PJ Media "Dinosaur vs. Ditz: Hillary vs. AOC in 2024?"
[Dick Morris, a former Clinton adviser]: "As everyone knows, the incumbents are damaged goods. Nobody likes Old Joe, who will be about 120 years old if he even makes it to 2024, and Kamala Harris has failed spectacularly at one of the easiest jobs on the planet. Meanwhile, Hillary has been increasingly obvious lately in positioning herself for 2024, while the winsome Ocasio-Cortez turns the required age of 35 on Oct. 13, 2024.
"Morris sees Hillary’s recent attacks on AOC and the Squad as an indication that a showdown is coming between the two for the Democratic presidential nomination. He explained, “I’ve always said that the way you could tell if Hillary is running again is check whether she has a pulse or not — and if she does, most likely she’s running.” She sat out a return bout against Trump in 2020, and now she’s tanned, rested, and ready. “But lately, there have been very significant signs that indicate that she is, in fact, planning to run. She gave an interview earlier this week with MSNBC where she talked about, quote, ‘We have to think clearly and be clear-eyed about what it will take to win the House and the Senate.’ And she then proceeded to basically blame [Rep. Ocasio-Cortez] and the progressives for policies that she said could endanger the Democratic majorities.” . . .