Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Portland's Black Residents ‘Drowned Out’ by Black Lives Matter Protests

 Neon Nettle

"Portland's black residents are reportedly feeling "drowned out" by the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests in the city that are being led by mostly-white, violent Antifa extremists.

"The African-American community in the Oregan city is feeling silenced amid the nightly riots and violence caused by radical-left protesters, the Associated Press reported Monday.

"According to the AP, the "voices of many black Portland residents" are being "lost" in the "chaotic and often violent protests," supposedly against racial injustice.

"Some in the black community feel the overwhelmingly white crowds of Black Lives Matter protesters — and particularly those committing vandalism — are co-opting the anti-racism movement.". . . 

This Democrat Party and its strange actions appears "satanic"



Democrats, on the other hand...

'Woke' School Bans Pro-Police Flag for Being 'Political,' Promoting BLM Still Allowed | Neon Nettle   ""woke" school in Washington state has reportedly banned pro-police flags and messaging from classrooms for being "too political" while allowing the promotion of the violent, far-left, pro-Marxism organization Black Lives Matter.
"A teacher at Marysville Middle School was ordered to take down a pro-police flag in her classroom over claims it is a "political symbol." 
"However, messages supporting BLM and LGBT pride flags are allowed, and celebrated, in the school.". . .  

. . . "The incident follows the anti-police sentiment that swept the nation last year following the death of George Floyd while he was in police custody, and the resulting defund the police movement.". . . 

" 'If it was about "Saving Lives" the democrats would lock down the
 border and stop firing nurses!"   
Rob Gunne

Marine Stuart Scheller Levels Charges at Biden’s Military Leadership for Leaving Americans Behind; Jailed! (Updated)

Ian Macfarlane

Marine Stuart Scheller Levels Charges at Biden’s Military Leadership for Leaving Americans Behind

Marine forced to do mental check for Afghan criticism; “Small Number” of Americans left in AFGH (nationandstate.com)  "One commander went against the “NO “disrespect” of the senior government leadership order. Following the terrorist bombing that killed 13 American soldiers and 169 Afghans, Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller demanded accountability of the senior military. Scheller then questioned the heart and honesty of the military leaders for “not holding up their end of the bargain.". . . 

 Marine officer who questioned military leadership's handing of Afghanistan surrender reportedly imprisoned - American Thinker   "So far, there is not even a hint of any accountability for the military leadership that handed over vital weapons and facilities, making the Taliban the best-armed terrorists in history.  But for a brave Marine who criticized them, imprisonment has come quickly, reportedly.  Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, USMC was just sent to the brig according to multiple news reports.  Fox News:

Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, the officer who went viral for blasting the military's leadership amid the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, has been sent to the brig, according to a report.

"First a psych eval and now brig confinement.  It appears the powers that be are out to make an example of him — which he astutely predicted.  On the psych eval, it was tragic that the Marine leadership went "full Soviet" on him.". . . 

The Marine Who Called for Afghanistan Accountability Has Been Thrown in Prison (townhall.com)

From the United Kingdom: Father reveals US marine son who criticised withdrawal from Afghanistan is in military prison (theworldnews.net)  "    "Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller gained notoriety in August when he released a public video ripping into the hasty withdrawal of US troops and personnel from Afghanistan, leaving the country to fall to the Taliban.

"After several of his videos went viral, his superiors banned him from posting on social media, but the marine continued to do so before handing in a letter of resignation on August 31 - the final day of US occupation of Afghanistan.

"Now, his father has revealed that the former Lieutenant Colonel has been sent to military prison, known as 'the brig', where he is being held as he awaits a military hearing for breaking the gag order set by his superior officers.

"'All our son did is ask the questions that everybody was asking themselves, but they were too scared to speak out loud,' said Stuart Scheller Sr. 

"'He was asking for accountability, but they had a gag order on him and asked him not to speak.

" 'He did, and they incarcerated him.' ". . .

UPDATE: The Wrong Man Is In The Brig – Put Biden On Trial -(andmagazine.com) "Scheller was up until recently a Marine battalion commander. He was relieved of his command following a series of public statements he made chastising military leadership for the manifest incompetence shown during the Afghan withdrawal that led directly to the deaths of 13 Marines. After his relief Scheller announced he would resign from the service and continued to speak out – in apparent violation of direct orders to stop discussing his concerns publicly.

