Sunday, August 21, 2022

‘So disingenuous’! Charles Payne torches CNN’s shameless spin on gas prices –  "Yesterday we told you about CNN’s headline about gas prices that’s guaranteed to get the Biden White House’s seal of approval. If you missed it, get a load of this feat of journalistic water-carrying:

Forgiveness and Healing for Two Old Soldiers -

 . . ."Both wounds were healed when the two men met at an Easy Company reunion.  Having seen Vietnam vets meeting their enemies inspired Bill Maloney to invite German soldiers to the Easy Company reunions.  The Easy Company men were receptive except for a couple, including Philadelphian William Guarnere, who told Fritz that he would have killed him 60 years ago, punctuating his comment with a throat slash.  Malarkey saved the scene by toasting Fritz and welcoming him to the Band of Brothers.". . .

 Forgiveness and Healing for Two Old Soldiers - American Thinker  . . ."Authored by figures such as James Patterson, Clive Cussler, and especially Tom Clancy, dad books helped to enforce the narrative of the American Century.  In this narrative, (Anglo-) American democracy struggled with and ultimately overcame fascism and communism and is currently battling various rogue terrorist actors.

"There are "dad shows" and "dad movies," which along with dad books form "dad media."  Within dad media, a middle-aged American male — usually a vet — acts as a spy or commando fighting to make the world safe for democracy.  Dad media usually depict a flawed American military and intelligence establishment, and there are bad apples in the American establishment.  The system itself, however, is fundamentally worth preserving.

"One of the most popular stories in dad media is the struggle between Western liberalism and German National Socialism and its axis partners in Italy and Japan.  There are many dad films that tell this story, including The Dirty Dozen (1967), The Longest Day (1962), The Great Escape (1963), and Patton (1969).  While many of these films were released during the Vietnam era, the 1990s, saw a renewed interest in the second World War.  With films such as Saving Private Ryan (1998) and Terrence Malick's masterful The Thin Red Line (1998), a new generation was able to watch (usually with their dads) America's struggle against Germany and Japan.

"One of the most powerful and popular examples of dad media was the 2001 HBO series Band of Brothers.  As the War on Terror rolled out, Americans sat transfixed to their TVs, viewing the struggles of Dick Winters, Don Malarkey, and Carwood Lipton of the 101st Airborne Division's "Easy Company" from Camp Toccoa, Georgia to Berchtesgaden, Germany.  Soon available on DVD, Band of Brothers became one of the first "binge series" as well as one of the first "boxed sets" of TV shows.  While the series was deeply patriotic, it did not flinch in revealing some of the faults of its characters as well as some sympathy to the lives of German soldiers — there is the famous "German general speech" at the end, in which the members of Easy Company realize that, while their cause was just, the members of Wehrmacht against which they fought were also soldiers.". . .

‘Absolutely horrifying’: Fox News co-host tears into Texas school district for banning Bible, Anne Frank adaptation

 Fox News co-host Emily Compagno tore into a Texas school district on Thursday for banning, among 41 books, the Bible and a graphic adaptation of “The Diary of Anne Frank.”

(Video: Fox News)  "After three new conservative school board members were elected to the Keller Independent School District’s seven-member board of trustees, the district reversed course and decided to pull all 41 books that were challenged last year, despite recommendations from the school district committee, which included members of the public, that some of the books should stay on the student library shelves.

"Included in the purge are all versions of the Bible, Toni Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” and an illustrated adaptation of  “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank.

"The Texas Tribune obtained an email sent to principals in the district from Jennifer Price, the executive director of Keller ISD’s curriculum and instruction, in which Price gives the order to yank the books.

“Attached is a list of all books that were challenged last year,” Price wrote. “By the end of today, I need all books pulled from the library and classrooms. Please collect these books and store them in a location. (book room, office, etc.).”

"The challenged books will once again undergo a review.". . .

Saturday, August 20, 2022

CDC Director: We Screwed Up COVID Response -

 The Lid (

"People who do not read newspapers, had their cable shut off for lack of payment, or took a rocket keeping them away from the Earth since 2019 might find this news to be surprising.

"On Wednesday, Center for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky admitted they screwed up their response to COVID-19. As Homer Simpson might respond, “DOH.” Americans have been saying that all along. Take the six-foot separation, for example. There was no scientific basis for it. The CDC pulled that out of their magician’s hat.

"Remember the two-week-long quarantine? The CDC recently shortened that to five days.

Walensky also said the agency needs to acknowledge the flaws of its response to Covid-19. Those mistakes date to the earliest days of the pandemic when a test designed by CDC scientists to detect the new disease failed to work on the ground — leaving the country blind to how quickly the SARS-CoV-2 virus was transmitting at a critical juncture when aggressive measures could have slowed Covid’s spread.

