Thursday, September 14, 2023

Sure. Try Bringing Back the Masks. This’ll Be Fun.

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

      "Now the people who suck say we've got to go back to the days of COVID."

"I’m actually hopeful that things in America will ultimately get better, even though I seem to be mostly alone in that respect.

And sure, I’m by no means suggesting they’re getting better now, or soon. They aren’t. As I’ve written again and again, we are governed by people who suck, and people who suck make bad things happen.

Joe Biden is a doddering old crook who sold out his countrymen for a pile of filthy lucre. He took bribes from awful foreigners to steer American policy their way, and this has ultimately led to billions of dollars of your tax money pouring into an unwinnable conflict in Ukraine, which should have been resolved at the peace table months ago — and every day it isn’t resolved moves us a little closer to an open war with Russia over a country that is (1) a basket case of Third World corruption and (2) clearly within Russia’s sphere of influence other than the fact it serves as a money laundry for America’s corrupt ruling class.

"And Biden isn’t really running the country. Everybody knows this. What we don’t know is exactly who is running America right now, but it’s not an awful guess that it’s Barack Obama behind the scenes busily pulling the strings. The research I did writing my forthcoming book Racism, Revenge, and Ruin, which is all about how Obama set America on fire and has danced around the flames for the better part of the last 15 years while the country has suffered, indicated to me that almost everything you see the Biden administration doing is a continuation, or more often a metastasization, of some horror that made its debut when Obama was president.

"So we’ve got that. We’ve got a Democrat Party that is actively hostile to ordinary Americans and attempting to buffalo us into things we don’t want and won’t accept pretty much on the daily, and we’ve got a Republican Party which, at its highest levels, is run by some of the least creative, least energetic, and most compromised people ever to serve as leaders of an opposition. Mitch McConnell’s continuing tenure as the Senate GOP caucus leader even after he assumes a catatonic state, possum-like, at various times now when attempting to communicate with the public is a metaphor for America’s entire ruling class now — decadent, decrepit, unresponsive and useless." . . .

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