Friday, April 7, 2023

UPDATED: Trump blasts ‘moron’ Biden after White House blames him for Afghanistan


How Hunter Biden’s Firm Helped Secure Cobalt for the Chinese - The New York Times (    "The president’s son was part owner of a venture involved in the $3.8 billion purchase by a Chinese conglomerate of one of the world’s largest cobalt deposits. The metal is a key ingredient in batteries for electric vehicles."

Earlier this week, Biden ordered the intelligence community to begin a 90-day review of evidence to determine whether the coronavirus emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the central Chinese city.
Trump blasts ‘moron’ Biden after WH blames him for Afghanistan (  “These Morons in the White House, who are systematically destroying our Country, headed up by the biggest Moron of them all, Hopeless Joe Biden, have a new disinformation game they are playing – Blame ‘TRUMP’ for their grossly incompetent SURRENDER in Afghanistan,” Trump, 76, hollered on Truth Social on Thursday.
" 'I watched this disaster unfold just like everyone else. I saw them take out the Military FIRST, GIVE $85 Billion of military equipment, allow killing of our soldiers, and leave Americans behind. Biden is responsible, no one else!”
"Shortly before Trump’s eviscerating rant, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby took questions on the 12-page after-action review of the controversial August 2021 withdrawal, which resulted in the deaths of 13 US service members and hundreds of Afghans. 
"The report blames the chaotic evacuation on Trump’s administration promising the Taliban that US forces would leave the country by May 2021 — but fails to account for the fact that the US also had the option to renege on the agreement if Afghan peace talks failed.". . .

Gov Gav: reelected by the Californians of the 21st Century


RealityBites by Broc Smith

Gavin Newsom Gets the 'Welcome' He Deserves During Visit to Ron DeSantis' Florida – RedState   "California Gov. Gavin Newsom is quickly (and calculatingly) attempting to solidify himself as a top contender for the Democratic nomination for president in the event Joe Biden bows out, and he’s gone about it primarily by sniffing around in the backyards of the red states that many of his former constituents have fled to by hundreds of thousands.". . .

"It’s all part of his $10 million campaign to visit red states (photos galore from which are on his Twitter page) to “learn more about the right-wing assaults across the country.”

"Because apparently, California has solved all of its major issues, I guess.". . .

"In any event, as you might expect, Newsom got zinged into next week by conservatives including Floridians like former and current DeSantis officials alike who all pointed out not only the gall and hypocrisy of Newsom’s swing through Florida but also to let him know that the hundreds of thousands of Californians who high-tailed it to Florida ain’t comin’ back.   '. . .

The Mother of All Ads Drops After Gavin Newsom Burns Money Attacking Ron DeSantis – RedState

A GOP counter ad has Newsome saying, ". . .California: Where freedom means lockdowns for you, while I go to the places you can’t afford. Don’t let them take your freedom. Come to California, where we’ll take it. Along with your money.' ”

UPDATED:Five Quick Things: Transgenderism Embodies Our Cultural Collapse

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

                    End the Department of Education before it ends education.

"It’s starting to get more than a little difficult to not downright hate the people in elite positions in this country. We’re obviously not supposed to feel that way, except now there are caveats.

"The first one being that the SOBs so clearly hate us.

"In the last column in this space, I noted that we’re fully engaged in the Cold Civil War with the anti-American woke Left — or, better put, they’re engaged in it with us. Our side increasingly isn’t just the Right but also includes the Center. You can see that pretty clearly in the fact that some of the people who used to be opponents, like Bill Maher, Joe Rogan, Bari Weiss, Dave Rubin, Alan Dershowitz, Jonathan Turley, and lots more, aren’t finding themselves so much red-pilled as driven into our camp by the Hard Left having won the internecine war for control over the Democrat Party and its contributing institutions.

"The Cold Civil War has to be fought. It will certainly be won because the Hard Left is only capable of winning by forfeit. They’re incapable of performing the tasks of societal governance, something they prove by turning every institution they control into a circus.

"As Donald Trump said before the Cold Civil War turned as nasty as it is now, “everything woke turns to s**t.”

"Well, America is turning that way, and fast. We’ll have to fight, and like the previous two columns this week have outlined, we’d better be willing to fight ugly.

"And our first entry is a golden example of why."  1. Kill the Department of Education Before It Kills Education

Here’s a feel-good story for you. In perhaps the greatest example of enforced political hygiene in America this millennium, the Tennessee General Assembly expelled two Democrats who took advantage of a riot in the state capitol last week to grab a bullhorn and shut down floor proceedings by shouting stupid slogans about gun control.