"In one video, posted on September 16th, Scheller stated his intention to charge Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., head of U.S. Central Command, with dereliction of duty. In the video, Scheller said he was continuing to speak out even though it could jeopardize a deal the Marine Corps had offered him, under which he would accept nonjudicial punishment, resign his commission, forfeit his military pension, and accept a general discharge under honorable conditions rather than face a court-martial.

" 'I have read the entire UCMJ [Uniform Code of Military Justice] in the last two weeks of my purgatory – all of the punitive articles – and it turns out that all military officers are subject to the UCMJ,” Scheller said in the video. “Because it appears to me that no general officers are willing to hold each other accountable, I am submitting charges against Gen. McKenzie for his bad assumptions – not because I’m vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be held accountable to the same standard as us.' ”. . . 

Cartels delighted with Joe Biden's Del Rio border mess, vow to take out Border Patrol with more fake news

It's a horror in the making, and there's not a scintilla of recognition from the Bidenites that they're about to lose big again as the entire country suffers.
Monica Showalter  "As Joe Biden was creating his border mess in Del Rio, Texas — drawing in thousands of illegal migrants, releasing them scot-free into the interior of the country, and then blaming the Border Patrol for doing their jobs — it wasn't just border town residents and U.S. citizens further inland who were watching the hideous spectacle on television.  Turns out Mexico's cartels were watching, too, and have decided that Biden has handed them the perfect tool.

"According to independent journalist Lara Logan:

BREAKING: Acc to law enfcmt in RGV Texas, BP agents advised latest Intel from cartels: after Biden response to horse patrol, cartels ordered their smugglers to force BP to react/appear to use excessive force & record. Cartels will push to media to force more agents off the line.

. . .

 Joe Biden is one of those craven leaders who's signaled to cartels that he has no intention of backing his own government enforcing the laws of the country and is easily diverted by "racist" narratives.  The end result is that Border Patrol agents are now on their own, and cartels have noticed.  They'd like more racial incidents, the better to beef up profits.  Any Border Patrol agent who sticks his neck out to protect the country from an illegal foreign invasion will be subject to a cartel-provoked incident framed as racism by the press and then get the back of Joe's hand.  As the old fool put it: "Those people will pay."

10 Lowlights of Maxine Waters’ Political Career

This woman is frightening to me, but so are her voters that keep her in office. TD

Sabo photos from 100%Fedup

 10 Lowlights of Maxine Waters' Political Career (breitbart.com)   "Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is one of the most controversial members of Congress, with a history of scandalous and bizarre statements and stories throughout her thirty years as a representative.

"Below are ten lowlights in Waters’ political career:

"1. Waters is reprimanded by a judge for inciting unrest during an ongoing criminal trial

"Waters has recently been in the news for encouraging protesters in Minnesota to “get more confrontational” if Derek Chauvin is acquitted of murder charges for the death of George Floyd.

"Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the trial, said on the day of counsel’s closing arguments that her remarks were “abhorrent” and “may result in the whole trial being overturned”:. . . "

PRICELESS! 'HALLOWEEN' HORROR MOVIE Billboard Altered To Frightening Photo Of Maxine Waters (100percentfedup.com)

Sabo (street artist)

Monday, September 27, 2021

Over 200 Business Owners File Federal Class Action Lawsuit Against NYC Mayor: ‘This Will Be The First Domino’ To #EndCovidTyranny Nationwide


"CauseACTION Clarion  
Business owners in New York City are banding together to end COVID tyranny and fight back the government-sanctioned segregation ushered in by unconstitutional vaccine mandates and in a class-action federal lawsuit that will likely be litigated in the Supreme Court.

"On August 17, De Blasio signed Emergency Executive Order 225, mandating all indoor establishments “not permit a patron, full- or part-time employee, intern, volunteer, or contractor to enter covered premises without displaying proof of vaccination and identification bearing the same identifying information as the proof of vaccination.”

"Those lacking proof of a first jab or negative test result are shut out of theaters, bakeries, coffee shops, concert venues, sports arenas, stadiums, zoos, arcades, aquariums, restaurants, bars and gyms, while falsifying a “sacred” vaccine passport will be penalized with a 7-year prison sentence. Members of the Independent Restaurant Owners Association Rescue, a group comprised of over 200 business owners that formed at the start of the “pandemic” in March 2020, are suing New York City Mayor De Blasio and the city over the decree, in a lawsuit their attorney contends will be the first domino towards ending covid tyranny nationwide."...

