Thursday, April 6, 2023

Republicans lay the groundwork for 2025 indictments; Sadly; not Bill and Hillary

 Don Surber

Delving into the Biden Crime Family does not cause despair among the elitists because they bank on any legal action taking place on their home turf: Washington DC. A prosecutor would have to get a Democrat grand jury to indict and get a Democrat jury to convict.

"The indictment of President Trump was as predictable as snow in Antarctica. The deep state wants to kill him, destroy his family and plow his fields with salt. That would send a message to anyone who dares challenge their authority again.

"Keep calm and carry on. We will right this wrong when a Republican is president. 2023 is not 2020. Republicans now realize the threat was not Trump.

"Democrats believe they may have ended six years of expensive failure, but the indictment drew sharp criticism from Jeff Bezos and his flunkies at the Washington Post.

"In an editorial (remember those?) the Bezosists said, “Donald Trump deserves the legal scrutiny he’s getting — which has come from many corners on many counts. Yet of the long list of alleged violations, the likely charges on which a grand jury in New York state voted to indict him are perhaps the least compelling. There’s cause for concern, and caution, ahead.”

"Democrats have assumed that all they needed was lies to bring down Trump. The two impeachments undermined their credibility. But they look at polls that show majorities believe that he is guilty of something as proof that their strategy worked. Maybe it does, but throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks has left a very messy wall."...

If Trump is bad, Clinton was worse - American Thinker   . . ." But Clinton paid no penalty: he was above the law as applied by shameless Democrats, who now exhibit contempt not just for Trump, but for all Republicans.  In the name of "defending democracy," this grotesque perversion of former liberalism is hyper illiberal, puking on the First Amendment under the guise of throttling "hate speech," while spewing hatred through BLM, Antifa, and a twisted denigration of murdered children, calling instead for "vengeance" on behalf of unhinged transgender miscreants."

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