Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Taliban commit 'house-to-house executions' in Kabul after US exit as chilling audio demonstrates Afghans' fear

  Fox News  "Horrifying audio of distant gunshots appears to confirm reports of "house-to-house executions" as the Taliban asserts control of Kabul and Afghanistan after the U.S. military's departure on Monday evening.

 "An Afghan man who worked with Americans on the ground provided Fox News with the chilling audio featuring distant gunshots.

 "I think there's a conflict between the Taliban, I have no idea where I'm located. From everywhere I hear the sounds of shooting, gunfire. I have no idea how to leave," the Afghan man said in the audio clip, recorded around the time the final U.S. plane left Kabul.

 "Distant gunshots rang in the background in the audio clip. 

"Taliban militants were carrying out "house-to-house executions in Kabul" after the U.S. departure, a senior U.S. source told Fox News Investigative journalist Lara Logan."

Florida restaurant owner posts sign asking Biden supporters to take their business elsewhere

 Auntie Maxine Waters would appreciate this, eh?

Yahoo  "Angie Ugarte, the owner of DeBary Diner, posted the sign that criticizes the way Biden handled evacuations in Afghanistan, where a blast last week killed 13 U.S. service members.

“If you voted for and continue to support and stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the White House that is complicit in the death of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, please take your business elsewhere," the sign says. "God bless America and God bless our soldiers."

“ 'It was the only thing I felt like I could do,” Ugarte said, according to FOX 35 News. “I was just angry. I was just let down. I felt like one of those mothers, or wives, or sisters who were gonna get that knock on the door.' ”. . . 

Naturally Biden democrats rallied around him with a rash of negative reviews !  

If Democrats dislike your politics, they will drive you out of business and into poverty.  Even Tripadvisor had tointervene to protect their integrity:

Message from Tripadvisor: Due to a recent event that has attracted media attention and has caused an influx of review submissions that do not describe a first-hand experience, we have temporarily suspended publishing new reviews for this listing. If you’ve had a firsthand experience at this property, please check back soon - we’re looking forward to receiving your review!

Diner DeBary | Cuban Sandwiches | Debary Diner  Be sure to visit before Democrats try to assault it. 

If this sounds demagogic and slanderous, remember when Democrats are mentioned, I refer you to those led by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, everyone on the right side of the Judiciary Committee, Chuck Schumerglower; AOC and her squad, Maxine waters and all those glowering at President Trump during any address.TD



Unconditional Surrender, wouldn't you say?


Biden’s Afghanistan Withdrawal: Taliban Celebrates “Victory”, Holds Mock Funerals for U.S. and NATO Troops

“Taliban leaders paraded at Kabul airport alongside troops decked out head to toe in western gear.”

"As the last U.S. soldiers boarded a C-130 transport plane at Kabul airport on Monday, Taliban fighters rushed to the tarmac and declared victory nearly 20 years after the September 11 terrorist attacks.

"News reports said that Taliban gunmen screamed “Allahu akbar” and fired shots into the air as the last U.S. planes left the airport. Taliban and its supporters took to the streets of Kabul to celebrate a humiliating military withdrawal and airlift overseen by U.S. President Joe Biden.

The Taliban mocked U.S. and allied troops by parading fake coffins covered in their flags. “Fake coffins draped with the British, American, French and NATO flags were paraded through the streets of Khost in Afghanistan today as the Taliban celebrated the end of western ‘occupation’,” The UK’s Daily Mail reported.

"The Wall Street Journal reported jihadi groups celebrations:

"Taliban fighters and their supporters rallied across Afghanistan to celebrate the end of 20 years of foreign military presence on Tuesday, pledging to implement strict Islamic rule as ordinary Afghans, many of them bewildered and scared, grappled with the uncertain future ahead. (…)

"Senior figures in the Islamist movement posed in front of a C-130 transport plane at the Kabul airport, the hub of a chaotic U.S.-led evacuation operation in recent days. Fighters took selfies in the cockpits of Afghan military helicopters that had been disabled and abandoned.