"The Collapse of Biden's World"


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

Biden bullseye: House GOP campaign cmte. uses president as cudgel for first time in targeting vulnerable Dems | Fox News

Up until now, ads by the NRCC and outside groups targeting potentially vulnerable House Democrats have often tied those lawmakers to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, liberal firebrand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the so-called "Squad."

The Collapse of Biden's World – PJ Media   
Biden’s practiced use of longstanding connections, personal acquaintance and avuncular charm to get his way brings diminishing returns. China’s president, Xi Jinping, reportedly refused a summit meeting. Russia’s ill-disposed leader, Vladimir Putin, met him in Geneva, banked the kudos, then carried on regardless. Biden waited days for a phone call last week with France’s pissed-off president, Emmanuel Macron.

What We’re Reading: Haitians Released, Americans Trapped, More Inflation … And More – Issues & Insights (issuesinsights.com)

Fox News Runs Devastating List of Every Single Current Biden Controversy, It's Worse Than You Think (westernjournal.com) 

"Not that we didn’t already know our country has descended into complete chaos. That much has been obvious for some time. It’s everywhere you go, actually." 

. . ."Fox’s scrolling Biden crisis graphic reminded viewers that while they face being treated as second-class citizens if they’re not vaccinated against the coronavirus, no such mandates exist for people who are literally breaking the law by being in the country."...
..."That’s all going on, and we can expect, any day now, a capitulation to Iran over nuclear weapons. It feels like a matter of time before pallets of cash start landing in Tehran."...


America Under Democrats


Washington teacher is forced to REMOVE her pro-police flag because it's 'too political' - but BLM and Pride banners are allowed.    "A teacher in Washington state says she was forced to take down the pro-police flag she hung in her classroom to honor her brother, over claims that it was 'too political.'

" 'They told her that it's controversial to have that flag up,' Chris Sutherland, the teacher's brother, told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. 'That it makes kids and staff feel unsafe, which to me, that does not make sense at all.'

"He said his sister, who has not been named, hung the Thin Blue Line flag on her bulletin board to support him, a former police officer with the Marysville Police Department who served as a resource officer during the fatal Marysville-Pilchuck High School shooting in 2014.". . . 

. . . "The incident comes as multiple teachers have removed American flags from their classrooms, according to FOX News, with one in Portland saying they removed it because it 'stands for violence and menace and intolerance, and I will not fly that in my room.'

"Another teacher in California was recently removed from her classroom after a viral video showed her admitting she encouraged students to pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag after she removed the American flag from the classroom because it made her 'uncomfortable.' ". . . 

One ray of light in the Democrat darkness:

Biden Admin Still Pushing Whip Lie To Distract From Their Open Border Strategy And Policy Failures

 Legal Insurrection  " The claim that border patrol agents on horses whipped Haitian migrants illegally crossing the border spread like wildfire, pushed by the media and Democrats.

"But it was a lie, not just disputed, an outright hoax."On top of all the other evidence, the photographer who snapped the now-viral photo confirmed there was no whipping:

The photographer behind now-famous images depicting Border Patrol agents on horseback appearing to chase migrants with whips says things are not exactly what they seem when it comes to his photos.

The photographs, which were taken Sunday, appear to show agents on horses with whips in hand. The photos caused outrage, as they appear to show Border Patrol agents whipping migrants from certain angles. But photographer Paul Ratje said he and his colleagues never saw agents whipping anyone.

“Some of the Haitian men started running, trying to go around the horses,” Ratje said.

Ratje is a photographer based in Las Cruces and has been in Del Rio since Friday. He said he took the photographs from the Mexican side.

“I’ve never seen them whip anyone,” Ratje said. “He was swinging it … but it can be misconstrued when you’re looking at the picture.”

"Not only were whips not used, the reason horses were used is because that’s how border patrol patrols in terrain that is rough. Horses were not even used in an aggressive manner, there’s no indication anyone was injured.". . . 

Scurrilous attacks on Tucker Carlson reveal the Dems’ panic over their racist plans being exposed

If you want to see racism, look at the Democrats, the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws. They continue to push racism as an electoral strategy. Their fury at Tucker Carlson is caused by his accuracy in identifying their tactics for what they are.

