Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Joy Reid sparks anger after saying white Christians are overrepresented in Iowa and Trump is so successful because they believe he will 'return' America to them

 Reid is one bitter woman and a real piece of work. TD

Daily Mail Online  . . ."Reid added: 'They’re not trying to convince people and win people over through politics. What they’re saying is, "we own this country, and everyone will bow down to us".'

"At another point in MSNBC's coverage, Reid claimed not only did white Christian voters in Iowa reject Ramaswamy because of his race, but also Nikki Haley.

" 'The elephant in the room is she is still a brown lady who has to try to win in a party that is deeply anti-immigrant and accepts the notion that you can say immigrants a poisoning the blood of our country,' she said.

"Trump last month, in one of his most controversial speeches, used what his opponents called Nazi ideology when discussing the migrant crisis.

" 'They're poisoning the blood of our country. They're coming into our country from Africa, from Asia, all over the world,' he said.

" 'Reid referred to Trump questioning whether Haley, whose parents are Indian immigrants, was even born in the US and therefore eligible to be president.

" 'I don't care how much the donor class likes her... it's still a challenge, I don't see how she becomes the nominee of that party with Donald Trump still around, I can't picture it happening,' she said.

" 'Ron DeSantis' only argument for staying in it is he's the white guy, that he can still make the appeal to white people.'

The hits keep coming: meet the DEI tranny pilot hijacking United with no survivors.

  Revolver News

"Doesn’t it feel like United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel? Their recent drive towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) seems heavily focused on transvestites, cross-dressers, and other assorted freaks. But unlike Bud Light, which was “merely” cynically trying to sell beer, United Airlines is potentially putting people’s lives in danger with their Drag Queen Flying Hour.

"You may have heard by now, but the CEO of United Airlines enjoys cross-dressing as a woman. Revolver covered this disturbing story.


Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.

Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.    More, including photos Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety

And you thought United had problems 14 years ago: 

'We Got a Bunch of Dead Robots Out Here'—Tesla Charging Stations Freeze in Chicago


"If you watched any NFL football action over the weekend, you know that much of the country is in a cold spell. A Bills game in Buffalo, NY, had to be postponed because of a huge storm, while in Kansas City, the Chiefs took on the Dolphins in the coldest game in Arrowhead Stadium history.

"But if you live in the Chicago area and drive an electric vehicle, you might have had a tough go of it because Tesla battery chargers reportedly froze and left motorists unable to power up. The deep freeze turned public charging stations into “car graveyards,” according to a Chi-town Fox affiliate.

"Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent," said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. "And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday."

Beard was among the dozens of Tesla owners trying desperately to power up their cars at the Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook. It was a scene mirrored with long lines and abandoned cars at scores of other charging stations around the Chicago area.

"This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously," said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

"This social media poster said he experienced problems in Auburn Hills, and I’m assuming he means in Michigan:

"One annoyed driver said, "We got a bunch of dead robots out here." But while frozen Tesla chargers might induce snickers from some people, one stranded passenger was not amused:

But it was no laughing matter to people like Kevin Sumrak, who landed at O’Hare on Sunday night to find his Tesla dead.

Sumlak was forced to hire a flatbed tow truck to try to find a working charging station.

"Frozen chargers aren't the only issue that EVs face in cold weather -- the batteries also need more time to charge:" . . .  More here at The Tunnel Wall

Chicago becomes a ‘graveyard’ littered with corpses of ‘dead robots’ - American Thinker

E.V. buyers, especially if they live in an area prone to bitter winters, aren’t making intelligent, logical, or informed decisions when they opt for a battery-powered car, so it should come as no surprise completely when that choice yields “disaster.” Like grapes come not from thorns, nor figs from thistle, you reap what you sow, and sowing stupidity never reaps common sense; prioritizing the scoring of virtue-signaling points over wisdom has painful consequences, but they’re getting exactly what they deserve.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Joy Reid’s Racist, Bigoted Rant Against White Christians

 Joy Reid's Racist, Bigoted Rant Against White Christians: They're "Overrepresented" in America -

"The doors had not yet closed at caucus locations across the state of Iowa, but MSNBC had already entered into the “maligning the voters” portion of the program. Joy Reid, the network’s flagship racebaiter, decided that this was a good opportunity to dump on white evangelicals voting for Donald Trump." . . .

"It bears noting that Reid opened the show by speaking apologetically about having to work on the holiday commemorating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to the proposition that we are all children of God, and whose famous line of his most famous speech is about his aspiration that his 4 little children one day be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.

"Thus, Reid cites the author of such works as The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy, The End of White Christian America, Progressive and Religious, Liberalism’s Troubled Search for Equality,  and White Too Long. Talk about confirmation bias.

"Reid’s statements say more about MSNBC than they do about whites, whether evangelical or otherwise. Recall that this was the same person who speculated not too long ago, without evidence, that Harvard ousted serial plagiarist Claudine Gay so that white men could run the institution once again.

"Such bitter race essentialism, disguised as political analysis, can only serve to further inflame our discourse and exacerbate racial polarization. That’s the exact opposite of Martin Luther King’s message, for which he ultimately gave his life."

