Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Young Iranians Fight For Freedom While The World Looks Away

Just as it did when Obama's help was needed.

 Issues & Insights

"Bob Marley said: “Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.” For more than 200 Iranians who have been killed so far, as the nationwide uprising enters its second week, their martyrdom will be a milestone on the road to freedom, justice and democracy.

"The people of Iran have lost their fear of the gun and baton wielding goons from the terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and their thuggish Basij militia colleagues. Since the so-called morality police brutally murdered 22-year-old Mahsa Amini for not wearing her hijab (headscarf) properly, in mid-September, the protests have spread across the whole of Iran, with women tearing off and burning their hijabs and even cutting their hair.

"Tens of thousands of mostly young protesters, including thousands of women, have taken to the streets, setting fire to posters of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Ebrahim Raisi, chanting “Death to the dictator” and “Death to Khamenei” indicating their determination to overthrow the theocratic, repressive regime.

"The IRGC and Basij have used baton charges, tear gas, bird shot and live ammunition to counter the protests, killing more than 200 so far. Over 10,000 have been arrested, sparking mass demonstrations outside many prisons, like the notorious Evin prison in Tehran, where thousands of relatives and friends of those imprisoned during the riots have demanded their release.

"The protests have so far spread to over 160 towns and cities in all 31 Iranian provinces. Demonstrations are continuing daily in 16 major universities. The mullahs have tried desperately to control the spread of protests by disrupting and disconnecting the internet in large parts of Iran. They hope that by doing so, they will be able to conceal the true dimensions of the uprising and revelations regarding the scope of the massacre and brutal clampdown.

"Resistance units of the main opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), which have sprung up across the country, are actively organizing and sustaining the revolt. The MEK leader, Maryam Rajavi, has called on Iranian doctors and nurses to treat protesters who have been injured in the uprising in places of safety, to protect them from arrest by the IRGC, who have been known to drag wounded demonstrators from their hospital beds.". . .

Remember when the ineffective Obama let the freedom fighters down?

“Comparing Obama to Chamberlain is unfair – to Chamberlain.". . .

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

If you like Democrats you will love these ladies

Guess Who’s Running Again…?

Via Washington Examiner:

Hillary Clinton is still eyeing a possible presidential run in 2024 after making comments about open borders, according to Dick Morris, a former adviser and strategist for former President Bill Clinton.

She is hoping to run as a centrist Democratic candidate despite denying any presidential plans last month, Morris said. Her comment on no one wanting an open border is part of a “playbook” Morris created for Bill Clinton.

Keep reading…

 Despite Border, Inflation, & Crime Crises, Pelosi Says Biden’s Done A “GREAT” Job…

Democrats must be voted out of office for at least a generation  . . ."Fox News host Tucker Carlson was right.  The Democrats don’t care about you.  They don’t respect you. They don’t like the United States, either.  You are stupid, a hick, a redneck, a racist, maybe an insurrectionist, that must, for the good of the elite’s enormous bank accounts and power, be silenced.  Democrats see the American people as sheep to be controlled rather than rational beings to be persuaded.

"The Democrats cannot be trusted in future elections to inform the voters of their real agenda ahead of the vote.  They will tell you they are moderates and then after getting elected they will shove as much of their destructive leftist agenda down your throats as they can.". . . 

Abortion and Beto O’Rourke


American Greatness

The Texas Democrat is either confused or lying about his position on abortion.

. . ."In August, just two months before he dropped out of the presidential race at a Town Hall in South Carolina, a man noted O’Rourke’s encounter in Cleveland about third-trimester abortion and asked, “I was born September 8th, 1989, and I want to know if you think on September 7, 1989, my life had no value?” O’Rourke responded that “of course, I don’t think that, and of course, I’m glad you’re here.” Then he said that his answer in Ohio remains the same. “That neither you, nor I, or the United States government should be making, but that’s a decision for the woman to make.” 

" 'But what about my right to life?” the man asked. O’Rourke then started brusquely talking over him, “I listened to you, I heard your question. I’m answering it.” He mentioned the attack on Roe, which he insisted was the “settled law of the land.” O’Rourke finished by saying, “I don’t question the decision a woman makes. Only she knows what she knows, and I want to trust her with that. So, I appreciate the question.”

"So not only was O’Rourke saying it was OK to violate Roe (which was still law); belittled the questioner saying, in effect, his mother had the right to abort him; and moreover, that partial-birth abortion, which has been illegal since 2007 (and still is) met with his approval. The next day, O’Rourke posted the video on his Twitter account and included a caption that began, “No matter how you ask the question, my answer will always be the same.' ” . . .

Why do we have incompetent leaders?

