Friday, September 15, 2023

No One Wants Joe Biden. No One Likes Kamala Harris. –


"The polling when it comes to Biden has been less than stellar, and it's not new. It's been in trouble since the Afghanistan withdrawal two years ago, but it's tanked in recent months. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll seems to confirm that the bad times are here to stay.

U.S. President Joe Biden's chances of re-election are being jeopardized by voters' concerns over his age, the economy and crime, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, creating an opportunity for Republican challenger Donald Trump to return to the White House.

The opinion poll found Democrat Biden, 80, tied in a hypothetical November 2024 election against Trump, 77, the former president who is the front-runner for the Republican nomination, with both receiving 39% of the vote and one in five voters undecided. 

But in a worrisome result for Biden, Trump held a small advantage in the seven states where the 2020 presidential election was closest: Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada and Michigan. In those states, Trump led with 41% to Biden's 35%, and 24% undecided.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online nationwide from Sept. 8 through Sept. 14, gathering responses from 4,413 U.S. adults. It had a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of about 2 percentage points.

"And things don't get any better. " . . .

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Senator Kennedy Reveals Something No One Saw Coming

 If this guy is a professor, you can see what is wrong with our education system.

Comments to this video: "The absolute HATE the left has is truly disturbing. The hate has turned once common sense people to dribbling spewing fools. Bullying and name calling will no longer be accepted. He is screaming because he got called out!  Love Senator Kennedy!!"

Sure. Try Bringing Back the Masks. This’ll Be Fun.

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

      "Now the people who suck say we've got to go back to the days of COVID."

"I’m actually hopeful that things in America will ultimately get better, even though I seem to be mostly alone in that respect.

And sure, I’m by no means suggesting they’re getting better now, or soon. They aren’t. As I’ve written again and again, we are governed by people who suck, and people who suck make bad things happen.

Joe Biden is a doddering old crook who sold out his countrymen for a pile of filthy lucre. He took bribes from awful foreigners to steer American policy their way, and this has ultimately led to billions of dollars of your tax money pouring into an unwinnable conflict in Ukraine, which should have been resolved at the peace table months ago — and every day it isn’t resolved moves us a little closer to an open war with Russia over a country that is (1) a basket case of Third World corruption and (2) clearly within Russia’s sphere of influence other than the fact it serves as a money laundry for America’s corrupt ruling class.

"And Biden isn’t really running the country. Everybody knows this. What we don’t know is exactly who is running America right now, but it’s not an awful guess that it’s Barack Obama behind the scenes busily pulling the strings. The research I did writing my forthcoming book Racism, Revenge, and Ruin, which is all about how Obama set America on fire and has danced around the flames for the better part of the last 15 years while the country has suffered, indicated to me that almost everything you see the Biden administration doing is a continuation, or more often a metastasization, of some horror that made its debut when Obama was president.

"So we’ve got that. We’ve got a Democrat Party that is actively hostile to ordinary Americans and attempting to buffalo us into things we don’t want and won’t accept pretty much on the daily, and we’ve got a Republican Party which, at its highest levels, is run by some of the least creative, least energetic, and most compromised people ever to serve as leaders of an opposition. Mitch McConnell’s continuing tenure as the Senate GOP caucus leader even after he assumes a catatonic state, possum-like, at various times now when attempting to communicate with the public is a metaphor for America’s entire ruling class now — decadent, decrepit, unresponsive and useless." . . .

The Biden Brand


McCarthy: Biden Told Media To Not Provide Public With Information, That's Why I Launched The Impeachment Inquiry | Video | RealClearPolitics

. . ."And then when you look at when he told the American public he never had any dealings with his son or talked about his business, but he goes to meetings. Think for one moment. Did he know when he went to dinner his son would get a new Porsche? Did he know when he went back to Cafe Milano for another dinner, more than $3 million would go to another shell company? These all are questions that deserve to be answered."

Joe Biden’s brand is being tested like never before (   . . ."The GOP-led House is investigating the extent of Biden’s role in helping his son Hunter Biden earn millions of dollars from foreign business interests during his time as vice president.

"Republicans also say Biden’s Justice Department tried to give Hunter Biden a “sweetheart” plea deal on federal tax and firearm possession charges — a deal that fell apart last month after a judge questioned its terms. At the same time, a federal special counsel is investigating Biden’s handling of classified documents following his two terms as vice president.

