Saturday, December 11, 2021

Stephen Colbert Keeps Wading into Fox News Christmas Tree Being Lit on Fire in the Most Cringeworthy of Ways

 Townhall  "For the past few days now, Stephen Colbert has been trending on Twitter, owing in part to his reaction to the Fox News Christmas tree being lit on fire. Craig Tamanaha was arrested by police on Wednesday for allegedly lighting the tree on fire, but as Leah pointed out, because it's New York City, Tamanaha was released without bail. Despite the sincerity of the issue at hand, Colbert has been tweeting and cracking jokes during "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert." . . .

and its already beating you in the ratings.
Quote Tweet
Stephen Colbert
Flaming Christmas Tree just got its own show on FoxNews!

HEY CNN: Will Don Lemon Follow Cuomo Out The Door For His Smollett Interference? UPDATED

Such a terrible loss for the profession of journalism...

. . .Smollett And Sandmann, A Quick Look Back  "The original Smollett incident was an interesting case study in media bias because the world watched as it played out in real-time alongside the media firestorm around Nick Sandmann.

"They rushed to condemn the teenage boy who had done nothing wrong in the face of ongoing provocation by several adults with racial and or ideological axes to grind at the same time that they rushed to the defense of Jussie Smollet comforting him and demanding something be done about the bigots who had allegedly jumped Jussie. A noose was involved, and he very publicly went to the hospital.

"Ordinary people had their BS meters pinging immediately. But corporate media, and the rest of the left generally, wound up on the wrong side of both incidents specifically because of their biases." . . .

In 2019, the openly gay Dustin Hice filed a lawsuit against Don Lemon, accusing the CNN host of shoving his hands down his pants, rubbing his genitals, and then thrusting his fingers into Hice’s face. The alleged incident occurred at a bar on New York’s Long Island.

Hice reportedly said of the incident on the Fox show Waters’ World, “…And shoved his fingers up under my nose, pushed my head back, and asked me if I liked p—- or d—. I’m not going to say it. And I was disgusted, as you can assume, and I fled the bar.”

… ““This is who they [CNN] are. They’re a predator-protecting machine, they slander and smear victims with impunity,” Hice added.

…“They’ve tried to grind me down, they’ve attempted to intimidate witnesses in my case, they’ve released confidential information about me in an attempt to doxx me. They are complicit. This is who they are,” Hice said. —Breitbart

Don Lemon to be the next one out at CNN?  "Is CNN a fount of journalist corruption? Right after the cable broadcaster fired its star journalist, Chris Cuomo for collaborating with his brother in a bid to fend off sex harassment charges, it now comes to light that CNN's Don Lemon was essentially caught doing the same thing.   

"According to the Washington Examiner:". . .

Don Lemon Accuser Says CNN is a 'Predator Protecting Machine'  . . ." 'They’re a network rife with predators and perverts," Hice told Fox News Digital. "Lemon will have to testify under oath in the near future, but it’s good to see that there’s finally some accountability happening."
"Hice explained that he is looking for closure and peace of mind after the incident with Lemon. He alleged that the encounter consisted of Lemon putting his hand down the front of his shorts, "vigorously" rubbing his genitalia and putting the same hand onto Hice’s face while asking a vulgar question." . . .

That’s according to Newsweek, which, in a shocking article, reports that:

"John Griffin, 44, of Stamford, Connecticut, was arrested on Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), according to a statement by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Vermont.

"The indictment says that between April and July 2020, he used Google Hangouts and Kik to communicate with people purporting to be the parents of underage girls.

The "optics" of Biden and Harris

  Joe Biden Asks Jill Biden to Switch Seats.... So He Doesn't Have to Sit Next to VP Harris(?)  "Throughout the past few weeks, multiple reports have alleged tension between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. An awkward interaction between the two on Thursday will certainly not quell those concerns.

