Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Why We Can't Have Nice Things: 'Good Samaritan' Who Saved Indiana Mall Goers Is Denounced as No Hero

Tony Branco

 RedState  "What makes someone a hero? How about a Good Samaritan? Evidently, such questions are contentious.

"And a Sunday incident has some insisting a brave bystander shouldn’t be celebrated.

"At the Greenwood Park Mall in the Indianapolis Metropolitan Area, a man opened fire. As reported by Deseret News, 20-year-old Johnathan Sapirman got off 24 rifle rounds.

"Tragically, three were murdered: Victor Gomez, 30; and couple Rosa Rivera de Pineda, 37, and Pedro Pineda, 56. Two more were injured: a 20-year-old female shot in the leg; and a 12-year minorly wounded by a deflected bullet.

After entering the mall, Sapirman headed straight to the bathroom and was there for over an hour before exiting the bathroom and opening fire.

“The most puzzling piece…was the amount of time that he was in the bathroom,” [Chief James Ison] said. “We believe he was getting ready.”

"But the man’s plans were thwarted because more than bad guys carry guns. Elisjsha Dicken, 22, stopped the mass shooter’s spree.

Footage…showed that Dicken shot 10 rounds from his handgun, while motioning for citizens at the mall to exit behind him.

"Chief James has praised Elisjsha’s intervention:

“Many more people would have died last night if a responsible, armed citizen hadn’t been present…”

"On Sunday evening, the chief compared Elisjsha to a biblical character. He did so again Monday:

Howie Carr: Enduring Biden’s corruption and incompetence

 Boston Herald  "It’s Weekend at Biden’s now that Dementia Joe is back in the USA after what will likely be one of his last visits to anywhere other than his second assisted-living facility on the Delaware Shore.

"Brandon’s junket this week to the Mideast was so catastrophic that even state-run media could no longer ignore his senile babbling.

"After stumbling off Air Force One, he vowed to “keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust.”

"He meant to say, “horror.” Just as he was supposed to read “hallowed” when he slurred out “hollowed ground.”

"But there was so much more, and as usual, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim.

"At least twice he called the Israeli prime minister “Mr. President.” He referred to “Palestinian counties.” He discussed the “United Avrab Ememirates.”

"He referred to the birth of Christ as “God’s great grift to the world.” To be fair, grifts are something all the Bidens understand.

“ 'At the same time, the Israeli uh the Israilty of today is not the Is Israel of 50 years ago.”

"Can we quote you on that, Mr. President?

"And then there are the Arabs he absurdly compared to the Irish under British rule, although no Irish ever vowed to drive their colonial oppressors into the English Channel, the way the Palestinians want to destroy “the Zionist entity.”

“ 'The Palace the Palestinian people are hurting now you feel uh you can just feel it.”

Monday, July 18, 2022

Biden in the Saudi Kingdom; That fist-bump of shame

Biden’s Anticipated Handshake With MBS Turns Into A Fist Bump … And Still The Media Is Big Mad    "President Joe Biden’s fist bump with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman received backlash Friday from media figures and lawmakers, deeming it “shameful.' ”. . . 

"The reporter then asked if he can be sure another journalist would not be killed by Saudi officials.

“ 'God love you, what a silly question,” Biden said. “How could I possibly be sure of any of that?”. . .

‘Americans Saw That And Were Revolted’: Jake Tapper Presses Democrat On Biden’s Fist Bump With Saudi Crown Prince
  Why bother to interview a politician?

Arabs laugh at Joe Biden's plea to pump more oil for him   . . ."Now Joe Biden waltzes in and wants them to pump more in exchange for saving Joe's political hide.

Why are they going to submit to a request like that? They are natural traders, they like making deals, some of them have that Inner Rug Merchant - would that sound like a good deal to them?

"Joe assured two days ago that Saudis would bring prices down at the pump. Well, that didn't happen -- and such a failure could be seen from a mile away.

"Now his Plan B is to get Putin to pump the oil, the same Putin he blamed for the rising prices at the pump. Putin will pump for him. Good luck with that, chump."