‘The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.’ — Charles Bukowski

"Democracy doesn’t work. Plato thought it was a terrible system, a prelude to tyranny, giving power to selfish and dangerous demagogues. Watching what is happening these days in democracies around the world, it’s hard to disagree with Plato. Democracy appears to produce an abundance of incompetent and dishonest political leaders, who exploit people’s credulity and prejudices and thrive on emotion-driven discourse and fake news. This Impakter essay looks at the problems and proposes an easy fix – if only we had the courage to implement it. 

"First, let’s quickly review what’s wrong with democracy.

Why People Have Lost Trust in Democratically-Elected Politicians: The Rise of Incompetent Political Leaders

"Most people don’t trust democracy to deliver. According to 2019 Pew survey, trust in government is at a historical low: only 17% of Americans today say they can trust the government to do what is right “just about always” (3%) or “most of the time” (14%).". . . 

. . ."Incompetent political leaders: As of now, in a democracy there are no requirements for running for office, none at all; anyone can wake up in the morning and decide he or she wants to run for the White House; examples are easily multiplied, e.g. when Luigi Di Maio, the Five Star Movement Leader became Minister of Labor (in the previous government), this was his first job, he had never worked before; but he is alas, not exceptional. In Italy, most of the ruling class has no “real world experience”, all they’ve done, most of them, is play political games.". . .. Following this is a critical review of Donald Trump's experience in governing, for better or worse.

The leader we voted for speaks:

'Woke' up call? Army misses recruiting goal by 25%


...or else

. . ."Meanwhile, as Breitbart News reported in July, an Army training instructs soldiers to shower with transgender members of the opposite sex, even if they have not undergone a surgical transition. In February, the Army began discharging soldiers who refused to be vaccinated with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, despite the fact the shots have proven to be ineffective in stopping infection and transmission of the disease. In addition, Department of Defense data indicate a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel coincided with the vaccine rollout in 2021.". . .

The article ends with this:

EDITOR’S NOTE: With what has been called the “Sovietization” of the Biden administration – including the shocking criminalization of dissent and massive weaponization of the FBI against political opponents – America is being increasingly compared to a third-world or communist dictatorship. Yet America still has one sacred institution that dictatorships from Zimbabwe to communist China don’t have: ELECTIONS. And in reality, there is no reason, despite the regime’s all-out efforts at election rigging, that the tens of millions of decent, right-thinking American voters cannot stop the Biden administration’s ever-expanding madness this November. For that reason, the September issue of WND’s critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine insightfully covers the most electrifying and important races, illuminates the biggest issues, reveals how the latest federal takeover of elections actually violates the law, and much more.". . .

Speaking of wokeness:

Biden’s Orwellian ‘Naming Commission’ Recommends Renaming USS Chancellorsville   "Its woke leaders want to erase all memory of Confederate Civil War victories."

"In George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, there are echoes of today’s cancel culture:

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which th  Party is always right.

What else can you do after you've torn all the statues down?

Monday, October 3, 2022

READ IT: FBI’s Brutal Draft Letter Firing Disgraced Agent Peter Strzok Revealed

 Daily Wire    "A top FBI official accused Trump-hating former agent Peter Strzok of doing long-term damage to the bureau’s reputation with a “sustained pattern of bad judgment” and “selfishness” in the newly released draft of the 2018 letter firing him.

David Bowdich, who was deputy director of the bureau when he penned the brutally harsh draft of the dismissal letter, told Strzok the damage he caused to the bureau would last for years. He referred specifically to Strzok’s use of “an FBI device,” an apparent reference to the shocking text messages sent on bureau cell phones between Strzok and his 
paramour, Lisa Page, in which vowed to stop former President Trump from being elected in 2016.

“While there is no doubt your 21 years of service to the organization cannot and should not be erased, it is difficult to fathom the repeated, sustained errors of judgment you made while serving as the lead agent in two of the most high profile investigations in the country,” Bowdich wrote in the August 8, 2018 letter. “Though the Office of the Inspector General found no evidence of bias impacted any of your or the FBI’s investigative actions or decisions, your sustained pattern of bad judgment in the use of an FBI device has called into question for many of the decisions made during both the Clinton e-mail investigation and the initial states of the Russian Collusion investigation.”

“In short, your repeated selfishness has called into question the credibility of the entire FBI.” . . . 

The Shocking Degeneration of America - WND -

 The Herland Report

"The fall of Rome in 410 AD happened at the hands of enemies that had long wished for the death of Rome, writes Hanne Nabintu Herland, historian of comparative religions, author and columnist at the largest Conservative news network in America, World Net Daily. (Feature photo: Rev. Billy Graham, famed preacher is pictured in a 2005 photo in New York. Reuters)

"Arguably the most famous Christian leader in modern American history, ecumenical Billy Graham concluded at the end of his life, that America had become a Sodom and Gomorrah. In a commentary in Decision Magazine, he warned of dark days ahead:

“ 'Our nation was founded by men who believed in prayer. When our government was being formed, Benjamin Franklin addressed the chairman of the Constitutional Convention meeting at Philadelphia in 1787, saying, “I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, it is probable that an empire cannot rise without His aid.”

