Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Washington Times: George Soros is Still on a Quest to Destroy America

Investigation: Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation

 Washington Times  "George Soros is 89 years old, but by gosh, before he dies, he’s going to see to the internal destruction of America. At least that’s how it seems. How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?

"In the last few years, Soros has taken to trying to take over local law enforcement agencies by pumping massive amounts of money into candidates he favors in key district attorney races.

" 'George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the US justice system,” Politico reported, way back in August of 2016.

"It continues in present day.

" 'PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for prosecutor,” The Washington Post reported in June, about the money from the Justice and Public Safety PAC that went to the left-leaners of both Arlington County, Virginia, and Fairfax County, Virginia, commonwealth’s attorney races."

Soros-backed DA hires public defender with history of anti-police rhetoric and limited experience as high-ranking prosecutor

Soros Backed District Attorneys’ Silently Destroying Justice System From Within

The investment made by progressive groups has paid off… as American citizens are the ones who are paying. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Progressive Left Is Threatening To Destroy Sinema…

 Weasel Zippers

"They can’t understand, senators represent states, not the country at large. Sinema is a AZ SENATOR. Arizona doesn’t want this bill.

"Via [the hardly sympathetic] Rolling Stone:"

WASHINGTON — Ro Khanna is fed up. The typically mild-mannered congressman from California isn’t trying to hide his frustration with the state of play in Congress over two key pieces of legislation, a trillion-dollar roads-and-bridges infrastructure bill and a far more sweeping $3.5 trillion package that contains most of President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

The focus of Khanna’s irritation is a member of his own party, the centrist Senate Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. It is Sinema whom Khanna and many other Democrats believe is dragging out the negotiations over President Biden’s sweeping domestic policy without any end in sight, and with no clear reason or demands.

“This is the U.S. Congress and she’s not demonstrating the basic competence or good faith of a member of Congress,” Khanna tells me. “I’m just totally perplexed by her. As is every colleague I’ve talked to, moderates, progressives, you name it.”

Keep reading…

Confederate Soldier Interview on Southern Sentiment, why the South fought; with General Julius Howell

"Julius Franklin Howell (17 January 1846-19 June 1948) was a Confederate veteran and commander-in-chief of the United Confederate Veterans after the American Civil War."

Howell during the war
The Civil War Diaries (S01E03) "In Today's episode of the Civil War Diaries we listen to a Confederate Soldier Interview on Southern Sentiment and why the South fought with Pvt. Julius Franklin Howell. Howell was born on January 17th 1846 and at the age of 16 enlisted with the Confederate Army. He served with Company "K" of the 24th Virginia Cavalry until
he was captured at the battle of Sailor Creek in 1865.

"His unit fought around the Black Water River boundary until his regiment was called to defend the Capital City of Richmond in 1864.   After the evacuation of Richmond his unit moved west under the command of General Ewell until its capture at Sailor Creek in April of 1865.   He then was taken as a prisoner to Point Lookout prison in south eastern Maryland where he was held for three months and then upon taking the "Oath of Allegiance on June 13, 1865 he was released. "Howell bore witness to the Civil War, World War one, World War Two and the first atomic weapon before dying at the age of 102 years old on June, 19th 1948."

Louie Gohmert shares reassuring update on jailed Marine after visit

Washington Post  ..." 'There are people in that brig that like Stu, and so please know that," Gohmert told Scheller's parents, who say they have not talked to their son since he was thrown in the brig on Monday, on Hannity.

. . . "Scheller garnered attention in August when he posted a video on social media calling for accountability from military leaders over the United States's pullout from Afghanistan. He later said he was "relieved from duty" after his comments went viral and that he expected to be jailed over it.

"Scheller Jr. is currently in pretrial confinement as he awaits a hearing, which has not yet been scheduled. He has not been charged, but four charges will be considered during his hearing: Article 88 (contempt toward officials), Article 90 (willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer), Article 92 (failure to obey lawful general orders), and Article 133 (conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman)."...

Michael Yon: Taliban Hanging Victim from American Black Hawk   "The United States military is part of the problem. They knowingly and willingly left Americans at the airport gate within the last few hours. I and others worked hard and personally to get American troops to come to the gate or call their Taliban counterparts to let them in. TALIBAN WERE WILLING TO LET THEM IN.