"These are not mere frivolous “gaffes,” the sort of thing one can laugh off. These are horrific misstatements with harrowing diplomatic and geopolitical implications, at best, and indications of a palpable senility, at worst. There is something very, very clearly wrong with the president of the United States. Even the New York Times, which for former Biden boss Barack Obama functioned as Democratic Party Pravda, ran a recent piece entitled, “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency.” A mere three days later, Michelle Goldberg, a reliably progressive columnist for the Gray Lady, entitled her own column “Joe Biden Is Too Old to Be President Again.” (READ MORE: No, No, No. Down With the Biden Ship You Go.)

"The fix is clearly in.". . .

Resign, Joe; He’s in the running to be our worst president ever.

And take these people with you! 

Russia ridicules Biden's trans and non-binary appointees | Just The News  "Russia is ridiculing transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and non-binary Deputy Assistant Nuclear Energy Secretary Sam Brinton, after a photo of the queer duo at the French ambassador's home went viral last week.

"Russian Foreign Affairs communications official Maria Zakharova posted a photo on Telegram of Brinton and Levine in heels and skirts at the party with the caption as translated: "Answer the question honestly for yourself: Are these the values that you are ready to instill in your children? Or do we still fight for our own?"

"Russia's United Nations diplomat Dmitry Polyanskiy also reposted a photo of Levine and Brinton with the caption: "Keep going that way, our dear American ex-partners! I don’t think we even need any long-term strategies to counter your malicious role in the world - you are doing the right thing yourselves! And let the whole world see WhoYouAre!' ". . .

 Resign, Joe - The American Spectator   . . .These are not mere frivolous “gaffes,” the sort of thing one can laugh off. These are horrific misstatements with harrowing diplomatic and geopolitical implications, at best, and indications of a palpable senility, at worst. There is something very, very clearly wrong with the president of the United States. Even the New York Times, which for former Biden boss Barack Obama functioned as Democratic Party Pravda, ran a recent piece entitled, “At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency.” A mere three days later, Michelle Goldberg, a reliably progressive columnist for the Gray Lady, entitled her own column “Joe Biden Is Too Old to Be President Again.” (READ MORE: No, No, No. Down With the Biden Ship You Go.The fix is clearly in."

Bruce Springsteen, Obama's soulmate holds Joe in high regard.

Victim of black man shot by cops, MN mom screams at protesters, ‘He tried to kill me in front of my kids!’

BPR  "A chaotic scene erupted in Minneapolis as protesters gathered at an apartment building where a 20-year-old black man was shot by police after he fired into the residence of a mother of two who was preparing dinner for her children at the time.

"In another incident that has stirred passions in a city still deeply affected by the fatal 2020 encounter between George Floyd and police that set off violent riots, police snipers brought an end to the potentially murderous rampage of Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg who engaged in an hours-long standoff with officers that ended with his death on Thursday morning.

"Predictably, despite Sundberg’s “mental health crisis” which could have resulted in multiple deaths other than his own, he has been portrayed as the victim, being sanctified by the Minneapolis chapter of Black Lives Matter and others who showed up at the scene of his demise. But the mother who barely escaped his bullets was having none of it, angrily confronting demonstrators whom she told “he tried to kill me,” which was all captured on video that has since gone viral.". . .

This is Tekle Sundberg. Called "smart, loving"

The Morning Briefing: What Nefarious Trickery Will Democrats Stoop to In November?

 PJ Media

. . ."My latest column examines some of the potential hazards the GOP might face heading into the November midterm elections. I contend that Republican candidates need to be “outside the margin of magic mail-in ballots.”

"I go into detail about my misgivings about the vote-by-mail scam that, sadly, Republicans don’t fight against hard enough.

"Mail-in ballots are a known evil, however. What I worry about this year is some as-yet-unknown way to screw with things that we haven’t yet heard of.

"Even when they’re awash in misery like they are at present, the Democrats are working feverishly on conjuring up new “anomalies” that can be introduced into the electoral process. They never lose focus. I imagine them working with a combination of computers, cauldrons, and cult labor minions whose eyes have been glazed over since the first time they got stoned during an Obama speech. All day. All night.

"Democrats certainly won’t be lacking any motivation to come up with more dark magic. They’ve known for a while now that November was bringing a freight train filled with pain their way.

