Monday, December 20, 2021

Victor Davis Hanson and our miseducated youth

...But now, and for the better part of two generations, our proponents of cultural self-loathing, even more irrationally and reality averse, have taught the young to believe that all of our achievements and endeavors are mirages, and our entire history tainted with evil. Nonsense, of course. But the untutored young believe what their elders teach them.

Jared Peterson   "In a just and sensible America, Victor Davis Hanson would be chair of the history department at Harvard, teaching a mandatory and beloved course in the history of Western Civilization, to be followed in undergraduates’ sophomore year by his equally popular year-long course in American history, both of which would be emulated nationwide by most if not all American colleges and universities.  

"These courses would be fact intensive, and unlike the rather hagiographic picture students like this writer received during the 50’s, would not only emphasize the achievements of America and the West, but would honestly and rationally confront their infractions and low points. But the overarching message would be clear: Though imperfect, as are all human endeavors, the creative genius of the West has given humanity the vast majority of what has made the modern world superior materially and, through the Judeo- Christian tradition, preferable morally to much of the past; and America can fairly claim to be the finest model of a nation whose governmental and economic system has produced the most fairness,  prosperity and ordered freedom, for the largest percentage of its people, of any nation in history.

"But alas, this was not to be. Instead, since the seventies we have lost the better part of two generations of badly mis-educated American youth; and the inability of any American institution today to vigorously refute the patent falsehoods about our nation and the West being spewed by the woke left is a direct consequence of that tragic miseducation." . . .

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