“ 'We hope that Afghanistan will not be invaded again, that it will be rebuilt, remain independent, and that a holy Islamic system will rule,” Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said, as uniformed fighters in modern combat gear knelt on the tarmac and chanted “Allahu akbar,” or “God is great.' ”... Build back better, right? 

Gold Star Parents Lash Out at Biden Following Meeting at Dover Air Force Base

American Greatness  "Joe Biden’s meeting with Gold Star families at Dover Air Force Base on Sunday did not go smoothly, according to multiple accounts. One mother said on social media that she told him to his face that he has blood on his hands. According to several family members, Biden angered grieving parents when he repeatedly invoked his own son, Beau, who died six years ago of cancer, while talking to them.

"Gold Star father Mark Schmitz told the Washington Post that he did not want to hear about Beau, he wanted to talk about his son Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, so he and his ex-wife took out a photo of their deceased son to show to Biden. “I said, ‘Don’t you ever forget that name. Don’t you ever forget that face. Don’t you ever forget the names of the other 12,’ ” Schmitz told the Post. “ ‘And take some time to learn their stories.’ ”

"Schmitz said that Biden “bristled” at that, and responded defensively: “I do know their stories.”

"On Fox News Monday night, Schmitz told host Sean Hannity that Biden “talked a bit more about his own son than he did my son and that didn’t sit well with me.”

"The sister of Marine Rylee McCollum, 20, meanwhile described Biden as “scripted and shallow” following the family’s meeting with him at the Dover memorial service.

"Roice McCollum said that during the two minute conversation, Biden brought up his son, Beau, in “total disregard to the loss of our Marine.”

"Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn slammed Biden for attempting to use his deceased son to shield himself from criticism.". . . 

Facebook-Owned Instagram Disables, Restores Account of Mom of Fallen Marine in Kabul (   ..."On Monday, Shana said Instagram disabled her account:

It seems Instagram took it upon themselves to delete my account because i am assuming it was because i gained so many followers over my sons death due to Biden’s negligence, ignorance and him being a traitor! I’m gonna assume that Facebook is gonna delete me next! Funny how these leftist one sided pieces of crap don’t want the truth to come out! Keep in mind i only posted about my heart break over my son. Those of u who follow me on IG seen the post. My post was even shared on the news and now IG has disabled my account because of that post! Guess today I’ll accept those interviews from newsmax,fox,etc…Instagram you can not silence me!!! You deleted my account because my sons blood is on Biden’s hands!! 13 Heros blood is on Biden’s hands!!!! #instagra  



White House responds to plea of interpreter who helped rescue Biden but is still stuck in Afghanistan

 Yahoo  "White House responds to plea of interpreter who helped rescue Biden but is still stuck in Afghanistan

"The White House responded Tuesday to the plea of an Afghan interpreter who helped rescue then-Sen. Joe Biden and two other senators in a 2008 snowstorm, reiterating the president’s pledge to use diplomacy to work to evacuate remaining allies still in Afghanistan who wish to leave.

“ 'We will get you out, we will honor your service, and we're committed to doing exactly that,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

"The Wall Street Journal reported the interpreter – only identified as Mohammed by the newspaper – his wife and four children are in hiding from the Taliban after a “years-long attempt” to leave Afghanistan got mired in bureaucracy. As the final troops left Afghanistan on Monday, Mohammed asked Biden to save his family.

“ 'Hello Mr. President: Save me and my family,” Mohammed told the Journal. “Don’t forget me here.”. . . 

Ingrate: Biden abandons Afghani interpretor who rescued him in 2008

Here's the other thing: The Wall Street Journal, which broke the story about the monster 14-step red tape that Afghani interpreters faced in getting to safety to the U.S., was able to chronicle that this man was one of the very people stuck in that appalling red tape. I wrote a disgusted blog about the matter here

..."Joe Biden has disappointed almost everyone in America — except, in a certain way, his political opponents. He promised to bring Americans together, and in a way, he certainly has. He's now the best recruiting sergeant his political opponents could hope for, alienating many of those who voted for him. And in the rest of the free world, there can be only sadness that this man who claimed to be so much better than Donald Trump has turned out to be so much worse. Biden is rapidly becoming a serious contender for the title of America's worst president.