"Also, the train is coming down a mountain and has no brakes.

"Put mildly, the Democrats have been hitting some rough patches when it comes to their lunatic fringe pet issues.". . .

Foul-Mouthed Liberal Women

The Post-Prime of Miss Janeane Garofalo - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Insisting on being unpleasant doesn’t mean you win in the end."

She’s so far left that she thinks white people are having babies so that — no kidding — there will be enough white soldiers when the race wars start.


 Foul-Mouthed Liberal Women   "Most people I know, myself included, just didn’t want to have a f**king baby!”

"So declares a musician named Lily Allen (Right), adding a double-exclamation upon her proclamation by hoisting both middle fingers in the air. Unlike Political News Media, Lily lacked the dignity to abbreviate the f-word. She was expressing in her endearing way why she and “most people” she knows aborted their unborn babies. Quite a crew.
"I’m pleased to admit I never heard of the demure Ms. Allen until I came across her statement last Sunday the Lord’s Day, mind you.
"What has Ms. Allen fuming is the same thing that has other young liberal women of her attitude seething with rage, namely, the overturning of Roe v. Wade via the glorious Dobbs decision, rendered to us by my new hero, Justice Samuel Alito, who hereby I propose be carved into Mt. Rushmore. The likes of Lily would surely prefer to carve up the Great Alito in less honorable ways.
"Ms. Allen was joined on stage by 19-year-old Disney Channel star Olivia Rodrigo. Allen charmingly held up her middle fingers while Rodrigo rattled off the Supreme Court justices who overruled their beloved Roe. The two classy divas then belted off a little ditty dedicated to the justices. Pointedly titled, “F—k You!” it included a delightful chorus aimed at Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Neil Gorsuch: “We hate you!”
"Hate is what they do. They do it exceedingly well. And of course, they’re not alone, especially in the music industry.". . .

"California’s Gov. Newsom is already at war with 22 states as he prepares to run for president in 2024."


"California Gov. Gavin Newsom was vacationing in Montana, where he has family, on July 4 when his reelection campaign ran a 30-second spot on Fox News in Florida in which he called out Florida for “banning books, restricting speech, making it harder to vote, criminalizing women and doctors.”

"Newsom then invited Floridians to “join us in California, where we still believe in freedom.”

"Newsom certainly feels free to do what he wants to do.

"Montana is one of 22 states California has banned from state-funded travel because of what its Attorney General Rob Bonta calls “an ongoing wave of discriminatory anti-trans legislation sweeping across the country.”

" 'We’re putting our money where are values are,” Bonta explained when he added states to the no-travel list.

"Newsom is putting his money where his values are, too — one standard for him, another for the masses.

"It’s the French Laundry all over again — when Newsom was seen dining with lobbyist friends maskless and without social distancing even as his office was urging Californians to scale down Thanksgiving dinners and telling locals, “Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend? Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites.”

"Freedom of religion? Not high on Newsom’s list. He banned indoor worship, ostensibly to curb COVID, even as the entertainment industry and retailers were open for business. (The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the order.)

"There is no book ban. Florida has rejected textbooks bubbling with progressive sensibilities.". . .

Gavin Newsom Reveals the Hilariously Dumb Reason He's Targeting Ron DeSantis  "Gavin Newsom began a one-sided feud recently with Ron DeSantis after dropping an ad buy in Florida proclaiming California the real bastion of “freedom” in the country. I say one-sided because DeSantis has taken the “I don’t even think about you at all” approach to the situation, continuing to focus on scoring wins in his state while Newsom flails wildly, attempting to position himself for a 2024 run.". . .

Gavin Newsom Admits He’s Oblivious To LA District Attorney’s Work As Public Sounds Alarm On Crime Spike  . . ."Michaelson asked Newsom point-blank in the clip whether Gascon was “doing a good job” in Los Angeles. Gascon, a progressive, has been facing a recall campaign, largely due to crime rising to historic levels since he assumed the role.

“ 'I don’t know enough about the job he’s done. I’m deeply concerned about the criticism, and we have expressed ourselves very publicly along those lines, including in Los Angeles, as it relates to some of the issue[s] happening in retail theft, some of the issues happening in the railroad yards,” Newsom told Michaelson of Fox 11 Los Angeles. “I’ve expressed my own issues privately as well, and I’ll leave the more objective analysis of his job to locals.”

