Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Howie Carr: Enduring Biden’s corruption and incompetence

 Boston Herald  "It’s Weekend at Biden’s now that Dementia Joe is back in the USA after what will likely be one of his last visits to anywhere other than his second assisted-living facility on the Delaware Shore.

"Brandon’s junket this week to the Mideast was so catastrophic that even state-run media could no longer ignore his senile babbling.

"After stumbling off Air Force One, he vowed to “keep alive the truth and honor of the Holocaust.”

"He meant to say, “horror.” Just as he was supposed to read “hallowed” when he slurred out “hollowed ground.”

"But there was so much more, and as usual, all dialogue guaranteed verbatim.

"At least twice he called the Israeli prime minister “Mr. President.” He referred to “Palestinian counties.” He discussed the “United Avrab Ememirates.”

"He referred to the birth of Christ as “God’s great grift to the world.” To be fair, grifts are something all the Bidens understand.

“ 'At the same time, the Israeli uh the Israilty of today is not the Is Israel of 50 years ago.”

"Can we quote you on that, Mr. President?

"And then there are the Arabs he absurdly compared to the Irish under British rule, although no Irish ever vowed to drive their colonial oppressors into the English Channel, the way the Palestinians want to destroy “the Zionist entity.”

“ 'The Palace the Palestinian people are hurting now you feel uh you can just feel it.”

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