Monica Showalter; American Thinker "We often ask who's running the government with a White House led by doddering Joe Biden.
"But with a new audit out, maybe the real question is what is the government.
"According to the Washington Examiner:
The evacuation of federal headquarters during the COVID-19 crisis appears to have become permanent and costly with up to 90% of several agency headquarters empty, according to a federal audit.
At least 6 of 24 Washington area headquarters are 90% empty, including several that manage federal office space and employees such as the General Services Administration and the Office of Personnel Management.
The audit from the Government Accountability Office found that just six agencies were operating with half of their staff in the office during the first three months of 2023, the latest sign that efforts to get federal employees back into the office after the coronavirus crisis and after years of encouraging telework have failed.
The findings echo private sector reports. In Washington, private offices are less than 40% full.
"Turns out the government buildings Joe Biden presides over in his expensive, bloated government are about as empty as the old dotard's head.
"It's like we have a pretend president, presiding over a pretend government.
"Practically every agency headquarters is something like 80% empty.
"But the empty buildings still stand, as if to suggest that something had been there. Mainly, it's the illusion of power and importance." . . .