"I contacted all the right people. They all failed. Including Lieutenant General Erik Kurilla. Courageous in battle. Morally corrupt. All failed. Don’t call me. Don’t contact me ever again.

"We will work with Afghans and veterans and private real Americans and others to get people out. We don’t need you. We don’t want you."

Modi’s Visit to the U.S. comes at a Critical Juncture

Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

 Caroline Glick "Next week, alongside the United Nations General Assembly opening session, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have his first in-person meeting with President Joe Biden. He is also scheduled to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris.

"These meetings will arguably be the most important ones that Biden and Harris will have during next week’s marathon of meetings with world leaders gathered in New York. Their greatest challenge will be to demonstrate that the U.S. is a credible ally to India. This is no menial task. Aside from the Afghan people themselves, India is arguably the greatest casualty of Biden’s catastrophic surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

"Although India did not deploy soldiers to fight in the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan, it equipped and trained the Afghan army and police. India also supplied the U.S.-backed Afghan government with some $3 billion in civilian aid, making it Afghanistan’s largest provider of civilian aid. India was the first country to recall its diplomatic personnel from Afghanistan after the Taliban surrounded Kabul.". . . 

. . ."In the 1990s, the Taliban and Pakistan transformed Afghanistan into the largest terror training camp on earth. Following the U.S.’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and Biden’s effective coronation of the Taliban, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan hailed the Taliban’s renaissance as “breaking the shackles of slavery.” He went further, likening Afghanistan’s attempts to adopt Western culture during the two decades the U.S.-led coalition was in the country as “worse than actual slavery.”

"With the Taliban back in charge, Afghanistan has reverted to its previous role as a Pakistani terror base. And this is a boon for anti-Indian jihadists. Syed Salahudeen, the leader of an alliance of Kashmiri terror groups, hailed the Taliban victory as “extraordinary and historical” and said he expected the Taliban to aid the terror groups once more.

"Salahudeen declared that just as the Taliban defeated the U.S., so “in the near future, India too will be defeated by Kashmir’s holy warriors.”

"Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen told the BBC that the Kashmiri terrorists are correct to be excited. The Taliban, he said, have a right “to raise our voice for Muslims in Kashmir, India or any other country.”

"Indian officials assess that much of the U.S. arsenal that was abandoned to the Taliban will end up equipping Pakistani-backed terrorists in their war against India." . .

Habitual Liar Joe Biden Confronts the Winds of Truth

 This man has covered America with shame and distrust. TD

The American Spectator  "In the way that the last president was enamored of hyperbole and name-calling, the current president is enamored of outright lies. The $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill won’t cost anything; the generals all agreed with his assessment of Afghanistan; no American will be left behind; the exit from Afghanistan was a great triumph; as well as the many false assertions he has made about his own life that cross into the bizarre.

"Lying by American politicians is not something new. It was said by White House reporters of that day that when Lyndon Johnson lied, he gave it away by a motion of his body. No, it wasn’t pulling his ear that indicated a lie was to follow, nor was it the blink of his eyes. The telltale sign, they said, was when his jaws moved.

"But there is a major difference between LBJ’s ’60s and now. The institutions of home and of faith were still overwhelmingly strong back then. There was a robust consensus of what was decent civil behavior that covered the vast majority of Americans, whether conservative, moderate, or liberal. When the government’s lies began to be exposed during the grind of war and social upheaval, there was a powerful wave of revulsion that would sweep Johnson out of office, radicalize the Democrats, and see the end of the era of consensus, civility, and shared national purpose that had seemed so powerful after our victory over fascism in World War II.

"Lying shows the contempt or the fear a politician has of his constituents. Contempt, because he believes his audience is gullible enough to believe him; and fear because he believes that he could not  have the power and influence he wants honestly. 

"So many of the fundamentals of Western democracy are based on the biblical tradition. Ancient nations had their priesthoods and god-rulers, whose power was all the evidence needed that they were divine and their power legitimate. Knowledge was tightly controlled. Hieroglyphics and pictographs could only be mastered by an elite few. Literacy and knowledge were dangerous, for if everyone could know truth, the elites would lose their monopoly and wealth and influence would have to be worked for much harder.". . . 