NC Dem state rep switches to GOP, saying, ‘the modern-day Democrat Party has become unrecognizable to me'

 NC Dem state rep switches to GOP, saying, ‘the modern-day Democrat Party has become unrecognizable to me’ - American Thinker  "The central political fact of our era is the radicalization of the Democrat party, which has been stealthily taken over by American Marxists, devoted to what Obama called the “fundamental transformation” of America.  They are actively combatting biblical norms of sexuality, disrupting the economy by starving it of reliable and reasonably priced energy, and weakening the military so that rivals like China and Iran can operate with a freer hand. None of this is admitted publicly, but to anyone who watches closely, it is self-evident."  

Tricia Cotham switches to Republican party: North Carolina representative says Democratic party is 'unrecognizable' (  . . ."She switched parties to escape the pressure she said she faced to vote with the Democratic caucus, declaring, “I will not be controlled by anyone.”

"The representative said Democrats have been “blasting me on Twitter to calling me names, coming after my family, coming after my children. That is wrong.” She said that a woman cussed her out at a store while she was shopping with her son.

"The turning point for Cotham, she said, was when she says she received criticism for using the American flag and praying hands emoji on social media and on her vehicles.". . .

Example: Ocasio-Cortez calls for Clarence Thomas's impeachment

Look who Tricia Cotham had to serve alongside as a Democrat: Mazie Hirono, AOC; Maxine Waters; Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi; Eric Swalwell; Ted Liu; Frederica (Cowpoke) Wilson; Debbie Wasserman Schultz; Hank (Islands can tip over) Johnson; Jamie Raskin; Ayanna (squad) Pressley; Bennie (Lock 'em up forever) Thompson; Core (Soros) Bush; Jerry Nadler; Sheila Jackson-Lee; Pramila Jaypal; Rashida Tlaib. and so many more.

Democrats are so far left as to be unrecognizable as the party they once were | The Post Millennial | Yet they are the soulmates of the media and entertainment industry.

. . ."For a long time the m.o. and ideological stability of the Democratic Conference was under control, to an extent. Now, centrist and conservative Democrats face a threat.

WATCH: Riley Gaines Assaulted, Held Hostage by Militant Transgender Activists After Speech –

We await Biden's condemnation of this assault along with Democrats' condemnation of the Antifa riots of 2020-21. TD

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”  -George Carlin

 Ramaswamy Tweets Video of 'Trans' MMA Fighter Fracturing Opponent's Skull, Vows to End the 'Madness' – RedState

And as they never used to say in sports, a “trans” MMA fighter brutalized his female opponent to the point of fracturing the young woman’s skull. As 2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswami says of the madness, “We used to call this violence against women; now we call it a victory for trans rights.

WATCH: Riley Gaines Assaulted, Held Hostage by Militant Transgender Activists After Speech – RedState

 According to her husband (Fox News), Gaines was assaulted by a “man in a dress.” Whom people will address as 'she', and 'her'.

"Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swimmer, has made been making headlines for using her voice to push back on men competing in women’s sports. On Thursday evening, that led to a group of militant transgender activists violently assaulting her and holding her hostage.". . .

Louis Barker, Riley’s husband, said he had brief conversations with her while she was barricaded in the room for nearly three hours.

“She told me she was hit multiple times by a guy in a dress. I was shaking. It made me that mad. It makes me sick to feel so helpless about it,” Barker said. “She was under police protection and was still hit by a man wearing a dress.”

On Twitter, Gaines shared footage she took showing her being rushed out of the venue by police officers amid an onslaught of verbal attacks from the detractors who surrounded her.

"Things apparently were so bad that police could not fully remove Gaines from the situation and instead had to barricade her in a room for three hours. The above videos show the militant transgender activists accosting her as she is rushed away by law enforcement. In yet another video, some of the activists are seen trying to hold Gaines hostage, demanding money to allow her to leave the area.

"In response to the assault, her agent, Eli Bremer, shared this sentiment.

Instead of a thoughtful discussion tonight at SFSU, Riley was violently accosted, shouted at, shouted at, physically assaulted, and barricaded in a room by protestors. It is stunning that in America in 2023, it is acceptable for biological male students to violently assault a woman for standing up for women’s rights.

This will not stop Riley from boldly educating people of the dangers of biological males in women’s sports. She will continue to speak the truth against the radical left that no longer understands the difference between men and women.. . .

Why would a beer company pick Dylan Mulvaney to endorse its product? - American Thinker

"People angry at the aggressive trans movement, now becoming increasingly violent, can easily publicize these brands and boycott them all."

Thursday, April 6, 2023

If 'No One Is Above The Law,' These Democrats Would Be Arraigned

 The Federalist  . . ."Cue the chorus of Democrats and corporate media mouthpieces who spent all of Thursday night on Twitter condescendingly warning: “no one is above the law, not even the former president.”