The unbridled racism of Joy Reid - Washington Examiner  November 18, 2021

"I am not sure how it is possible, but radical, far-left talk show host Joy Reid gets away with exhibiting some of the most horrific racist rhetoric in media. She consistently makes baseless accusations predicated on people’s skin color — particularly white skin color. In an era of politics that allegedly strives for racial equality, Reid does everything she can to remain divisive and bigoted. This week, Reid continued her assault on racial harmony by viciously attacking Kyle Rittenhouse crying during his testimony as “white tears.”. . .

In the past several weeks, Reid has upped her usual disdain for white people by using the bigoted and offensive terms “missing white woman syndrome” and “white tears.” Reid has an uncanny ability to target white people and specifically focus on their skin color. She is obsessed with white people.

 No Mainstream 'Journalist' Is More Racist Than MSNBC's Joy Reid – PJ Media    . . ."At some point, might Comcast decide anti-white racism is not something to subsidize and pull the plug on Reid, as they did with the execrable Keith Olbermann a decade ago? Much of her odiousness, sadly, reminds me of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Constantly blaming all the world’s ills on one group of people — effectively vilifying them — should not be tolerated by MSNBC.

"On Monday, before Reid’s Tuesday racism, Miranda Devine had a dynamite New York Post piece in which she reminded everyone, “This is a woman on a seven-figure salary who went to Harvard and has more elite privilege in her little finger than the 17-year-old son of a single mother who was in Kenosha working as a lifeguard when all hell broke loose in the form of BLM-Antifa riots in August 2020. Yet Reid continually plays the victim and makes her living punching down at white people less fortunate than she is." . . .

 "That Was One Evil Woman": Joy Reid's Ex-Colleagues | Frontpage Mag  ..."Andre Eggelletion, former lead host of the morning show with Reid, recently spoke out about her for the first time in more than a decade, saying Reid created “the most toxic work environment I’ve ever experienced” and threatened him with violence.

“ 'It was a very unhealthy work environment because of her attitude. She attacked me on a constant basis while I was there. I was even once threatened with physical violence during a break with her,” he revealed to Fox News.

"The incident was corroborated by Lee Michaels, then-national program director for Syndication One, a network of radio stations of Urban One (Radio One back then) that owned WTPS.

“ 'It absolutely happened – 100 percent,” he told Fox News, noting that he had to put in a lot of effort to convince Eggelletion not to quit over Reid’s conduct.

“I do believe she’s not telling the truth about who that person [who wrote the blog posts] was. Maybe she has changed, but back then, that was one evil woman,” Eggelletion said.

"I’ve cut this down quite a bit because there’s really not much here. Except the unsurprising revelation that working with Joy Reid wouldn’t be much fun.

"The real question is why does MSNBC keep covering for Reid? She’s not talented or charismatic. She doesn’t draw much of a feeling. The lefty network has shed plenty of talent. And most of that talent was more talented than her.

"So why?

"Earlier media reports were touting Reid’s ratings. But after her hacking claims, they dropped again. And when a network is betting hard on Joy Reid, to the extent of ignoring this kind of thing, it must be desperate". . .

Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas

Victor Davis Hanson  
If the Department of Justice really wishes to prosecute insurrection, then it should concentrate on 120 days of arson, looting, killing, and violent protests that destroyed $2 billion in property, led to over 35 deaths, injured 1,500 law enforcement officers, and saw a federal courthouse, a police precinct, and a historic church torched by protestors, months of violent chaos planned and orchestrated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and enabled by leftwing inert mayors and governors.

"We should dispense with the tired narrative that four conscientious state and federal prosecutors—independently and without contact with the Biden White House or the radical Democrats in Congress—all came to the same disinterested conclusions that Donald Trump should be indicted for various crimes and put on trial during the campaign season of 2024.
"The prosecutors began accelerating their indictments only once Trump started to lead incumbent Joe Biden by sizable margins in head-to-head polls. Moreover, had Trump not run for the presidency, or had he been of the same party as most of the four prosecutors, he would have never been indicted by any of them.
"Yet now they are in a doom loop of discovering that the more they seek to rush to judgment before the election and gag Trump from speaking publicly about these star-chamber proceedings, the more he rises in the polls.
"In truth, each succeeding cycle of corrupt leftwing lawfare that ends in failure—the Russian collusion hoax, the weaponized first impeachment, trying ex-president Trump in the Senate as a private citizen, the laptop disinformation set-up, the Alfa bank ping caper, the pathetic attempt to erase Trump from state ballots, and the unfolding Fani Willis moral debacle—does not return things to zero.
"Rather, they serve as force multipliers for each other. Each overreach geometrically increases the dangers to democracy, ever more turns the public off, and ironically cascades sympathy and poll numbers for the very target of their paranoias.
"Some of the prosecutors have colluded with White House lawyers and congressional liaisons. Some had run for office, offering campaign promises to get Trump convicted for something or other." . . .

