Meanwhile, her insensitivity toward the Jewish people notwithstanding, it occurs to our Dutch correspondent that visceral hatred of whites has entered the mainstream. . .
American Thinker "Thoughtcrime can lead to thought experiments. All it takes is a willingness to go where others are loath to go. What is race? What is an atrocity? When is a racist atrocity neither racist nor an atrocity? The answers may not be as cut-and-dried as you may think.
"In what seems like eons ago, what with the Ukraine warfare that has since erupted, Whoopi Goldberg denied racism had anything to do with the Holocaust. She uttered this blasphemy on the Jan. 31, 2022, showing of The View. Cavalierly dismissing so monumental an atrocity with the "man's inhumanity to man" platitude fell woefully short of doing it justice. To make matters worse, she claimed both Jewish victims and Nazi victimizers were white.". . .
. . ."Decent human beings do not conflate complexion and race. One tribe can in fact perpetrate a racist atrocity against another tribe even if the two tribes share the same skin color. Conversely, one tribe cannot fall victim to a racist atrocity, no matter the skin color of the other tribe. Ben Philippe, a black English instructor at Barnard College, has brought this peculiar phenomenon to the fore. In a segment of his book entitled Sure, I'll be your Black Friend, he matter-of-factly describes a scene in which he gasses white people: ". . .
Watch me respond one of the most shocking examples of anti-white sentiment I’ve ever come across, in which author Ben Philippe talks about gassing (yes, gassing) his white friends. And it gets worse. Watch till the end to hear what the Jewish woman who interviews him has to say.
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) May 6, 2021