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the anti-Trump Adams, former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Rep. Adam Schiff, and even Trump’s ex-attorney Michael Cohen say Trump- or anyone else- doesn’t just get a free pass because he’s a 2024 presidential candidate. Yet, it doesn’t take an expert to know that the sole reason Trump ever faced indictment is because his political enemies requested it.

"In addition to suggesting that Trump is not “above the law,” former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi claimed that the former president has the opportunity to “prove innocence” in court. Of course, the law, smugly touted by Pelosi, dictates that defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty- not the other way around."...Excerpts: 

1. The Criminals Alvin Bragg Refused To Prosecute....

2. Hillary Clinton....

5. President Joe Biden....

6. Hunter Biden.....

7. Eric Swalwell...

Read: “Democrats Say ‘No One Is Above The Law,’ But This List Of Their Corrupt Allies Proves Otherwise”

"The same people who love lording “no one is above the law” over Americans are the ones who think they are above any semblance of oversight or law, or constitutionality. If Democrats truly valued rule of law, illegal border crossers, Russia hoaxers, Jeffrey Epstein’s clients, pro-abortion vandals, rioters, and the people who run corrupt government agencies like the Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA, and the Manhattan DA’s office would be the ones standing in court next week, not Trump"

One more for the road: 
Ron Paul Suggests Adam Schiff Should Be Expelled From Congress (  "
Retired Congressman Ron Paul is a man of integrity. He was sometimes described as the conscience of the Republican party.
"In a new column, he is suggesting that Adam Schiff should be expelled from Congress.
"Paul is saying this because of all of the damning information about Schiff that has been exposed since Elon Musk took over Twitter.. . .
"In the latest release, thanks to the excellent reporting of independent journalist Matt Taibbi, we see outgoing Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), continuously pressuring Twitter to validate his fantasies of “Russian bots” manipulating US politics."

Bragg’s Lawfare Tears Apart A Thousand Years of Anglo-American Jurisprudence


...If this power grab isn’t stopped, with everyone involved in the case punished under the law, nothing will stand in the way of the leftist drive for total power.

. . ."Our Constitution was built for a people acting in good faith. Good faith is gone in America, though, with progressive jurists and prosecutors as the worst bad actors. We must return this nation to one of equal justice under the law or, in a decade, this nation will be no more.

"To that end, we must hold progressives liable for violating the law and punish their abuses fairly. No state or federal judges or prosecutors should be able to claim immunity after denying Americans of any political ideology their most basic civil rights. Indeed, such actions threaten to tear apart our nation and should be treated as actionable treason. Such judges and prosecutors should be tried and, if found guilty, severely punished."

Bragg's Case Against Trump Puts Local Prosecutors' Power in the Spotlight (   
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has written himself into the history books and future pub trivia questions by becoming the first prosecutor to pursue criminal charges against a former president. Whether his case against Donald Trump is successful or not, Americans nationwide are now seeing the power that local prosecutors wield, sometimes capriciously.

 How Absolute Immunity Lets Prosecutors Break the Law Without Consequence (


The Woke Movement Is Assassinating MLK All Over Again

  Issues & Insights

"Today we mark the 55th anniversary of the day the murderous James Earl Ray took the life of Martin Luther King Jr. The civil rights leader should be allowed to rest in peace, but he is being slain yet again, this time by a mob of mediocre minds with rock-bottom character that seeks to overturn his life’s works.

"In what is widely acknowledged as his greatest speech, King dreamed that his “four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” that “one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.”

"King also damned the “dark and desolate valley” and “manacles” of segregation. He identified us all as “God’s children.”

"He couldn’t have been clearer about his vision for a color-blind society. And in the 40 years that followed his death, our country moved in that direction, year by year, heart by heart.

"But much has changed. The woke mob, critical race theory, and the DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) movement have reopened a once-gaping, raw wound that had almost closed. Consider just a few of the many instances in which our “leaders” and institutional luminaries not only reject King’s teaching but actively try to return this country to an era of segregation and ugly, unapologetic bigotry. 

"We could start just about anywhere, but we begin with ​​Florida International University, a public institution that mirrors the insurgents’ march through our institutions. Its diversity, equity, and inclusion program “condemns the United States as a system of ‘white supremacy,’” and “segregates scholarships and student programs by race,” says author and filmmaker Christopher Rufo.". . .

Republicans lay the groundwork for 2025 indictments; Sadly; not Bill and Hillary

 Don Surber

Delving into the Biden Crime Family does not cause despair among the elitists because they bank on any legal action taking place on their home turf: Washington DC. A prosecutor would have to get a Democrat grand jury to indict and get a Democrat jury to convict.

"The indictment of President Trump was as predictable as snow in Antarctica. The deep state wants to kill him, destroy his family and plow his fields with salt. That would send a message to anyone who dares challenge their authority again.

"Keep calm and carry on. We will right this wrong when a Republican is president. 2023 is not 2020. Republicans now realize the threat was not Trump.

