Saturday, September 2, 2023

Even WaPo’s ‘Fact-Checker’ Has Had Enough of Biden’s Constant Lies

If Biden’s vilified predecessor had made such a confusion, he would have been raked over the coals in the establishment media for demonstrating what would have been described as an insensitivity that revealed a deep racism. 

The Leftist Media Is Growing Impatient with Biden's Lying – PJ Media   Up to now, the Washington Post’s resident “Fact-Checker” Glenn Kessler has been a loyal propagandist for the leftist establishment, never breaking character or giving any sign that he was interested in or even capable of independent thought.

"Even Kessler, however, seems to have finally had enough of Old Joe Biden’s constant lying. On Thursday, Kessler made what for the WaPo amounted to a remarkable admission: much of what Old Joe blathers on about is not “credible.” That’s a polite way of saying that the faux president is a liar.

"Yes, you knew that. Everyone did. But for the Washington Post, which has doggedly carried water for this disastrous regime even as it has driven America into a ditch, to admit it was momentous. To be sure, Kessler never accuses Biden of lying outright, despite Old Joe’s lengthy history of lies that goes all the way back to his plagiarism in law school. The closest Kessler gets is to note that some people have accused Biden of lying: “Contemporary news reports on the house fire do not match his telling of it, fanning criticism that he had lied to a vulnerable audience.”

"This is worlds away from the WaPo’s treatment of the hated Trump, whom they accuse of lying on a regular basis, most recently on Aug. 19 in the story entitled “Trump’s lies tested limits of the bully pulpit. His right to say them is at core of criminal defense.” Kessler and his fellow Post apparatchiks would rather don MAGA hats and put on a Kid Rock album than write anything on the order of “Biden’s lies tested limits of the bully pulpit,” but Kessler came as close as the WaPo is going to get when he wrote that while Old Joe’s tall tales were sometimes “largely true,” others “fall short.”. . .

"Kessler added, “As president, Biden has continued a tradition of embellishing his personal tales in ways that cannot be verified or are directly refuted by contemporary accounts.” That’s what they call “lying,” Glenn. I know how it must hurt your heart to admit that the figurehead of this far-left regime is multiply guilty of it, but the facts are the facts." . . .

Biden Falsely Claims to Have Changed Segregationist's Mind – PJ Media 

  . . ."Biden sounded even feebler than usual as he spoke to the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. “Pause for just a moment,” Old Joe began weakly. “I thought things had changed.” He was reiterating his false and destructive claim that America in 2023 is beset by a systemic racism that only socialism and forced redistribution of wealth can cure.

Sounding as if he were on the brink of collapse, he summoned the strength to go on: “I was able to — literally, not figuratively — talk Strom Thurmond into voting for the, the Civil Rights Act before he died. And I thought, ‘Well, maybe there’s real progress.’ But hate never dies, it just hides. It hides under the rocks.” How does someone “figuratively” convince someone else to do something? But never mind, that’s the least of the problems with Old Joe’s latest ramble.

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

 Victor Davis Hanson; (

"Joe Biden lied repeatedly when he claimed he knew nothing of his son Hunter's influence-peddling businesses. 

"The president further prevaricated that he had no involvement in Hunter's various shake-down schemes. 

"Yet, the media continued to misinform by serially ignoring these facts. 

"Had journalists just been honest and independent, then-candidate Joe Biden might have lost a presidential debate and even the 2020 election. The public would have learned that Hunter's business associates and his laptop proved Joe was deeply involved in his son's illicit businesses. 

"Later, as the evidence from IRS whistleblowers mounted, the White House stonewalled subpoenaed efforts and sought to craft an outrageous plea deal reduction in Hunter's legal exposure. 

"Reporters ignored the Ukrainians who claimed Joe Biden himself talked to them about quid pro quo arrangements. 

"They again discounted Hunter's laptop, explicitly demonstrating that Hunter was whining that he had handed over large percentages of his income to his father, Joe --variously referred to as the Big Guy and a "ten percent" recipient on many deals." . . .

