Ann Coulter
But like Strossen, I believe in free speech. It's not the "hate speech" that bothers me; it's the physical
violence and intentional race discrimination against white Americans that's beginning to get on my
"It's not every day that I praise a book by the former head of the American Civil Liberties Union, let
alone the longest-serving president of that organization.
"But I was delighted to have Nadine Strossen on my Substack recently to talk about her book,
"HATE: Why We Should Resist It With Free Speech, Not Censorship" -- and not just because I am
one of America's leading "hate speakers." (Oh, settle down, girls. That's according to woke college
liberals, the only humans more infantile and narcissistic than Donald Trump.)
Her book is a thoroughgoing, no-holds-barred defense of free speech. This makes her the rarest of
creatures: a principled liberal. We should get her DNA in a lab and study it.
"Being a liberal herself, Strossen pitches her argument to the left. That's fortunate, I'd say: These
days, the most enthusiastic advocates for censorship are liberals.
"Thus, she repeatedly notes that censorship has historically been used by the powerful to crush the
" I couldn't agree more! On the other hand, the two of us have very different ideas about who's
"Strossen means feminists, gays, Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, immigrants,
transgenders, nonbinaries and so on, whereas I mean everybody else, to wit: "cisgendered" white
" Not a certified victim? Don't even think of applying to Harvard, Princeton or Yale -- unless you've
made a spectacle of yourself carrying on about gun control. Don't be funny, use hyperbole or engage
in any conversation at all with bratty East Coast private-school kids on a college resume-building
trip to Peru. (See Pulitzer Prize-winning science reporter Donald McNeil, fired by The New York
Times for this reckless error.)
"Every time I'd read a description of this or that "hate speech" ban in Strossen's book, what leapt to
mind wasn't someone saying only women have two X chromosomes, but the nonstop venom that is
directed at white people.". . .