"In his first months in office, he focused mainly on undoing the good that Trump had done in the previous four years. This destructive urge appears to have been motivated by spite accompanied by a lack of commitment to doing what is best for America instead of himself."... 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Some School Board Members Resigning Amid Hostile Meetings –

  CBS Denver (  "A Nevada school board member said he had thoughts of suicide before stepping down amid threats and harassment. In Virginia, a board member resigned over what she saw as politics driving decisions on masks. The vitriol at board meetings in Wisconsin had one member fearing he would find his tires slashed.

"School board members are largely unpaid volunteers, traditionally former educators and parents who step forward to shape school policy, choose a superintendent and review the budget. But a growing number are resigning or questioning their willingness to serve as meetings have devolved into shouting contests between deeply political constituencies over how racial issues are taught, masks in schools, and COVID-19 vaccines and testing requirements.

"In his letter of resignation from Wisconsin’s Oconomowoc Area School Board, Rick Grothaus said its work had become “toxic and impossible to do.”

“ 'When I got on, I knew it would be difficult,” Grothaus, a retired educator, said by phone. “But I wasn’t ready or prepared for the vitriolic response that would occur, especially now that the pandemic seemed to just bring everything out in a very, very harsh way. It made it impossible to really do any kind of meaningful work.' ”. . . 

Biden Left Behind the Afghan Interpreter Who Helped to Rescue Him in 2008 –


"Joe Biden has told a lot of stories over the years, most designed to puff himself up, and some of them with very little relationship to reality.

"But there’s one story that he tells that does have some relationship to reality — that’s the story of having to land in a helicopter in the woods of Afghanistan in 2008. He often told the story to add to his alleged foreign policy credentials when he was running for office.

From WaPo:

“If you want to know where al Qaeda lives, you want to know where [Osama] bin Laden is, come back to Afghanistan with me,” he said on the campaign trail in October, just months after the February rescue. “Come back to the area where my helicopter was forced down…in the middle of those mountains. I can tell you where they are.”

"Now, Joe being Joe, there’s puffery there — they weren’t exactly near al Qaeda, and their helicopter was “forced down” by a snowstorm, not by any enemy action. But, it was true that it had to land and there was potential danger, given he was a U.S. senator and there with two other U.S. senators — Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) and Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)."....

Taliban Sets Up Special Unit To Hunt Down Afghans Who Helped U.S. And Allied Forces

Legal Insurrection

"The Taliban has set up a special unit to hunt down Afghans who worked for the U.S. and Western allies, the New York Post reported on Friday. The operation is being led by the members of the Al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network, a Taliban faction with a history of killing and kidnapping American service members and civilians in the region.

"The Taliban has reportedly seized U.S.-built biometric devices and could use them to target Afghans who helped U.S. troops and other agencies. This cache of information comes at a time when the Taliban in Kabul is conducting door-to-door searches looking for former Afghan government officials and security personnel. The Taliban has drawn up “kill lists” to eliminate the “enemies” of the newly-declared Islamic Emirate, UK’s Daily Mirror reported.

"There are also reports of U.S. handing out the names of American evacuees to the Taliban, making them potential targets for killings and hostage taking. “U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport,” The Politico reported on Thursday. The names were shared because the “Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport,” the new outlet added. It was an grave lack of judgement as Thursday’s Kabul airport bombing showed.

"The NY Post reported on Taliban’s hunt for those to helped the U.S. and Western allies: ..."

How Joe Biden's Wokeness Caused the Catastrophe in Afghanistan –

[WATCH] How Joe Biden's Wokeness Caused the Catastrophe in Afghanistan – PJ Media    "America is now reaping the wages of wokeness.

"Just about a week ago Afghanistan’s fall accelerated and spun wildly out of control. We now have thousands of Americans surrounded at an airport in the heart of Kabul, which is controlled by the Taliban.