"In a matter of a much more personal nature, Biden recently acknowledged for the first time that he has a seventh grandchild — Navy Joan Roberts, the 4-year-old daughter of Hunter Biden, who wrote in a memoir that he doesn’t remember his “encounter” with her mother." . . .

 Morning Greatness: Biden Campaign Fundraising Off Impeachment Inquiry › American Greatness (

WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 25) (

It's not fun being a sanctuary city anymore

  Silvio Canto, Jr.   "Once upon a time, it was so much fun being a sanctuary city.  It made you popular with immigration activists and the self-declared "enlightened" class.  Suddenly, sanctuary cities are about dealing with migrants who accepted your invitation.  As someone said on the TV, it's like inviting a bunch of people for dinner and then realizing that you can't pay the bill."

. . ."What is unfolding in New York City regarding immigrants is "a prime example of what happens when you combine bad local policies with poor enforcement of federal immigration laws," according to Republican strategist Lanhee Chen.

" 'NYC's policies have created a permissive environment where, unsurprisingly, migrants have fled to seek shelter," Chen, policy director of Sen. Mitt Romney's (R-UT) 2012 presidential campaign, told the Washington Examiner. "Even blue-state governors like Maura Healey in Massachusetts have decried the 'crisis of inaction' within the Biden administration when it comes to enforcement of federal immigration laws." . . .

Biden weakens USA abroad; Obama's dream of emasculating America comes true

  Don Surber (  (Video added by TD)

. . ."Meanwhile, Biden went to India and made an ass of himself. First, he messed up the name of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, then he went to Vietnam and messed up an international press conference.

"Earlier, he accused the crown prince of murder — and then asked for him to cut the price of oil. The prince almost laughed in his face. After 80-plus years of being a trusted ally, the House of Saud is aligning with Russia and Red China.

These mistakes are deliberate. Biden is weakening America and ending its post-USSR status as the world’s only superpower. The world tires of dealing with a bipolar America that one year is the leader of the free world and the next year a doddering old fool.

"Trump held NATO accountable and forced our allies to live up to their commitments to spend money on their militaries. Biden made an Irish exit from Afghanistan without telling our allies. The Council on Foreign Relations cheered.

"It also cheered him in 2018 when he told them: “I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t." . . .

Oh, by the way....Some interesting sidenotes to Larry Sinclair’s tale of sex and drugs with Obama -Andrea Widburg

. . ."Last night, Tucker Carlson released his interview with Larry Sinclair, the man who alleges that, in 1999, while in Chicago, he did cocaine with Obama (who preferred to smoke his) and then performed oral sex on Obama. This is a tale that Sinclair has told before. It’s worth noting because it reminds us of the partnership between the media and the Democrat party. There were also some interesting details about big tech and a strange death (or maybe a few strange deaths)." . . .

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

When a comic strip gets to the heart of (old) America

 . . ."The brain child of a Jewish Connecticut Yankee named Alfred Caplan (AKA Al Capp), Li'l Abner took place in a backwater hillbilly village called Dogpatch.  The drawing was superb, especially of the ladies.  But the significance of the strip was that it is concrete evidence of a broader political environment that used to describe mainstream American media.  Political correctness had not yet stifled creative endeavors.  For example, the Soviet Union, during departures from life in Dogpatch, was renamed Lower Slobovia.  In that environment, everybody was drowning in snow and living in misery." . . .

. . .Capp stopped drawing the strip in 1977, after it ran for 43 years.  He died two years later.  Other strips have outlived their creators, either by recycling the archives or by being inherited by a next generation of cartoonists.  Not so for Li'l Abner.  As such, the strip kind of serves as a bench mark for American culture and establishes the point of departure from what used to be its broad-based tolerance for biting satire.  Since then, political correctness has been closing our minds.  None other than Jerry Seinfeld has warned us that comedy can be considered dead since we can no longer make fun of the "wrong" people." . . .

. . ."Capp stopped drawing the strip in 1977, after it ran for 43 years.  He died two years later.  Other strips have outlived their creators, either by recycling the archives or by being inherited by a next generation of cartoonists.  Not so for Li'l Abner.  As such, the strip kind of serves as a bench mark for American culture and establishes the point of departure from what used to be its broad-based tolerance for biting satire.  Since then, political correctness has been closing our minds.  None other than Jerry Seinfeld has warned us that comedy can be considered dead since we can no longer make fun of the "wrong" people." . . .