Joe here is called a "habitual liar" while Hillary and Adam Schiff were branded congenital liars (Congenital is defined as “having by nature a specified character.”). Speaking of Hillary, Argus Hamilton commented, 

Hillary Clinton remained mum Thursday after Special Counsel John Durham's indictment of her lawyer Michael Sussman for making up the Trump-Russia collusion hoax to the FBI in 2016. His testimony could ruin Hillary. The coroner listed his time of death at around three AM, tomorrow.

A ‘news’ report that encapsulates what’s wrong with today’s media

"People like Garcia are toxic because too many people accept this fact-free, logic-free, dishonest narrative as actual news. Therefore, they drive the divisions in society, along with aggressively policing any deviations from their narrative. They’re perfectly happy to destroy people along the way, so I think it’s only right and proper to call her out."
Rep. Crenshaw

Andrea Widberg  "Over at SFGATE, the online San Francisco news outlet realted to the San Francisco Chronicle, the headline and subtitle are damning, in that they accuse Rep. Dan Crenshaw of being both a dangerous scofflaw and a disgraceful hypocrite. However, if you dive into the article, you discover that he’s making a principled stand against a ludicrous rule and that there’s no hypocrisy on his part, only on Nancy Pelosi’s.

"As noted, the headline and subtitle are damning:

Houston Rep. Dan Crenshaw fined $5,000 for dodging Capitol metal detectors

The Republican leader failed to comply with security measures installed after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, despite hammering Democratic Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi for the same infraction in April. . .

 . . ."Garcia goes on to explain that Republicans object to the metal detectors and the fines and have been engaging in civil disobedience, something that Democrats and leftists like only when they do it. And then the reporter goes from mendacious to genuinely stupid in my opinion, (or maybe I underestimate her and what I see as a lack of logic is still mendacity):

Crenshaw has previously called the new machines a virtue signal for liberals, despite being among lawmakers who called out U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for bypassing the metal detector in February without paying a fine, according to Fox News' Jon Brown. (Emphasis added.)

. . . "It’s true that Crenshaw has called the machines a form of virtue signaling. The problem is that phrase “despite being....” When you see that phrase, you’re meant to understand that Crenshaw is the hypocrite for simultaneously opposing the machines and then complaining that Pelosi ignored them. But that’s not how hypocrisy works."...

Biden’s Bad Advice

Source; American Spectator   "Joe Biden reportedly aspires to become the next Franklin Roosevelt. He more resembles Elmer Fudd. He has precipitated a border crisis, lost America’s second war in 50 years, turned the COVID-19 response into a fiasco, and is blundering into blowing a bipartisan infrastructure bill that should have been a sure thing. Biden lacks two things that made FDR a successful president. First, he is remarkably tone-deaf to the mood of the American people. Second, he lacks the kind of sage domestic and military advice that Roosevelt enjoyed. No one is apparently saying to him, “Mr. President, this is a very bad idea.” A U.S. president needs people who can speak truth to power. On the domestic front, FDR had Harry Hopkins and his wife Eleanor; militarily, he had George Marshall. I am not celebrating Roosevelt’s political agenda, but I am pointing out that he generally got good counsel in furthering it. Biden apparently lacks people who have the gravitas or the moral courage to forcefully point out when he is wrong.

"Roosevelt was deft enough not to get out ahead of the American people on major issues nor to send the wrong political signals to the public, international friends, and potential enemies. There was apparently no one to tell Biden in January that his statements on immigration would send thousands of illegals flocking to the border. He got off to a bad start in messaging then and has doubled down since.
"Similarly, after declaring victory over COVID-19 in early July, Biden and his senior administration officials are now again wearing masks to all public events. Apparently, no one has asked, “who are we protecting?” and “what message are we sending?” Those Americans — me included — who have been fully inoculated did so with the expectation that the masks would come off.". . .

Friday, October 1, 2021

Between Afghanistan and Immigration, Have We Ever Had a Less Competent President?

 Jewish World Review

It's not clear if Biden is too out of it to manage America effectively or if his staff is too ideological to make sound decisions or both.What is clear is America is suffering through amazing levels of self-inflicted crises on Joe Biden's watch.