Abortion Is Just A Symptom

But is abortion a millstone around the GOP’s neck? Dixon isn’t the only one saying this. Certainly there are elements within right-of-center corporate media, whether at Fox News or on certain nationally syndicated talk shows and websites, who joined in to push this line.

Abortion Is Just A Symptom - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "One of the more irritating reoccurrences in American politics is the rampant propensity of Republican elites to lecture the party’s voters about their outmoded or inconvenient values. This week we saw a truckload of that lecturing dumped on the pro-life movement in the person of Tudor Dixon, the somewhat promising 2022 Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate who was clobbered by Democrat incumbent Gretchen Whitmer.

"According to Dixon, now a podcaster whose show has been picked up by iHeart radio, abortion was the reason she couldn’t beat Whitmer, and in promoting an interview she held with Donald Trump in her latest episode, she’s made the rounds warning Republican politicos that efforts to enforce abortion bans in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which tossed Roe v. Wade into the ash heap of history, will lose the party everything in 2024." . .

. . .Unhappy people are the Left’s stock in trade. The modern Left is built on the principles laid down by Saul Alinsky and the other titans of socialist community organizing, the people Barack Obama, for example, devoted his early adult life to emulating and whose lessons he built today’s Democrat Party on. And Alinsky and the other community organizers have always taught that the job is to agitate as many people into not just unhappiness but downright outrage as possible.

"And we’ve gone in this country from “safe, legal and rare” as the Left’s position to “SHOUT YOUR ABORTION.” It isn’t old spinsters pushing that, by the way — it’s twentysomethings and women in the pop culture like Chelsea Handler.

"What’s that done to American society? What’s the effect of radicalizing single women on abortion as birth control?"

In conclusion: But, as is so often the case, the problem isn’t political. It’s cultural. And a political surrender on abortion is only going to create an opportunity for some other horror to follow.

Will Pelosi's Denigrating Comments Help Trump Just Like Hillary's 'Basket of Deplorables' Did?

 Will Pelosi's Denigrating Comments Help Trump Just Like Hillary's 'Basket of Deplorables' Did? (

Although it does not appear that Trump needs any such help to win the nomination, Pelosi's words could very well help him, just like Hillary's comments from September 2016 did. 

. . ."While trying to downplay Trump's popularity with the Republican base, Pelosi pointed out that Trump is "popular among his group," as a way to sort of correct the interviewer pointing out that Trump is "so popular."

"In making clear she's "never surprised" about the support, Pelosi said it's more accurate to say "it's interesting to see how there's a certain element of the population who will just go for him. They're people we would probably never get. They don't share our values in terms of respect for the dignity and worth of every person and the rest." 

"Given that the supposedly "very Catholic" Pelosi has been told by San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone not to receive communion in the archdiocese for the pro-abortion fixation she refuses to give up, that's truly a puzzling line coming from her when it comes to "the dignity and worth of every person." 

"Not only does Pelosi support unlimited abortion up until the moment of birth without limit and paid for by taxpayers, but she wouldn't even bring a bill to the floor for a vote that would protect babies born alive from abortions.

Biden Roasted for Literally Selling Border Wall as Illegal Migrants Flood Into Country

Biden is the tool of those who will be around long after he is gone. TD

 Biden Roasted for Literally Selling Border Wall as Illegal Migrants Flood Into Country ( 

"The Biden administration is a joke, but it’s not just any joke. It’s a killer joke.

"The absurdity of the current administration belongs in a sitcom that would no doubt be funny. But it’s not a comedy. It’s reality, and this joke of an administration is killing America.

In one example, illegal migrants are streaming across the southern border in record numbers. 

So what’s Biden do? He sells off the border wall.

Yes, the Biden administration is selling materials that were to be used to construct the border 

wall. Just this week, 30-foot structural tubes were sold to the highest bidder, according to Fox News.

The price? Anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. 

More tubes will be up for sale on Wednesday, starting at just $1,000. All you have to do to buy a piece of America’s security is visit this auction site.

Republican senators blasted Biden in statements to Fox.

“By auctioning off these border wall materials that I have worked to put to use, President Biden is leaving our homeland vulnerable and looking the other way as he wastes taxpayer dollars,” Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst said.