 Thomas Lifson; American Thinker  "You can tell that Tucker Carlson is directly over the enemy target by the amount of flak sent his way. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formerly a reputable, even noble group when it pursued its original goal, the protection of Jews from persecution, is once again trying to get Carlson fired from his job at Fox News, where he is the ratings champion, not merely of the network but of cable news in its entirety. His crime:

accurately describing the strategy of the Democrats to import millions of people dependent on government benefits, so as to counteract the trend of native-born American voters toward conservatism. The theory is that people who want and need government benefits will vote Democrat.". . . 

. . . "The Democrats make no secret of this strategy  when talking to each other. Open discussion goes back at least 15 years to a famous book, The Emerging Democrat Majority, that predicted permanent rule by the Democrats because of “demographic changes” – principally driven by immigration, legal and illegal – that would see ethnicities more inclined to vote Democrat gaining in their share of the voting population.

"The ADL and other leftists throw around terms like “conspiracy theory” and “white supremacists” to tar Tucker for describing the Democrats’ strategy. (For example:  “Tucker Carlson's anti-Semitic white nationalism brought criticism from the Anti Defamation League….)

"Here is the segment that has brought the complaints.":...

. . . "Replacement theory absolutely is correct. It indeed is true that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats have embraced and are busily executing a methodical plan to replace — to replace — the American GOP majority electorate with an imported foreign voter pool, brought in from outside the United States.". . . 

The baleful significance of the Dems' Iron Dome fiasco

 Melanie Phillips (jewishworldreview.com)

Shamefully, it has never pushed back against "The Squad" of progressive women lawmakers despite the revolting remarks they have made — not just about Israel but also the Jews — under the risible fig-leaf of concern for "Palestinian rights."

"According to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, when the Democrats withdrew from their embattled spending bill $1 billion in emergency funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, this was merely a "technicality" that would be reversed.

"Some technicality! The baleful reality behind this development is that the Democratic Party is splintering over support for Israel.

"The Iron Dome system has prevented thousands of rockets and missiles from slaughtering Israeli civilians and reducing their cities to rubble. Removing this funding would signify that the party no longer wished to prevent this.

"Cue predictable uproar, not least among pro-Israel Democrats. Two days later, the House overwhelmingly passed a separate bill dedicated to the Iron Dome funding. Pro-Israel Democrat Rep Kathy Manning pledged that the party "will reiterate our ironclad support for our ally, Israel."

"But despite the second bill passing that support is ironclad no longer.

"The fiasco was triggered by pressure from the party’s "progressive" caucus, whose members hate Israel and want it gone. They reportedly told the party leadership they wouldn’t vote for the bill if it included the Iron Dome funding.

"With the Republicans continuing to dig in their heels against the bill in total, Hoyer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi caved — a moment of moral bankruptcy which subsequent actions can’t erase.". . . 

You see how "The Squad" has thrown a wrench into Congress' support for our traditional allies?  Wait till all the border-crossers and Afghan imports settle into areas and elect their own Democrat representatives into Congress. Unless somehow the American education system teaches them to love this nation, it's Constitution and our history. TD

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Biden leads our nation from Canada to approximately Mexico

 ‘Judge, Jury And Executioner’: Tulsi Gabbard Says Biden ‘Needs To Apologize’ For Throwing Border Agents Under The Bus | The Daily Caller

"Former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Saturday that President Joe Biden “needs to apologize to the American people” for falsely accusing border patrol agents of “strapping” illegal immigrants from Haiti.

“ 'I consider Joe Biden a friend. But he’s absolutely wrong and he needs to apologize to the American people for saying what he said,” Gabbard told Fox News’ “Watters’ World.” “And here’s why.  He’s somebody who’s been very outspoken about being against autocrats and dictators. But what he essentially did was act as judge, jury and executioner for these customs and border patrol agents on horseback,” the former Democratic presidential candidate continued." (RELATED: Lara Logan Says Biden Is ‘Demonizing’ Border Patrol, ‘Decriminalized Crossing The Border’)

During an appearance on “The View,” Vice President Kamala Harris said, “Human beings should not be treated that way and it also invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against African-Americans during times of slavery and so I’m glad that the Department of Homeland Security is taking it very seriously.”. . . 

 Texas governor to Border Patrol agents under investigation: ‘I will hire you’ - POLITICO

 The Department of Homeland Security said it would launch a full investigation, and President Joe Biden said the footage shocked him. “It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay,” Biden said Friday.  Abbott said the fault for any misbehavior should be placed on Biden and members of his administration because they didn’t keep the Haitian migrants from crossing from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas.