Monday, September 27, 2021

Scurrilous attacks on Tucker Carlson reveal the Dems’ panic over their racist plans being exposed

If you want to see racism, look at the Democrats, the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws. They continue to push racism as an electoral strategy. Their fury at Tucker Carlson is caused by his accuracy in identifying their tactics for what they are.

 Thomas Lifson; American Thinker  "You can tell that Tucker Carlson is directly over the enemy target by the amount of flak sent his way. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formerly a reputable, even noble group when it pursued its original goal, the protection of Jews from persecution, is once again trying to get Carlson fired from his job at Fox News, where he is the ratings champion, not merely of the network but of cable news in its entirety. His crime:

accurately describing the strategy of the Democrats to import millions of people dependent on government benefits, so as to counteract the trend of native-born American voters toward conservatism. The theory is that people who want and need government benefits will vote Democrat.". . . 

. . . "The Democrats make no secret of this strategy  when talking to each other. Open discussion goes back at least 15 years to a famous book, The Emerging Democrat Majority, that predicted permanent rule by the Democrats because of “demographic changes” – principally driven by immigration, legal and illegal – that would see ethnicities more inclined to vote Democrat gaining in their share of the voting population.

"The ADL and other leftists throw around terms like “conspiracy theory” and “white supremacists” to tar Tucker for describing the Democrats’ strategy. (For example:  “Tucker Carlson's anti-Semitic white nationalism brought criticism from the Anti Defamation League….)

"Here is the segment that has brought the complaints.":...

. . . "Replacement theory absolutely is correct. It indeed is true that Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats have embraced and are busily executing a methodical plan to replace — to replace — the American GOP majority electorate with an imported foreign voter pool, brought in from outside the United States.". . . 

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