“President Biden should finish the wall, not sell it.”

RINOs Advise Dems to Dump Biden-Harris, Run Whitmer-Warnock to Stop Trump.

 RINOs Advise Dems to Dump Biden-Harris, Run Whitmer-Warnock to Stop Trump. (

"Never-Trump “Republicans” are pushing Democrats to ditch President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and turn to Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) and Senator Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) in yet another desperate bid to try and beat Donald Trump in 2024.

A.B. Stoddard, writing at the anti-Trump blog The Bulwark, frets that voters see Biden’s advanced age as disqualifying and warns that former President Donald Trump is a more formidable candidate than Democrats assume. 

“…A new standard-bearer is required to decisively beat Trump next year,” she declares, claiming Gov. Whitmer as her standard-bearer:". . .

. . ."Stoddard and her NeverTrump allies in the corporate media are right to worry about President Biden’s chances of winning re-election in 2024. Polling is increasingly showing former President Trump to be the favorite to win the White House, though Stoddard hilariously warns: “If Trump beats Biden next year, there won’t be another free and fair election.” . . .

Barack Obama the Vindictive Enforcer

 Jeannie DeAngelis - American Thinker   "The definition of "vindictive" is to have or show a "strong or unreasoning desire for revenge."  As an observer of the ongoing humiliation and persecution currently directed toward Donald J. Trump and anyone who supports him, what America may now be witnessing is an unparalleled display of malicious revenge.

"One might ask, "Who is driving this retribution?"  The most obvious answer to that question is that it must be a self-absorbed force with a notorious reputation for spiteful exoneration.  Judging from past conduct, that force would be none other than former president Barack Obama.

"This man thrives on adulation.  Even the casual observer is aware of Obama's inability to accept criticism.  Refuse to genuflect, and Mr. Obama's ire is immediately directed like a laser toward the defiant.  Just ask "tea baggers" or victims of a weaponized IRS.  Judging from Obama's self-identification with his ideology, retribution isn't just politics; it's personal.  Defy him, and the former president looks for any forum, weapon, policy implementation, or cruel injustice to vindicate his vendetta and somehow manages to accomplish this either publicly or privately.  The man's skin is so thin that, if not for his godlike status among his minions, his juvenile reactions would be considered embarrassing.  

"Obama's list of vendettas is long and ugly — just ask the SCOTUSDinesh D'Souza, honest journalistsconservative groupsthe nation of Israel, Vladimir Putin, suburban property owners, individuals with private health insurance, WWII veterans, prolifers, ex-military, Second Amendment advocates...and the list goes on and on.

"Think back.  From the start, "I won" Obama planned to "fundamentally transform" the United States from "the world as it is" into the "world as it should be," which, judging from its present condition, is beginning to resemble the Marxist hell-hole of his dreams. " . . .

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opens her mouth again -

 Jack Hellner- American Thinker   "AOC says that inflation is propaganda.  It is just greedy shareholders and greedy corporations raising prices for no reason other than to goose profits. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., shared a video on social media that argued inflation was largely a "propaganda" term by "corporations" looking to avoid fault for high prices.

"The price of everything keeps going up; meanwhile, the corporations selling those things are making massive profits. The goal of the capitalist is to disconnect these two facts from one another. So they use this concept of inflation," the video explained. 

The video called inflation an example of "vague-washing," explaining "it can be blamed on anything at all, except for corporate profits, of course."

"And propaganda around inflation and cost of living is so powerful, that we forget the very basic fact that corporations set the prices for their products. If a corporation raises its prices, and then makes record profits, that's not some invisible monster. It's just a bunch of greedy shareholders," the person said.

Here are a few facts.

These are prices on the New York exchange:

Crude oil prices when Biden was elected.  $40.  Today $86, up 115%.

Unleaded gas: when Biden was elected, $1.12.  Today $2.60, up over 130%.

Heating oil the day Biden was elected: $1.20.  Today: $3.12, up 160%.

Energy prices affect everything, and this is what happens when Democrats seek to destroy the oil industry by spreading the propaganda that they can control the climate. 

Here is a sample of things that are and were propaganda: . . .