Walensky also said the agency needs to acknowledge the flaws of its response to Covid-19. Those mistakes date to the earliest days of the pandemic, when a test designed by CDC scientists to detect the new disease failed to work on the ground — leaving the country blind to how quickly the SARS-CoV-2 virus was transmitting at a critical juncture when aggressive measures could have slowed Covid’s spread.

"The medical term for that is “Sh*t we really f**ked up.”. . .

Friday, August 19, 2022

Mitt Romney Just Stomped All Over Liz Cheney's Presidential Dreams –

  RedState  . . ."But in the grand tradition of those who fail, wanting to fail upward, Cheney is now considering whether to run for president because not even winning her race in Wyoming is somehow an indication that she should run nationally. She even compared herself to Abraham Lincoln in her concession speech. Talk about delusional.

"There’s no doubt that some on the left might support such an effort, thinking that she might draw votes away from the eventual Republican nominee in 2024 if she ran as a third-party candidate. But there’s no way that she becomes the Republican nominee.

"A lot of the media is still in the phase of pumping her up while she’s still attacking Trump.

"But now that she lost and got such a royal trouncing, it sounds like at least one “Never Trumper” might be jumping off that Cheney train, at least when it comes to her running for president — Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), the guy who flips with the wind.

. . ."So he’s not going to be on board with an aborted effort to take away from the Republican nominee. That’s intriguing, coming from Romney, but expect more people not to be on board with this either if he’s dumping all over it. The funniest part is the last sentence. He doesn’t want anyone to think he would be on board with the “collaboration” he thinks is going to come down the pike. And he thinks she might run for “other purposes.”

"What would those “other purposes” be? Getting a ton of money to the anti-Trump organization she’s going to set up? Lincoln Project 2.0? The first one didn’t go well. Talk about craven use of the process. But that would be Liz Cheney."

Babylon Bee Offered Job to Brian Stelter After He Was Fired From CNN


Babylon Bee Offered Job to Brian Stelter After He Was Fired From CNN – PJ Media  "Brian Stelter may be out at CNN, but he already has a job offer from Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillion.

“ 'Hey @brianstelter, would you be interested in working for the Bee?” Dillon tweeted. “We’re looking for talent with experience putting out funny fake news. You come highly recommended. Shoot me a DM if you’re interested!”. . .

Stelter Forced Out At CNN After Being Accused Of Sexual Harassment By Mrs. Potato Head | Babylon Bee  . . ."Sources say Stelter's firing is part of a larger effort to remove staff members who are caught up in harassment allegations and who also have a show no one watches.

"Stelter responded to the accusations, saying: "These charges are false, and I'm furious that CNN would allow my good name to be besmirched like this. And you can tell how angry I am because I'm wearing my frowny mouth and angry eyes."

"At publishing time, Stelter confirmed he would be taking his time off to reconnect with relatives in Idaho."

Inflation Reduction Act Tax Changes: Details & Analysis


Inflation Reduction Act Tax Changes: Details & Analysis | Tax Foundation

41 Inconvenient Truths on the "New Energy Economy" - Foundation for Economic Education (   "A week doesn’t pass without a mayor, governor, policymaker or pundit joining the rush to demand, or predict, an energy future that is entirely based on wind/solar and batteries, freed from the “burden” of the hydrocarbons that have fueled societies for centuries. Regardless of one’s opinion about whether, or why, an energy “transformation” is called for, the physics and economics of energy combined with scale realities make it clear that there is no possibility of anything resembling a radically “new energy economy” in the foreseeable future. Bill Gates has said that when it comes to understanding energy realities “we need to bring math to the problem.”
"He’s right. So, in my recent Manhattan Institute report, “The New Energy Economy: An Exercise in Magical Thinking,” I did just that.
"Herein, then, is a summary of some of the bottom-line realities from the underlying math. (See the full report for explanations, documentation, and citations.)". . .

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Soros-Funded Gascon Requests Death Penalty Be Reversed for Murderer of Two Students

  Neon Nettle

The deaths were from a car hijacking in the parking lot of a grocery store

. . ."Eric Siddall, vice president of the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, which represents about 800 Los Angeles County prosecutors, said Gascón position is at odds with jurisprudence.

"This is not the first case in which Gascón has sought a reduced sentence.

"Shortly after taking office, Gascón sought reduced penalties for a man accused of murdering two people.

"Including Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department deputy Joseph Solano.

"Gascón has only continued to advocate for reduced sentences since then.

"This is often over the objections of his own prosecutors.

"Few elected Democrats have spoken out against him, including Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), who endorsed Gascón in 2020 and appointed him as local district attorney during his tenure as mayor of San Francisco.". . .

Newsom and Gascon: both up for dismission and California wanted to keep them both.