New Mexico Governor Loses Control as Armed Citizens Roll Into Albuquerque

 Western Journal   "What did she think was going to happen?

"New Mexico’s Democratic governor has been making headlines around the country since she decided her election to a statewide office gave her the power to suspend the Constitution of the United States.

"Over the weekend, her home-state constituents sent a message of their own.

"Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday signed an executive order temporarily banning guns from being carried — openly or concealed — in Bernalillo County, home to the city of Albuquerque, or in Albuquerque itself." . . .

Thank Judge Noreika for stopping DOJ from pulling a fast one


Thank Judge Noreika for stopping DOJ from pulling a fast one (   "Judge Maryellen Noreika caught the Biden Department of Justice red-handed: It’s been lying through its teeth about probing the first son further.

"At Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal over tax and gun charges Wednesday, Noreika asked how DOJ could still be investigating him yet at the same time agree to grant him immunity for anything it turns up.

"What would be the point of an investigation if he can’t be prosecuted?

"The obvious answer: Justice had no plans to probe him further." . . .

How A Federal Judge Turned The Tables On Hunter's Plea Deal (

Judge Noreika knew lawyers were trying to paint her into a corner and hide the ball while forcing her to rubber-stamp their absurd bargain.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Democrat Bidens report card

Peter Doocy Reveals White House's SHAMEFUL Excuse For Joe Biden Skipping 9/11 Memorial Ceremony (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit  “It’s no surprise to me that he’s not coming to Ground Zero or any of the 9/11 sites,” Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Donald Arias, who lost his brother Adam during the attacks, told “Fox & Friends First” Monday.

“And quite frankly, I prefer he stay away anyway. We will be spared one of his stories of how he can relate, like he did with the people of Lahaina, how he can relate because of a kitchen fire. We can do without that.”

"Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked White House staffers why Joe Biden won’t be attending the 9/11 ceremony." . . .

The Lesson of 9/11 Is a Warning That Biden's Declining Physical and Mental Ability Could Get People Killed – PJ Media   . . ."Enter President Joe Biden. A president who has taken more vacation days to recover from fewer hours worked than any president in living memory. A man who is the barely breathing role model for the 4-day 32-hour work week that socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders is now advocating. A man who, in rambling, almost incoherent appearances with other national leaders, keeps referring to his aides as the people telling him what to do.

"Joe Biden’s cognitive ability, never great, has declined over the last year to the point where even many Democrats are admitting he is too old to do the job. His insurance policy has been Vice President Kamala Harris, whose flitting forays onto the national stage have only served to highlight that Joe Biden is the brains of the operation." . . .

 OUTRAGE: The Biden Gang Preparing to Wire $6 Billion to Iran in Prisoner Swap This Week | The Gateway Pundit "

"When $6 billion of unfrozen Iranian funds are wired to banks in Qatar as early as next week, it will trigger a carefully choreographed sequence that will see as many as five detained U.S. dual nationals leave Iran and a similar number of Iranian prisoners held in the U.S. fly home, according to eight Iranian and other sources familiar with the negotiations who spoke to Reuters.

"As a first step, Iran on Aug. 10 released four U.S. citizens from Tehran’s Evin prison into house arrest, where they joined a fifth, who was already under house arrest. Later that day U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken called the move the first step of a process that would lead to their return home.

"They include businessmen Siamak Namazi, 51, and Emad Sharqi, 59, as well as environmentalist Morad Tahbaz, 67, who also holds British nationality, the U.S. administration has said. The Tahbaz and Shargi families did not respond to requests for comment. A lawyer for the Namazi family declined to comment.

"The identities of the fourth and fifth Americans, one of whom according to two sources is a woman, have not been disclosed. Reuters couldn't establish which Iranian prisoners, in turn, would be swapped by the U.S." . . .

Please. No more trips overseas for Joe Biden – HotAir

9/11 families to President Biden: Don't come to our memorial events (  . . ."Nearly 1,800 Americans directly affected by the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are opposing President Joe Biden’s participation in any memorial events this year unless he upholds his pledge to declassify U.S. government evidence that they believe may show a link between Saudi Arabian leaders and the attacks.