"Joe Biden insists that there was no other way to withdraw from Afghanistan, but the fact is, it didn’t have to be this way. Numerous choices he has made in the name of wokeness have led the United States to this grim impasse, in which our enemies are emboldened like never before and even our closest allies hold him and us in contempt. He was supposed to be the expert adult in the room but he has behaved like an angry child and then left the room.

"Biden has gone out of his way to prioritize and impose wokeness across the entire government, beginning with his choice for vice president. He’s left the scene for an indefinite amount of time now, as the crisis worsens, leaving the nation with no credible national leadership. Our UN ambassador thinks a strongly worded letter will do the trick. The Pentagon because he made them woke and prioritized optics over operations, and now they have no plan to get us out of this inferno because he has left them under-equipped for it. At every turn, Joe Biden’s choices, such as the decision to abandon Afghanistan without warning to our allies during the well-known fighting season, and his decision to choose his cabinet based on woke intersectionality and not experience and credibility, created this historic disaster." and State Department helped create this debacle. . . "

VA-Day for the Taliban


The Democrat press has your six, Joe


AfterMath - Home (

The Media Whitewashes Biden’s Afghanistan Blunders | The American Spectator 

"When the Biden administration’s feckless management of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan produced all too predictable chaos, the legacy media uncharacteristically reported on the debacle with remarkable candor. This was unsettling to a White House inured to obsequious coverage, and various administration officials have expressed frustration concerning the Fourth Estate’s unfavorable approach to the story. Inevitably, certain “journalists” echoed the complaint. New York Magazine’s Eric Levitz, for example, querulously insisted, “America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan has yet to cost our nation a single casualty.” The day after this was published, 13 Americans were murdered by Islamic State terrorists. In a New York Times column published on the day of this attack."   Via Lucianne

CNN, MSNBC Defend and Praise Biden’s Handling of Afghanistan, But Americans Aren’t Buying It    "...MSNBC’s ReidOut Host Joy Reid has tried to distract viewers from Biden’s failure by attacking the Trump Administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and Republicans’ approval of Trump’s decisions regarding Afghanistan.

"Over at CNN, Reliable Sources’ Host Brian Stelter has tried to defend Biden by attacking the media outlets that have reported unfavorably about the handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan:..."

Leftists fiercely turn on MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski for assigning Biden blame over Afghanistan (  ..."Also, the Trump administration established goalposts and parameters that had to first be met by the Taliban and the Afghan government."...

CIA analyst bashes MSNBC for supporting Biden's Afghanistan speech: 'I was appalled' | Fox News     MSNBC host @NicolleDWallace:  : "95% of the American people will agree with everything [President Biden] just said. 95% of the press covering this White House will disagree."

Afghan vet mocks MSNBC host for praising Biden, then delivers powerful rebuke of Biden's speech on Afghanistan - TheBlaze  ..."Matt Zeller, a former CIA officer and U.S. Army officer who served as an embedded combat adviser with the Afghan security forces, mocked MSNBC host Brian Williams to his face Monday for praising President Joe Biden's speech on Afghanistan."...

Monday, August 30, 2021

Nearly 90 retired Generals and Admirals call for Gen. Milley and Lloyd Austin to resign|

There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name).  These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.  From: Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah - Nordskog Publishing

The Post Millennial

A group called the Flag Officers 4 America has published a press release demanding the “resignation of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS).”
"The people in that position right now are Lloyd J. Austin III and General Mark A. Milley, respectively. Both military leaders who have had to face questions and scrutiny over the last weeks in the midst of the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Kabul, Afghanistan.
"According to the letter, the concerns from former military officials are that the US military gave up key locations like Bagram air base (alongside the manpower therein), in tandem with not having a concrete plan to evacuate citizens in the meantime."
. . . 
"The situation as it stands this evening is that the Biden administration formally ended their military presence in Afghanistan despite admitting several hundreds of Americans were left behind.
"President Biden said he trusts the Taliban* when it comes to how anyone else wants to get out.". . . 
*We refer you to the pull-quote at the top of this post. TD