Having long noticed the regrettable absence of black actors in most Hallmark shows, the addition of them is appreciated by TD. But having said that, Hallmark was our refuge from indoctrination, a place of calm and peace away from those who would control our thoughts and opinions. Every source of nostalgia and appreciation for pleasant memories is threatened by the woke-ness monsters. TD
Hallmark commits to ‘LGBTQ storylines,’ caves to left-wing pressure "The channel known for its wholesome entertainment is following Hollywood's lead by committing to offer 'woke' content."
July 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – One of television’s last refuges from identity politics will soon be no more, as the Hallmark Channel announced it will add homosexual and/or transgender stories to its film slate.
And now in December we see we are overflowing with "woke" content.
From Russia Today: Surrendering to the ‘woke army’? Hallmark apologizes after pulling ad featuring same-sex wedding The Russian site quite typically called the Hallmark movies "corny".
. . ."The ad showed two women tying the knot, leading to accusations that the network had besmirched its “family-friendly” programming. Perhaps naively believing it could avoid a scandal, Hallmark relented and pulled the ad.
"It wasn’t long before activists from the opposite side of the political spectrum grabbed their pitchforks. The move infuriated LGBTQ activists and their ‘woke’ allies on Twitter, who bombarded the channel with angry comments and accusations of bigotry.". . .
The Hallmark Channel Fell Into the ‘Woke’ Trap and Now Nobody Is Merry "The cable network changes its stance on playing a “gay commercial” and it leads to bad-tidings.
"It has become an annual holiday tradition in this country: The cable network The Hallmark channel releases an avalanche of Christmas-themed movies and various reactionaries have to come out with contemptuous commentary about these offerings. They have been accused of being Red State pandering agitprop, of being Trumpian nightmare fantasies, and — of course — inherently racist entertainment." . . . Isn't everything "racist"?
Who are the people complaining about Hallmark not being "inclusive" and bringing these changes about? These will be a good start:
‘Change the damn channel!’ Miserable woke movie critics gripe over ‘toxic masculinity’ in Christmas classics "Some never-satisfied wokesters are reportedly trying to cancel, at least rhetorically, some retroactively “problematic” (to use one of the left’s favorite words) holiday movies that families across America traditionally gather around during Christmas to watch together.
"The much-beloved and inspirational 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life with James Stewart and Donna Reed apparently has not avoided condemnation. Referring to Stewart’s lead character, “George Bailey was an emotionally-abusive and a manipulative misogynist,” one Twitter user claimed."
"Another lamented the lack of diversity in Bedford Falls, the fictional location of what is considered one of the greatest movies of all time." . . .
Others that are supposedly not measuring up to woke criteria are The Santa Clause starring Tim Allen (1994), now deemed too fat-phobic . . .