"There's always press coverage about Republican mismanagement or Republicans getting into trouble governing as ideologues, but you don't hear much about the reverse. There's a lot to critique about Republicans, but for mismanagement and for blindly putting ideology above all else, President Joe Biden may be the all-time champ.

"Biden campaigned as a pragmatist who could bring stability and national unification. His inaugural address was all about these themes. America needs some level of national healing more than anything else. Americans can't go on at each other's throats. The country is falling apart.

Biden deserved praise for starting his presidency with a message of healing. I did an entire column to compliment him for it.

"Since taking office, however, Biden has not made any effort to back up his pledge. He has governed not just as a wild-eyed ideologue but as an incompetent one, too. America is paying the price. If any Republican president tried to implement such an extremist agenda, the press would hammer it daily. The press likes Biden's left-wing policies, so they downplay the radical nature of what we are going through and cover the incompetence with a light touch, if at all." .  .  .

Key Trump defense official refutes Blinken, says Trump left Afghan withdrawal plan for Biden

The focus of the Trump administration's plan was to "peacefully negotiate yourself out of Afghanistan with a conditions-based withdrawal," Kash Patel said.

Natalia Mittelstadt 
   "Kash Patel, former chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, blasted Secretary of State Antony Blinken for claiming that the Trump administration did not leave President Biden a plan for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"On the John Solomon Reports podcast on Thursday, Patel was asked if Blinken accurately told Congress that Trump left Biden a deadline for leaving Afghanistan without a plan. "No, absolutely not," Patel replied.

"Criticizing Blinken for playing "politics with the national security apparatus of the United States," Patel, who worked on the transition coordination team, said that the Trump administration did not leave Biden a deadline.

" 'We actually did not leave them a deadline," he said. "It was a negotiation between the U.S. government, the Taliban, and the Afghans. And if that date was not to work for this incoming administration, they could have moved it.

" 'But what they chose to do was break the entire agreement. And then they thought, since the adults were back in Washington, D.C., and Blinken and Biden were leading the charge, the world will just fall into place for them. And they blew it in Afghanistan. So I think their credibility's shot when it comes to everything Afghanistan.' ". . . 

Panama official says Biden admin. was warned about mass migration from Haiti, 60k more coming

 Just The News

"Donald Trump lost the election so I'm giving it a try," says a Haitian migrant heading to the U.S. illegally 

"Erika Mouynes, Panama's foreign minister, says the Biden administration was warned in advance about thousands of Haitians heading to the U.S. 

"About 15,000 migrants recently arrived in Del Rio, Texas. According to the Department of Homeland Security, some were deported but the majority were released into U.S. communities while they await their asylum claim to be adjudicated.

"According to Axios, Mouynes said an estimated 60,000 more migrants are making their way to the U.S. Many of the Haitian migrants travel through Panama to get there. 

"There are also about 20,000 Haitian migrants in Colombia who are seeking to enter the U.S. 

"NPR reports that the Haitian migrants are in Necoclí, a beach that is currently at capacity due to migrants camping out there. According to NPR's report, "many" of the migrants waiting in Colombia think they have a "better chance" of staying in the U.S. under President Biden compared to former President Trump.". . . 

The Obamas Break Ground on the Nation’s Ugliest Presidential Library

The American Spectator

"The center will include three buildings in geometric shapes made of slate-colored stone. The museum is the dominant building. It stands at 180-feet tall and is in a neo-Brutalist architectural style. The center of it is wider than the top and bottom. It perhaps resembles the alien spacecraft from the 2016 film Arrival. Large parts of it are devoid of windows, but there are cutaway holes as well as integrated text from a speech Obama delivered on the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches.

"The two other buildings, the library and the forum building, are flat, rectangular buildings in a barebones modern style. 

"Obama has grandiose ambitions that the center will be a monument with imbibed meaning. 

"He said of the center, “We want them to go through the exhibits, the stories of my presidency, and say, ‘Oh, this is a part of me. This belongs to me.’”. . . 

If there were to be another government shutdown, would a Democrat President block access to this place in hopes of "making it hurt"? That was an Obama order at the last shutdown, you know?