Liberal Media SUPPRESS Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House

 Newsbusters  "If an insurrection happened and no one reported on it, did it really happen? Can the perpetrators of violence escape accountability if it escaped the notice of the corporate media? These questions were put to the test as the corporate media conducted a virtual blackout of Saturday night’s violent protests outside the White House.

"Here’s a succinct recap as seen on Sunday’s edition of The Big Weekend Show on Fox News:. . .

"As for CNN, they went out of their way to suppress news of the riots. Afternoon coverage ran with a daytime video package of the D.C. protest filed by correspondent Gabe Cohen. 

"Jim Acosta did go live with brief reports of the night-time confrontations along the security fence, with reporting from Priscilla Alvarez. But once Acosta went off the air, CNN went back to the Gabe Cohen daytime package. The scary stuff disappeared.

"To recap: the media went out of their way to avoid covering a violent pro-Hamas protest at the White House. Reasonable persons may conclude that, by blacking out Saturday night’s events, they actively participated in an insurrection. Paging Merrick Garland. 

Biden Warnings to Iran: Not Safe or Effective


Will Biden respond, or will he treat red lines as Obama did? Even if Biden strikes back, he bears responsibility for allowing things to get this far. Thousands of people are dying in the Middle East because Iran has felt confident about their ability to act with impunity. So far, their confidence has been warranted. 

"Iran is in a proxy war with the United States, and inching ever closer to directly attacking the US.

"The proxy war is not new, but it has escalated dramatically since the October 7th Hamas massacre in Israel. There have been over 100 attacks on Americans and American assets, and as John wrote earlier, the Houthis attacked and hit a US ship in the Red Sea, and Iran fired missiles into Iraq either at or near the US Consulate there.

"Those missiles were fired from Iranian soil, and Iran took responsibility.

"Both the attack on an American ship in the Red Sea and the missiles fired from Iran towards the US Consulate took place after Joe Biden assured the country that Iran had been sufficiently warned not to escalate the hostilities in the region.

"A wag on Twitter summed up the safety and effectiveness of Joe Biden’s warnings to foreign adversaries: . . .

Biden warnings work as well as Covid vaccines.
Greg Price
Two days ago, Biden told reporters "I've already delivered the message to Iran. They know not to do anything." Today, they attacked the US consulate and airport in Northern Iraq.

. . ."Iran has clearly decided to keep testing the United States’ resolve and with good reason. Despite what has amounted to pinprick attacks on the Houthis in Yemen, the US seems to have taken a “sit back and take it” approach to Iran’s aggression.

"It’s still too early to see the Biden Administration’s response to the attack in Erbil, Iraq, but it’s long past time to make a judgment about the effectiveness of Biden’s policy choices in the Middle East."

Our political status today

 A Pointless Republican Primary › American Greatness  "President Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee. He is far ahead in every primary poll. His supporters originally worried that he would be too polarizing and would go down in flames in the general election, but it appears he will also win the general election against incompetent, unpopular, and increasingly demented Joe Biden.

"Indictments, lawfare, media propaganda, and phalanx-style opposition from the organs of conservatism have all been arrayed against Trump. He has also earned the contempt of the managerial class’s elite: the judges, the academics, and the think tankers, as well as the GS and SES class around Washington, D.C.

"Even so, his enemies have barely dented him."

"Trump Always Understood the Game

"Many of these groups and organizations were hostile to the Republican Party before Trump’s arrival. In conducting himself, Trump understood something almost no other Republican has: trying to earn the approval of one’s opponents is a fool’s errand. So he never even tried, unlike George “Compassionate Conservatism” Bush or John “the Maverick” McCain and, worst of all, finks and turncoats like Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and Jeff Flake." . . .

Be aware that Democrats are today prone to violence; destructive violence.

Radical Democrats Look Like Stone Cold Tyrants Right Now—And Normal Democrats Can See It, Too - The Lid

. . ."Writing for NBC News, Jonathan Allen, Katherine Doyle, and Dasha Burns write, “Colorado hands Trump a political gift by barring him from the ballot,” in which even Democrats worry that the push to disenfranchise Trump and his millions of supporters will backfire and help Trump in the general election against incumbent President Joe Biden, who is already trailing Trump in national polls with less than a year to go to the election." . . .

Nikki Haley: The Republican candidate for Democrats - Andrea Widburg

Nikki Haley often says very conservative things. For example, I truly appreciate her stalwart support for Israel (although I do not appreciate her seeming efforts to get America involved in a boots-on-the-ground hot war on Israel’s behalf). However, the thing about Nikki is that, when push comes to shove, she always retreats to a soft leftism. Voters know this, and two recent news stories highlight both problems.

 Iowa Entrance Poll: 68% Believe Biden Didn't Legitimately Win Election

Biden's $97 MILLION fundraising haul: President, 81, rakes in biggest Democratic war chest in HISTORY ahead of 2024 after a string of star-studded fundraisers | Daily Mail Online   "Amount was more money than the $68 million that Barack Obama raised during the same period of his reelection.  "It was dwarfed by the $154 million that Donald Trump raised for his. "Biden held 39 fundraisers in the fourth quarter of 2023