'Good Samaritan' With Gun Stopped Indiana Mall Shooter 'As Soon As He Began'

That young bystander's action stands in stark contrast to the response of hundreds of authorities in Uvalde, Texas, who waited outside the classroom for more than one hour before acting to put down the shooter — and it also again shows why over-reliance on the government is a dangerous choice to make.  

 Townhall  "In another Democrat narrative-debunking situation, a law-abiding citizen carrying a firearm stopped a shooting in progress at a mall food court in Indiana over the weekend — and is likely to be ignored by most within the mainstream media despite overwhelming praise from leaders in the community. 

"In a Greenwood, Indiana, mall — roughly 15 miles south of Indianapolis — a man armed with a rifle opened fire on Sunday evening in the food court, fatally shooting three individuals and wounding two others. But then, a "a good Samaritan with a handgun," according to Greenwood police Chief James Ison, put the shooter down.

"The bystander, identified as a 22-year-old who was in the food court when the shooting started, "was able to stop this shooter almost as soon as he began." Ison added. "The real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court," he said at a press conference.". . .

The local leaders' praise for the law-abiding firearm owner however has not been matched in national reporting, much of which has been hyping up every "mass shooting" — using dubious data — but went notably quiet after a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun and proved the value of lawful firearm ownership.

Who listens to Lemon?

 Silvio Canto, Jr.

First, this is Lemon trying to get a headline.  Unfortunately, and I'm guilty of this, we react to his nonsense.  We are talking about him, are we not?  He probably gets a larger audience when we talk about him.

Second, this is what Lemon has been doing for years.  His show is nothing but Trump bashing, which is why most serious Republicans avoided it like a plague.

Turn off the TV, get some real lemons and make some lemonade.  You will feel a lot better.

Argus Hamilton speaks

Polanski's wife was murdered, he had sex with an underage girl & won an Oscar. Most directors would be happy with just 2 of those


 JWR  "The New York D.A. charged a Bodega owner with murder for defending himself against an armed attacker. Big city D.A.s have lost their minds. Next they'll claim the Americans with Disabilities Act requires Bodegas to install wheelchair ramps so disabled robbers have equal access to the cash registers.

 Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince was urged by Western leaders to deliver more oil to the West Friday while just by lucky coincidence, summer monsoons in the Indian Ocean are preventing pirates from seizing U.S.-bound tankers. Everyone at CNN feels utterly betrayed. The climate is saving the oil industry.

 The L.A. District Attorney filed a motion that may allow Roman Polanski to return to Hollywood a free man after 45 years exile. Back then, Polanski's wife was murdered, he had sex with an underage girl and he won an Oscar. Most Hollywood directors would be happy with just two of those three things.

 President Biden arrived in Saudi Arabia Friday for an Arab regional security conference amid worldwide concern for high oil prices. Later he will meet personally with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Joe's been the president for 18 months, it was about time he met with the owners.

 Elon Musk was sued in Delaware by Twitter to try to force Musk to honor the forty-four-billion-dollar offer he made two months ago. The saga has exposed Twitter to be a one-sided bot-ridden noise box. If the newspaper was the evolution of the Town Crier, Twitter is the evolution of the Town Drunk.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Rep. Jim Jordan Reads a List of ALL Pro-Life Churches and Centers Attacked In Just 10 Weeks

100%FedUp   "Representative Jim Jordan reads off a list of all the pro-life churches and centers attacked by the radical left recently

"In recent months numerous crisis pregnancy centers, pro-life health centers, and churches have been vandalized, firebombed, and otherwise attacked by radical left pro-abortion rioters. Groups such as “Jane’s Revenge” and “Ruth Sent Us” have claimed responsibility for the vast majority of these attacks, yet the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are doing everything they can not to put a stop to these domestic terrorist attacks.

"Similarly, the mainstream media is hardly covering these events.

"Lives are being destroyed while individuals are threatened and pro-life patriots and believers are targeted by infanticidal leftists.

"Today, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio reads off a list of the many churches, businesses, and health centers targeted and destroyed by radical left sociopaths.". . .