Friday, September 1, 2023

If Newsom IS the DEM nominee, then California is the BEST advertisement against his candidacy.

 California Gives Shoplifters Another Free Pass - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics     

From the comments to these posts: "If Newsom IS the DEM nominee (IF they dump Crusty McBiden), then California is the BEST advertisement against his candidacy.  All the GOP nominee (whomever it is) has to say is:

"LOOK at California. The crime. The homelessness. The rampant drug use. The radical environmental policies that cause destructive wildfires. The ridiculous taxes. The streets filled with human sh*t. People are fleeing California by the hundreds of thousands because of people like Gavin Newsom. If Gavin Newsom becomes President, then America will turn into California!" (Emphasis in the original)

SACRAMENTO — Several years ago, I was shopping in a Santa Ana big-box store when a nondescript young man asked the clerk to show him a video game system — probably a $200-to-$300 item — that was kept in a locked cabinet. She handed it to him and he then nonchalantly put it under his arm and slowly walked away with it, exiting... read full story

"retail gangs steal nearly 25% of total sales in San Francisco and Oakland combined, which amounted to around $15.5 billion in 2019, according to the state agency that tracks sales tax." . . .

. . . One would think that the California Legislature would address such pressing problems rather than stay focused on its usual agenda of expanding programs and taxes. But its latest big idea suggests that Californians are in far better shape when lawmakers do nothing at all. Democratic Sen. Dave Cortese of San José introduced Senate Bill 553, which, as the Orange County Register opined, “amounts to an invitation to shoplift.”

"The legislation is designed to prevent workplace violence and was authored in response to a horrific mass shooting by an employee at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in 2021. “I’ve worked with VTA to implement significant workplace protections since then, but California must do everything needed to protect workers and the public, including retail customers,” Cortese said in a statement." . . .

Kids Love to Shop in Newsomland - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Downright Disgust With Dirty Joe

 The words “elder abuse” have been thrown out repeatedly to describe the use of him to front the White House team — which is clearly controlled by someone the public doesn’t see, with the specter of Barack Obama never quite out of the picture — and that would hit the mark but for its implication that somehow Joe Biden is a victim. He isn’t. 

Downright Disgust With Dirty Joe - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

This usurping, dissembling, decrepit old pervert has made his mark yet again, this time on Maui.
"Arriving in the car Tuesday afternoon, I heard syndicated conservative talker Michael Berry, one of best of the new breed of mini-Limbaughs holding back the cultural and political flood, say something spot on.
"Berry said that while he accepts that it might make him a bad person and suggested that maybe his audience ought to pray for him, he earnestly desires that Joe Biden should die in prison, with his son in stir along with him.
"And Berry said he’d be quite pleased to see the first lady, “Dr.” Jill Biden, off to the hoosegow in her own right — because he thinks Jill has been along for the ride in the Biden crime family from the jump.
"Berry said he came to this desire when watching regular Americans, whose only crime was to enter the U.S. Capitol more or less as tourists on a day most of them were simply exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government for a redress of grievances over the irregularities of the 2020 presidential election, be mercilessly prosecuted and incarcerated while the Bidens have escaped any accountability at all for what can only be described based on available evidence as a deliberately planned and ruthlessly executed bribery and shakedown scheme involving influence-peddling to hostile and corrupt foreign actors.
"And while Berry’s sentiments might be harsh and un-Christian, they are eminently reasonable. If 1,000 of our fellow Americans can be stashed away for years in a Washington, D.C., Château d’If–style dungeon for what amounts to trespassing, then the unrequited crimes of the Bidens are a gangrenous, stinking limb of our body politic.
"It gets worse every day. Every day.. . .

Joe Biden, President Non Compos Mentis  . . .That’s the thing to remember about Biden — it isn’t solely that he’s a demented, disgusting old man no longer in command of his faculties; it’s that he always was a low-life.
"Now he’s a diminished low-life so removed from sentience that the only people who can laugh are our enemies.
"And they’re laughing. Make no mistake about that.
"How much longer can we do this?
"And given the quality of the individual occupying the real-life version of Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ character’s job, can we afford not to continue with it?
"Bear in mind that these were just a few of the lowlights of Biden’s public appearances over just the past few days.
"The president is not in command of his faculties. And the nation has no commander.
"We have never been more vulnerable as a country. It’s entirely too painful to laugh."

