Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Liberal Media SUPPRESS Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House

 Newsbusters  "If an insurrection happened and no one reported on it, did it really happen? Can the perpetrators of violence escape accountability if it escaped the notice of the corporate media? These questions were put to the test as the corporate media conducted a virtual blackout of Saturday night’s violent protests outside the White House.

"Here’s a succinct recap as seen on Sunday’s edition of The Big Weekend Show on Fox News:. . .

"As for CNN, they went out of their way to suppress news of the riots. Afternoon coverage ran with a daytime video package of the D.C. protest filed by correspondent Gabe Cohen. 

"Jim Acosta did go live with brief reports of the night-time confrontations along the security fence, with reporting from Priscilla Alvarez. But once Acosta went off the air, CNN went back to the Gabe Cohen daytime package. The scary stuff disappeared.

"To recap: the media went out of their way to avoid covering a violent pro-Hamas protest at the White House. Reasonable persons may conclude that, by blacking out Saturday night’s events, they actively participated in an insurrection. Paging Merrick Garland. 

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