"Democrats believe they may have ended six years of expensive failure, but the indictment drew sharp criticism from Jeff Bezos and his flunkies at the Washington Post.

"In an editorial (remember those?) the Bezosists said, “Donald Trump deserves the legal scrutiny he’s getting — which has come from many corners on many counts. Yet of the long list of alleged violations, the likely charges on which a grand jury in New York state voted to indict him are perhaps the least compelling. There’s cause for concern, and caution, ahead.”

"Democrats have assumed that all they needed was lies to bring down Trump. The two impeachments undermined their credibility. But they look at polls that show majorities believe that he is guilty of something as proof that their strategy worked. Maybe it does, but throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks has left a very messy wall."...

If Trump is bad, Clinton was worse - American Thinker   . . ." But Clinton paid no penalty: he was above the law as applied by shameless Democrats, who now exhibit contempt not just for Trump, but for all Republicans.  In the name of "defending democracy," this grotesque perversion of former liberalism is hyper illiberal, puking on the First Amendment under the guise of throttling "hate speech," while spewing hatred through BLM, Antifa, and a twisted denigration of murdered children, calling instead for "vengeance" on behalf of unhinged transgender miscreants."

Actual REAL WOMAN’s thread on how insulting Dylan Mulvaney is to REAL WOMEN is straight-FIRE –

Satire: Scientists At Budweiser Attempt To Discover How Many Beers It Would Take For Dylan Mulvaney To Pass As A Woman | Babylon Bee

Dr. Morganstein reportedly passed out twenty beers later, still believing Dylan Mulvaney was a man. However, he did note that his female colleagues were at least three points more attractive.  "Dylan Mulvaney is clearly playing a ‘part’. And it’s not a great part at that. For some reason, Dylan seems to think women run around giggling about how stupid they are, fluttering their eyelashes and talking like they’re a 12-year-old girl in junior high. He is one of the most embarrassing, lazy caricatures of a woman we have ever seen … and the fact so many large brands are using HIM as some sort of spokesman while men pretend to be women taking over sports and spaces, we can’t even really put into words how insulting it all is.

"Thankfully, Laura aka @fancythis was able to do just that:...

More on this here.

Travis Tritt boycotts Anheuser-Busch amid Dylan Mulvaney campaign (

Daily Mail Online

. . ."Country music star Travis Tritt announced a boycott of all products by Anheuser-Busch – joining Kid Rock in protesting its beer giant Bud Light for teaming up with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

“A great American company that later sold out to the Europeans and became unrecognizable to the American consumer. Such a shame,” he continued.

"Tritt added in a follow-up post that “other artists who are deleting Anheuser-Busch products from their hospitality rider might not say so in public for fear of being ridiculed and canceled.. . .

“ 'I have no such fear,” he wrote.

"He also responded to a user who asked for a “list of all related Bud products” by posting the logos of some 30 beer brands including Budweiser, Beck’s, Busch, Corona, Michelob Light, and Stella Artois.". . .

Sadly the article in the post refers to Mulvaney in feminine terms: "she", "her", etc.

CNN, MSNBC changing name of shows to ‘TRUMP ARREST’ still couldn’t overcome Fox   "All the news networks — cable and otherwise — were talking about the Trump arraignment of course, but CNN and MSNBC, despite all their hyperventilating, still couldn’t come close to besting Fox News:" . . .

"And if you look closely you’ll see that CNN and MSNBC even changed the title of some of their programming and used all caps.". . .


CNN’s ongoing Trump arraignment coverage makes strong case for MSM having a psychiatrist on retainer

CNN panelists agree that Trump indictment is a serious, somber, solemn moment

Rachel Maddow wouldn’t show Trump’s speech because MSNBC won’t broadcast ‘untrue things’ (LOL!)

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Reparations on the Horizon in California -

 Should one make the check out directly to Maxine Waters?

Intellectual Takeout

"Growing up in the 90s, the prospect of reparations seemed unlikely. I was aware that a subset of the population supported payments to the descendants of slaves, but back then, it seemed as if most people, regardless of how they felt toward such a policy, didn’t believe it would ever actually be implemented. It just wasn’t in the cards—or so we thought.

"Times have changed. Thanks to the woke left, reparations are rapidly gaining salience. While such a proposal faces massive hurdles at the national level, it is already a reality in some blue states.

"California provides one of the more noteworthy examples of a state pushing forward with reparations. Thanks to assembly bill 3121, which was enacted in September 2020, California has a special task force charged with “studying the institution of slavery and its lingering negative effects on living African Americans.” The task force was also tasked with recommending “appropriate remedies of compensation, rehabilitation, and restitution for African Americans.”. . .

Which of those attackers does Reginald Denny owe money to? Or is it all of them? Will Maxine Waters see that Denny's reparations are equally distributed?