Is Obama Behind Biden's Hostility To America? -

 Sha'i ben-Tekoa; American Thinker 

  "In a now widely noted Tablet article, David Garrow pointed out Obama’s fantasies of sexual perversion with men. To that, AT’s Jack Cashill added the dishonesty in Obama’s autobiography regarding the question of his birth and his claim to being the author of his first book. What’s also missing from Obama biographies is his identification with Islam. Obama is, after all, the bearer of two Arabic names, with the second that of the Prophet Muhammed’s grandson.

"In fact, Obama was not president more the ten minutes when he did a most common Islamic thing; during his first inaugural address, he slapped the Jews in the face but did it so subtly that few noticed.

"When he was reprising the proud American cliché about being a nation of all religions and ethnicities, Obama did not use the common and accurate couplet “Judeo-Christian” to describe American culture. The first Americans were heavily “Old Testament” Christians whose social models were drawn from the Jewish Bible. One estimate is that a third of the laws in the Thirteen Colonies were directly lifted from it. During the Revolution, when the Continental Congress asked Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and John Adams to design a seal for the new republic, one idea was a bas relief of Moses leading the Children of Israel to freedom.

"Traditionally as well, in American communities with a Jewish presence, shopkeepers will decorate their display windows on one side with “Merry Christmas” and on the other “Happy Chanukah.”

"But Obama said something very different: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers…”

"He effectively dispossessed the Jews from being the second-most important religious community in the country, demoting them to third place next to the Islamically-hated Hindus, who endured arguably the greatest massacres in history, greater than the Jewish Holocaust, at the hands of Muslims who overran the Indian subcontinent, killing an estimated 90 million of them over the centuries.

"The next day, Obama’s first in the Oval Office, with the US economy a shambles after the 2008 crash, Obama didn’t first call a respected economist for advice. Instead, he called Mahmoud Abbas, partner and successor to Yasir Arafat, the most successful Jew-killer since Adolf Hitler. He also called two other Muslim state leaders and the smarmy Prime Minister of Israel and future jailbird for fraud Ehud Olmert.

"Once in power, Obama ordered that government documents could no longer join the words “Islamic” and “terrorism” in the same phrase." . . .

Jumping To Conclusions About Mitch McConnell

 Ted Noel, M.D., American Thinker    "Dianne Feinstein, John Fetterman, Joe Biden, and Mitch McConnell all have one thing in common. Lots of people are calling for their retirement due to “mental disability.” Senators Feinstein and Fetterman have obvious mental problems that simply cannot be brushed away. Joe Biden’s mental “fade” isn’t quite so blatant, but when we get to Cocaine Mitch, it seems that the only exercise many pundits get is jumping to conclusions.

"It’s time to take a momentary side trip. I am a Board Certified Anesthesiologist, which means that I was the cardiologist in the operating room. I did that job in private practice for thirty-two years, so I’ve had exposure to just about everything cardiac, with around three thousand open heart surgeries under my belt for good measure. I was also involved in a large number of neurosurgery cases. One of the key features of that background is that I had to know where my limits were.

"So, when I dealt with Hillary Clinton’s probable Parkinson’s Disease back in 2016, I sought out expert assistance first. I built a “differential diagnosis” list before commenting. And finally, I made it painfully clear that I was not her treating physician and was working from publicly available information leading to an informed opinion, not a diagnosis.

"This is the situation with the Turtle. I am not his treating physician and do not have access to his medical records. But there is public information, and my cardiologist and I discuss it on the way to the golf course each week. Put bluntly, Mitch does not appear to be in the same medical category as the others. They all have mental problems originating in the brain. He does not appear to be in mental decline." . . .

Ted Noel MD is a retired Anesthesiologist/Intensivist who podcasts and posts on social media as DoctorTed and @vidzette. His Doctor Ted’s Prescription podcasts are available on many podcast channels.