Brian Stelter to Leave CNN, ‘Reliable Sources’ Program Canceled

 Brian Stelter to Leave CNN, ‘Reliable Sources’ Program Canceled (

"The “Go woke, go broke” mantra proved true once again as CNN announced it was canceling its long-time progressive host Brian Stelter.

"Amid plummeting ratings, CNN decided to cancel Brian Stelter’s “Reliable Sources” program. The last show will be Sunday, Aug. 21.

"In June, Axios reported that new CNN CEO Chris Licht was pushing for the network to be less partisan in its coverage and warned staff that he would be monitoring comments to ensure they embraced a more objective reporting model.

"CNN released a brief statement regarding discontinuing the “Reliable Sources” program.

" 'CNN will end its Reliable Sources program on Sunday, Aug. 21. As a result, Brian Stelter will leave the company. We appreciate his contributions to the network and wish him well as he embarks on new endeavors.' ”. . .

Tucker Carlson Breaks It To His MAGA Audience That Trump Will ‘Obviously’ Be Indicted After Raid

Trump ‘Obviously’ Going To Be Indicted, Tucker Carlson Warns (  "During his Fox News show on Monday night, host Tucker Carlson chillingly predicted that former President Donald Trump will be indicted in the wake of the FBI raiding his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida last week.
“ 'There’s nothing to see here. That’s the line,” Carlson said, according to The Hill. He went on to list some Republicans whom he predicts will “say the same thing when the Biden Justice Department or some other state agency under their influence finally does what you know they’re going to do, and that’s indict Donald Trump.”
“ 'Obviously, they’re going to do that,” Carlson continued. “Who knows how? Maybe they’ll produce surveillance video from Mar-a-Lago. Apparently, they’ve already subpoenaed that.”. . .
. . .Trump then said that he has not heard back from the Department of Justice after offering to help, but he added that he thinks that “they would want the same thing.” On his show last night, Carlson praised Trump for calling for calm.
“ 'You can feel it. Even Donald Trump feels it. Maybe for the first time in his life, Donald Trump seems sincerely interested in lowering the temperature, not only for his own stake but for the country’s,” Carlson said. “He’s right. It’s not good. This could get very bad, very fast.”. . . 

Behind those Aviator glasses looks like Peter Strzok:

Liz Cheney: Anatomy of a Political Suicide


AfterMath - Home (

. . ."Now she is on another list—the forlorn roll of Republicans who have allowed hatred of Trump to consume them. Some chose not to run for re-election; some have suffered similar fates at the hands of disapproving primary voters. 
But none have mortgaged such promise as the daughter of Dick Cheney. His video in the last gasping days of her campaign featured his incomprehensible claim that barring Trump from future office is the most important thing she would ever do, because he is the most serious threat to democracy in the nation’s 246 years. This is a man who once helped America fight actual evil. This is a former Defense Secretary and Vice President who saw genuine threats to our nation, from communists to terrorists, and strove to protect us. And now Trump is an unsurpassed threat? Perhaps this was an 81-year-old father parroting his daughter’s ravings in a last-ditch attempt to save her election. But probably not.". . .
Liz Cheney's graceless concession speech follows her landslide defeat in WY primary - American Thinker  . . ."Cheney said that that work is rooted in the fight against "the conspiracy and the lies" about the 2020 elections.  She called out without naming Republican candidates for governor, secretary of state, and other offices who she claimed support the "big lie."

"Perhaps Cheney forgot that she had spread debunked conspiracy theories spread by Democrat propagandists in the NYT that the Russian military spy unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban terrorists to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Cheney also claimed to stand for the Constitution and the rule of law.  If that were really the case, she would have insisted that Trump-defenders have seats on the January 6 committee.  Instead, she willingly participates in a Stalinist show trial, whose mission is not to find facts but to persecute a political opponent.

"Cheney said she "will do whatever it takes" to deny Trump a return to the Oval Office.
. . .

Greg Gutfeld Slams Liz Cheney's Self-Importance After Loss: 'It’s Actually Getting Embarrassing' (VIDEO) (

. . .“She compared this to the Civil War,” he noted. “She is nuts, ok? She’s overtaken with such obsession and such emotional bitterness that she has this grandiose view of herself and it’s actually now getting embarrassing. It’s embarrassing for her. I wish he had a friend that could take her aside saying, ‘You’ve got to calm down.'”

"Gutfeld stated Cheney is persona non grata in both political parties.

“ 'Republicans hate you, Democrats don’t want you, this all driven by emotional brokenness that happened from Trump,” he continued, before noting Cheney also invoked Abraham Lincoln in her speech. “People say that Trump has an ego, but when he says stuff like that, it’s usually with a wink and then everybody’s laughing. There’s nothing in her eye but spite. It’s such a personal vendetta from day one.' ” . . .

Cheney’s Humiliating Defeat Is Another Sign That We Are Winning (