“ 'Today the world is being carried on a rushing torrent of history that is sweeping out of control. There is but one power available to redeem the course of events, and that is the power of prayer by God-fearing, Christ-believing people.' ”. . .

Joe Concha’s Hilarious Roast of Biden’s Horrible Presidency -

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  “By every metric, America has arguably the worst president of the television era residing in the Oval Office (at least when he isn’t in Delaware).” So asserts Hill columnist Joe Concha in his new book, Come on, Man!: The Truth About Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Presidency. He makes his case by citing the Biden administration’s 40-year-high inflation rate along with record-high gas prices, skyrocketing crime, illegal border crossings, and an “extremist education agenda.”

"Concha believes that these horrible statistics are the result of a progressive program and that President Joe Biden’s gaffe-laden footprint is just part of the plan: “Biden may seem like a doddering idiot, stumbling from one mistake to the next, but it is funny how these mistakes always hew closely to liberal dreams for American policy.” Despite its title, Come On, Man! is less focused on Biden than on the political environment that spawned his presidency. Concha makes the well-trodden argument that Biden, who had a track record of incompetency and dishonesty, starting with the plagiarism scandal that derailed his 1988 run at the White House, would never have become president under ordinary circumstances. The 2020 presidential election, with the Democratic Party and the liberal media laser focused on extricating then-President Donald Trump from the Oval Office, provided the extraordinary circumstances that enabled Scranton’s native son to unseat his predecessor. ". 

"Concha is critical of key members of Biden’s senior leadership team, arguing that some of them were selected based on their political leaning as opposed to their professional experience. In the chapter appropriately dubbed “We Were Promised Adults in Charge,” Concha takes issue with the appointment of former Michigan governor and CNN analyst Jennifer Granholm as secretary of energy. He references a now infamous interview where she responded to a question from Tom Keene of Bloomberg about her plan to increase oil production in the U.S. by saying, “That is hilarious! Would that I had the magic wand!” He also finds fault with Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas for “insisting that the border is closed” while also pointing the finger at the Trump administration for the surge in illegal migrants, which under Biden’s watch is forecasted to exceed four million by the end of 2022. ". . .

The Tunnel Wall: Recall Joe Biden -"We simply cannot wait until after the 2024 presidential election."

The Reckless Inauthenticity of Joe Biden - American Thinker

10 Famous College Grads Who Prove How Smart College Makes You

  Babylon Bee

"Yes, college is expensive and will saddle you with crushing debt in exchange for no useful life skills, but it's worth it, because it will make you smart.

"Not convinced? Check out this list of brilliant college grads who will prove how helpful college is!

  1. AOC: One of America's foremost intellectuals, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has knowledge, wit, and wisdom that is as deep as it is wide. All thanks to her economics degree from Boston University!
  2. David Hogg: He's so smart, he knows guns are bad. Not everyone knows that. That Harvard education really paid off.
  3. The Unabomber: Another Harvard prodigy!
  4. Kamala Harris: In college, she learned all 12 of the words she uses in a speech.
  5. Lex Luthor: Thanks to his biomechanical engineering degree from Princeton, he gave Superman a real run for his money! What a guy!
  6. Everyone making your latte at Starbucks: Thanks to college, these bright young minds are probably the most educated people on earth who have ever made coffee.
  7. Joy Behar: She studied sociology at Queen's College, and it shows. Her brilliant insights on culture and the human condition are unmatched.
  8. The guy on the street corner with the sign saying "will work for food": Every word on the sign is spelled correctly!
  9. Judas Iscariot: The only disciple who went to Harvard.
  10. Joe Biden: The smartest president who ever lived. Thanks, college!

Here comes the October surprise!


American Thinker  "The tactic described as the October surprise holds the juiciest fruits of opposition research until late in the election cycle.  The key is to save the reveal until it's too late to elicit an effective response.  With the modern plethora of media outlets ready, willing, and able to leak campaign secrets or propaganda, the problem has been to keep the scoop under wraps long enough to limit the target's response.  With the pitiful slate of Democrat candidates and the party's failed policies wreaking havoc on our nation and the economy, it seems the Dems have been emptying their bag of tricks prematurely.

"You still know it's coming soon — even though those wacky Dems have already launched their September surprise.  And their August surprise.  And their June and July surprises.  They would have a daily surprise if they could keep their weak sisters in the media up to speed. 