 . . ."Since it is unclear what Biden is saying in the footage, it would be impossible to prove that he switched seats to get away from Harris. However, the video sure makes the two look like they do not want to be near one another.

"Even if Biden’s intention was not to avoid his vice president, the optics are terrible in light of recent events.

"According to a separate article from CNN in November, Biden staffers were growing tired of “entrenched dysfunction and lack of focus” from Harris and her staff.

"Harris staffers told CNN that the vice president was “not being adequately prepared or positioned” by Biden and his staff." . . .

Here's What Biden Did at Bob Dole's Memorial Service That's Making People Wonder If He Hates Kamala Harris  

The offices do not get along. Everyone is fleeing Harris who has been described as a soul-crushing boss. One cannot remember what day it is while the other so inept at doing…everything that the circus has been revealed. It’s a gruesome twosome. Both have approvals in the 30s. It might have dropped a few notches since then. The apparent dislike the two have was shown at the memorial event for Dole. Biden doesn’t even acknowledge her and then it looks like he asks Jill Biden to switch seats with him:

LAPD Warns People Not To Visit Area During Christmas – It’s Like The Purge, We Cannot Keep People Safe

The Conservative Treehouse  "Yikes!  This Christmas version of the Safari Park warning is as subtle as a brick through a window.

"The Los Angeles police are telling the public not to come into the area for Christmas because it’s like “The Purge” movie.

"LAPD Detective Jamie McBride recently told media, “My advice to anybody considering coming to Los Angeles is ‘Don’t,’ he said.  “We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control […] It’s like that movie ‘Purge’ [sic]. Instead of 24 hours to commit your crime, these bad people have 365 days to commit whatever they want.” WATCH:

. . ."The deeper blue the region, the more dangerous the crime within it. This is the natural outcome of policy on a local level that allows criminal elements to operate without fear or accountability. Smash and grab robberies, armed robberies, carjacking, looting and the general breakdown of law and order is well underway in the municipal regions under the control of the Democrat Party apparatus." . . .

. . .“It’s pretty scary walking at night,” said Sarah Veenstra, who moved to LA from Wisconsin about six months ago. She said she didn’t realize crime and safety would be such an issue.

“I genuinely thought it would be a safe area. It turned out not be as safe as I thought. I’m definitely, like, carrying something on me every time I leave the house when it’s dark out,” she said.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Gender Ideology Run Amok


Imprimus  "In 2007, America had one pediatric gender clinic; today there are hundreds. Testosterone is readily available to adolescents from places like Planned Parenthood and Kaiser, often on a first visit—without even a therapist’s note. 

"How did we get to this point? How is it that we are all supposed to pretend that the only way you can know I’m a woman is if I tell you my pronouns? How did we get to an America in which a 13-year-old in the State of Washington can begin “gender affirming” therapy without her parents’ consent? How did we get to an America in which a 15-year-old in Oregon can undergo “top surgery”—elective double mastectomy—without her parents’ permission? And what can we do about it?*** 

"To understand how we got to this point, it is useful to begin by considering gender dysphoria—the feeling of severe discomfort in a person’s biological sex. Gender dysphoria is certainly real. It is also exceedingly rare. It afflicts about 0.01 percent of the population, most of whom are male.

"For nearly 100 years of diagnostic history, gender dysphoria typically began in early childhood, between the ages of two and four, and usually involved a boy who insisted that he was not a boy but a girl. . . ."

Abigail Shrier is a journalist and author. She received her A.B. from Columbia College, where she was a Euretta J. Kellett Fellow; her B.Phil. from the University of Oxford; and her J.D. from Yale Law School, where she was a Coker Fellow. A member of the Board of Advisors of the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, she has written for numerous publications, including City JournalNewsweek, RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, the New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal. She is the author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

Hillary’s pathetic self-pity

"Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady -- a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation -- is a congenital liar."  William Safire, NY Times;1996

 Patriot Retort

"Did you see the video of Hillary Clinton reading the acceptance speech she never got to deliver if she won in 2016? Holy smokes, you guys. It is the most pathetic, embarrassing thing I have ever seen.

