There Who Know More"

In a recent interview with Peopletwo of Kopechne's cousins spoke out about the way their family member is remembered and why they believe that there are still people out there who have more information on what exactly happened the night Senator Kennedy crashed his car into a pond, killing Kopechne. Read on to see what they have to say, half a century after the mysterious death of their family member.

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