"They need something like the leak of the Supreme Court reversal of the Roe decision to yield a sufficient "surprise."  They've already pedaled their Student Loan Forgiveness surprise bomb.  If Merrick Garland could have held his horses a bit longer, the FBI's raid on Donald Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago could have been the perfect October surprise.  Launched prematurely, the raid has been exposed and turned into a liability for the Dems.

"Maybe it's a bit nostalgic to call these mostly fictional bombshells surprises anymore.  The biggest surprise would be for the Democrats to run honest campaigns and lighten up on the slander and libel.

"Here are some suggestions for the Democrats, who seem woefully short of them these days. . ."


Ken Burns Is Not Worthy of His Own Best Vision

 "This is mere political propaganda, an imposture of moral authority rather than the real thing. It contaminates and poisons the moral message."

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  . . ."The story of America and the Holocaust has been told well before. The 1994 PBS program America and the Holocaust, part of The American Experience series, already went over much of the ground covered here, having learned from many of the innovations Burns had introduced into documentary film and video. That earlier show, if anything, was more pointed and unsparing than Burns is in portraying America’s role in denying shelter and protection to Europe’s Jews as the horror of the Nazi genocide fell upon them, step by step. Spurred by the scholarship of historian David Wyman, that show was unsparing of Franklin Roosevelt, of official American complacency, and of the ineffectuality of the establishment American Jewish organizations. It was unsparing of liberals and conservatives alike, and thereby established its moral credentials.

"Burns retells that story, though with a lighter hand on FDR. Fair enough. As far as that goes, it was excellent.

"But Burns stumbled badly in trying to preach a moral lesson at the end. Not that such a lesson could not or should not be made. As mentioned, America and the Holocaust succeeded in drawing a searing moral lesson by its even-handed presentation of the faults of the actors of that day and allowed the viewers to connect that and apply that to the politics of the moment as they would be moved. That show trusted its viewers and their conscience.

"It is not that any attempt to directly and forthrightly connect a moral lesson learned from history to the politics of the day must fail. It is only that it runs the risk of exposing political bias in such a way that the moral lesson becomes muddled, compromised, and made subservient to a political vision that is not the same as the moral vision it likes to claim it is. And here is where Burns has failed.". . .

Ken Burns’ film ‘The US and the Holocaust’ erases the American Jewish masses -

*Although ignored by Burns, massive numbers of American (and British) Jews from the working- and lower-middle classes vehemently demanded that Britain “open the gates of Palestine” to Jews fleeing persecution. On March 23, 1933, the Jewish War Veterans of the United States (JWV) presented an appeal at the British consulate in New York that called on the British government to set aside restrictions on Jewish immigration to Palestine. In November, Pierre van Paassen, whose column was widely syndicated in American newspapers, endorsed honorary president of the American Jewish Congress Rabbi Stephen Wise’s call for settling 150,000 German Jews in Palestine, but warned that unless such a plan were carried out at once, “there will be no 150,000 German Jews left to settle in Palestine.” As America kept its doors shut, many Jews saw Mandatory Palestine as their best—or only—hope.

UPDATE: A Holocaust Mystery: Ken Burns Gets Lost in a Bermuda Triangle - The Lid (   . . ."The Bermuda Conference was one of the era’s most vivid demonstrations of the Roosevelt administration’s abandonment of the Jews, as well as a pivotal moment in stimulating stronger American Jewish protests against the Holocaust.

How, then, could Ken Burns have omitted any mention of Bermuda from his six-hour-long PBS series on “The U.S. and the Holocaust”? Was it because one of the themes of the series was to minimize President Roosevelt’s responsibility for America’s harsh refugee policy, and the Bermuda Conference conflicted with that narrative?

For now, this question remains a mystery. To date, no interviewer has asked Burns about this glaring omission, and he has not volunteered any comment. Is he hoping that, like ships disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle, his own Bermuda omission will vanish from public view before anyone notices?

Sunday, October 2, 2022

For The Love Of God, Would You Please Stop Being Stupid?

Issues & Insights   "Think about it:

"Democrats are supporting men participating in women’s sports and being in girls’ bathrooms. Democrat district attorneys are releasing criminals without bond who go out and commit theft, murder, and rape.

"Democrats are letting in tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and giving them thousands of dollars.

"Democrats are causing the biggest rise in food prices and gas prices in 40 years.

"Democrats are imposing censorship on television, the internet, in schools and businesses.

"Democrats used the COVID farce to destroy people’s livelihoods and destroy small businesses.

"Democrats are forcing people to take defective vaccines that have killed many.

"Democrats have turned television networks into propaganda outlets.

"Democrats are conducting drag queen shows in schools and libraries.

"And are Republican candidates forcefully bringing this up in ads?