"The victims’ family members, first responders and survivors will release a statement Friday calling on Biden to skip 20th-anniversary events in New York and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon unless he releases the documents, which they believe implicate Saudi officials in supporting the acts of terrorism. The group says that as a candidate Biden pledged to be more transparent and release as much information as possible but that his administration has since then ignored their letters and requests." . . .

Joe Biden visited Ground Zero on 9/12/2001--in his own mind – HotAir  . . ."At least he didn’t compare his kitchen fire or the perils his Corvette found itself in to the troops, most of whom wouldn’t be old enough to remember the events of that fateful day. Instead they can remember that time a president visited them in Alaska to recount a Walter Mitty fantasy.

"So where was Joe Biden on September 12th? “Exactly where he wanted: in the U.S. Senate.”. . .

"The Biden Administration also had the good taste to announce a deal with Iran today of all days, despite the fact that Iran has admitted its complicity in the terrorist attacks. Why, of all days, would they put this out in the news?

 "The Biden Administration is like a social science experiment in which researchers are testing the tolerance of a population to incompetent and occasionally hostile leadership.

"How many insults to our intelligence can a population take? How much gaslighting will people tolerate? Can a political party survive a policy of disparaging its citizens and destroying the social fabric of a nation?

"So far the answer has been yes, it can.

"That doesn’t speak well for Biden’s supporters, in my view. The guy isn’t just senile, which would be bad enough. He oozes contempt for us and apparently revels in insulting us." . . .

The Lawyer on the Playground: the price we pay for a litigious society

 Intellectual Takeout

Tony Christopher, executive director of the National Institute for Play, said playgrounds post these signs hoping to “mitigate the liability of the entity responsible for the playground (school, municipality, etc.) in the event they are sued.”

“Welcome! Play Safe” reads the sign at a Fairfax County Public School playground in Virginia just outside of Washington D.C. It goes on to list a few simple rules — 21, by my count.

"First off, the playground should never be used when it’s frozen. Or wet.

"There can be no climbing on things like the safety rails (which are… fences?). And kids must not wear any clothing with drawstrings, hoods or toggles when playing — because these could get caught on something. (Ponytails seem grandmothered in.)

"On the slide, children must “take turns,” “sit in an upright position,” and “not climb.” There also must be “No loitering at slide entry or exit.”

"Loiter not, little ones!

"While she has seen this same sign at a playground for kids ages 6-12, Katie Courtney, a 32-year-old mom of four who brought this sign to my attention, says: “This is literally a playground that’s for 2- to 5-year-olds.” The slide there is about “as tall as an adult.”

"Nonetheless, when a child gets up to the top, legally they must hustle their butt right down. This disturbs Coutrney, who has her master’s in education and used to teach pre-school.

“ 'Part of the fun of being on the playground is that for three seconds you’re at the top of the slide — you have one moment of being in charge.” And if another kid is right behind you? “How hard is it for a 4-year-old to negotiate, ‘You need to move! You’re blocking everyone else!’?”

"Without legal counsel? That’s crazy." . . .

Biden Does the Unthinkable To Gold Star Mom After Marine Son’s Death -

  Analyzing America

The attack was a horrific tragedy that took the lives of many innocent people. It also highlighted the chaotic and dangerous situation in Afghanistan as well as deadly consequences of President Biden’s incompetence and poor leadership

Gold Star mother Kelly Barnett lost her 31-year-old son, Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, during the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal of U.S. service members from Afghanistan.

Crying during a forum held from the families, Barnett opened up about the “disrespect,” “lies,” and “hatred” from the Biden White House. Republicans have launched an investigation into the botched withdrawal.

The grieving families of the fallen were “told lies” and given “incomplete” and “incorrect” reports. “I was told to my face, he died on impact,” Barnett explained. “That’s not true. The only reason that I know this is because witnesses told me the truth. I was lied to and basically told to shut up.” . . .

. . ."She said her son expressed concerns about how he witnessed “chaos, no communication, lack of leadership” during his final deployment.

“He lived for a little while… he was giving out his ammo,” the gold star mom said. “He tied a tourniquet at around his leg. I don’t understand the reasoning of that lie,” Barnett said. “It makes no sense other than the fact that, did they really even do an investigation? Did they talk to witnesses? I don’t know.” . . .