"I know I said those videos of Kamala and her child actors were the worst videos ever. And they were until Hillary did this on television:" . . .

. . ."The fact that five years after losing Hillary is still that emotional is not a good sign. The woman is not well.

"This is why Trump’s constant bleating over 2020 bothers me so much. Does he want to turn into Hillary 2.0? Is he unaware that he’s traveling on the same pathetic, self-pitying loop that Hillary has been stuck on for five miserable years?" . . .

"Hillary Clinton is apparently the only woman who can cry without shedding a single tear.Lamp coming, DUCK!

Democrats and George Soros; America's days seem numbered

It’s part of the Hungarian-born investor’s push of progressive policies around the world through his Open Society Foundations.
Image from Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

George Soros-backed district attorneys are ruining America

Massachusetts US Attorney Rachael Rollins' left-wing track record under scrutiny  "Biden’s New George Soros-Backed Massachusetts Attorney Is Called ‘Road Rage Rollins’ For A Reason"On Wednesday, the Senate confirmed Rachael Rollins as Massachusetts’ United States Attorney. The vote was a dead heat and Vice President Kamala Harris cast her vote as the tiebreaker to push through President Joe Biden’s nomination." . . .

Soros bankrolls dark money hub for activists pushing to dismantle police, grants show   "The Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in Soros' network, pushed $3 million to the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability (CRH) in 2020, according to a search of the Open Society Foundations' grant database.

"CRH is a clearinghouse of resources for local progressive activists on how to best deal with police reform efforts, including materials on abolishing and defunding the police. The hub sits under the umbrella of the most prominent dark money network in the U.S., tax forms show." . . .

Monica Showalter: Anti-Soros DA in San Diego throws the book at Antifa   . . ."That was an election win in a tough race.  Back when Stephan was running for office, in 2018, she was doing so-so against a well financed opponent.  But her fortunes changed suddenly when she ran anti-Soros television ads that repeatedly pointed out that her big-dollar opponent was a crummy little Soros pawn.  Despite being outspent three to one by the Sorosians, Stephan's poll numbers turned decisively in her favor.  She then won office by a huge margin.

"I wrote about that here in a June 10, 2018 AT item titled "Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked D.A. candidates.' " . . .

George Soros, buying a district attorney near you   "George Soros, the billionaire of progressive-slash-socialist and globalist causes the world over, has been busy buying his way into local district attorney campaigns in the United States.

"Talk about trying to turn the judicial system into an activist camp for the left.

"It’s one thing to exercise one’s First Amendment rights to support candidates with similar political leanings. It’s another thing entirely to try and collapse a limited government republic, from the bottom up, and implement, in its place, a judicial branch filled with people who twist the Bill of Rights into something it’s not, the Constitution into something it was never intended to be, and the rule of law into a mocking tool for far-left gain." . . .

George Soros has blood on his hands for the rise in killings nationwide  "The crime wave sweeping across the country is the direct result of a years-long campaign by George Soros to bankroll the election of far-left district attorneys committed to undermining law and order." 

"Over the past six years or so, Soros has poured tens of millions of dollars into the campaigns of DA candidates from coast to coast, achieving a remarkable degree of success by simply overwhelming all the other candidates. Whereas normal DA candidates typically run on five-figure budgets, Soros-backed DA candidates routinely enjoy seven-figure war chests." . . .

I Miss The 1960's Funny Pages

 Dark Angel Politics

Over fifty years later and nothing has changed, except that there aren’t enough Hairless Joes on our side to protect statues, businesses and citizens from “underprivileged” youths and grownups.

. . ."One of my favorites is a daily comic strip from George Herriman’s Krazy Kat in 1940. The ongoing Krazy Kat saga was about a female cat who loves a mouse who continually punishes her by throwing bricks at her head. The more he hurts her, the more she loves him. I was so fascinated by the underlying themes and Herriman’s surreal imagery that I wrote a college thesis on it. I think Krazy is an archetypal Democrat.

