American Thinker . . ."Bass can attest to the media-driven swiftness of the mob's fury. On May 29, he shared an Instagram post headlined "The Biblical Reason Christians should Boycott Target" from @dudewithgoodnews, Ryan Miller. By May 30, the Blue Jays had coerced Bass into an apology. "I recognize yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine. I am truly sorry for that," said Bass.
"In 2015, when Scarlet Letters was published, I thought 17th-century Puritans made for a useful point of comparison with today's witch-hunters. At the time, I thought our Neo-Puritans had gone about as far as they could go. I also thought the "trans" movement too absurd to gain transaction. I was wrong on every count
"The prideful woke have gone well beyond Cotton Mather and his God-fearing crew. Waving their rainbow flags — with, now, a pink modification — the woke proudly follow the Mao model on their long march through our institutions. In a godless world without mercy or redemption, they promise only vengeance, and vengeance has no end point.
"As in the Summers case, and in most such cases, an apology is not enough. If anything, it is a further provocation. Canadian LGBT activists wanted more. To help them ring in Pride Month, a big deal in Toronto, they wanted groveling. To that end, Bass had met with Pride Toronto executive director Sherwin Modeste on Tuesday and was scheduled to catch the opening pitch on Friday to launch Pride weekend festivities. That should have been humiliation enough." . . .