"Another favorite on my wall is a daily strip from Walt Kelly’s Pogo, whose characters resided in the Okefenokee Swamp (which I thought was a fictitious place until I moved to Florida). “We have met the enemy and he is us”, is Pogo’s iconic phrase, so apropos today. My favorite character was LBJ doing a cameo as a masked man with the rear end of a horse, known as “The Loan Arranger”. That cracked me up. Even back then at my tender age I realized he was the most criminally corrupt president America had ever endured, pre-Barry Soetoro Obama of course.. . .

Liberal Christianity comes not from a closer study of Scripture, but of culture

Kristin Kobes du Mez accuses biblical Christians of being shaped by culture instead of Sacred Scripture.

There is an enormous audience available for a message that tells the public that Jesus wants them to live just as they wish, with all the room in the world for abortions and sinful sexual relationships. 

"(LifeSiteNews) — Earlier this month, conservative evangelical Denny Burk, pastor and professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, faced off on Twitter with progressive Kristin Kobes du Mez, whose book Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation has been the toast of the mainstream press for the past year. There is obviously much the two disagree on, and their back-and-forth on LGBT issues was an interesting exchange, with both penning blog posts to articulate their disagreements more clearly.

"What struck me about this debate, however, is not that Denny Burk, a conservative Baptist and staunch pro-lifer, and Kristin Kobes du Mez, a progressive scholar who displayed thinly veiled contempt for pro-lifers through her recent book, have much to disagree on. It was du Mez’s implication that it was Burk’s theological views which were primarily shaped by culture rather than her own.

"Now, to be fair, du Mez did not state that she has definitively concluded that she supports LGBT rights as such — although Jesus and John Wayne made it crystal clear where her sympathies lie. But she did state that she was re-evaluating her stance on sexuality, as is her denomination. Many churches, she pointed out, have been doing so over the past several decades. And she’s right — many major mainline Protestant denominations have abandoned the traditional biblical view of sexuality just before imploding.

"But when liberal Christians claim that evangelicalism is primarily shaped by American culture, this seems an almost brazen projection. It is certainly true that churches are impacted by culture and vice versa, and it is also true that there is a peculiarly American version of masculinity that has been absorbed into certain strains of evangelicalism (I noted this in my review of her book earlier this year). But it is absurd for du Mez to imply that the denominations parting ways with 2,000 years of Christian consensus on homosexuality are somehow more thoughtful, compassionate, or theologically faithful than those who cling to the company of everyone from Augustine to the Reformers.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The Democrats are playing with fire in their efforts to gaslight the public on inflation

 Thomas Lifson  "Inflation is the dynamite that will explode and demolish the Democrats' hold on public support, and they are doing a terrible job trying to neuter the issue.  In fairness, they don't have any good case to make because Biden's policies have sparked inflation, starting with canceling the Keystone Pipeline and creating an artificial labor shortage via the "stimmy checks."  Energy and labor costs spiraling upward are driving prices up, as is the gigantic increase in the money supply through the Federal Reserve's funding of deficit spending via the purchase of Treasury obligations.

"But if there were a Hippocratic Oath for political propagandists — "first, do no harm" — the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC, usually called the "D triple-C") would have violated it yesterday with this insulting tweet:

"Sure, the graph shows prices going down, but if you squint and look at the vertical axis, you see that prices have gone down a whole two cents a gallon over a selected seven days in late November.

"The problem is that this selective graphing convinces nobody.  It contradicts what lefties like to call the "lived experience" of people.  What people experience and remember is closer to this graph (hat tip: Steven Hayward, who titles his blog post "How stupid do they think we are?"): . . ."

Dems showing signs of panic over gasoline prices as Biden gaffe in Kansas City speech will make for great GOP video ads

You can do this too!