Friday, January 26, 2024

Ohio stands up to medical profiteers

  Don Surber (

. . ."DeWine received more than $40,000 in campaign donations from the trans industry. And an industry it is." . . .

"The New York Times reported, “Ohio lawmakers on Wednesday overrode Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of a bill that would bar transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, hormone therapy or gender transition surgery.

“The move by the Republican-controlled state legislature comes less than four weeks after the Republican governor’s veto. The state House voted on Jan. 10 to override Mr. DeWine’s veto, and the Senate has now cleared the way for the law to go into effect, in 90 days.”

NYT’s report was better than the AP story, which was written by someone paid by Report for America, who failed to quote any supporters of the new law, instead quoting LGBT lobbyists and the leader of Senate Democrats.

"Basically, the story was an undisclosed ad for LGBT as it said, “Sen. Kristina Roegner, a Republican from Summit County, falsely asserted on the Senate floor that there is no such thing as gender-affirming care or a gender spectrum and called such care a fool’s errand.”

Falsely? My dear, chromosomes determine sex and sex determines gender. All the artificial hormones and puberty blockers in the world cannot change your DNA.

"But this is what the truth is up against.

"The NYT story said 8,500 children in the state from ages 13 to 17 identify as trannies. At $50,000 a surgery, that is a loss of $425 million in sales for Akron Children’s Hospital, the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the Cleveland Clinic, and the other butcher shops in Ohio.

"That’s just from the surgery." . . .


Trump Calls Georgia Criminal Investigation 'Kangaroo Court' After Juror Gives Interview About Forthcoming Indictments


"Kangaroo court  is an informal pejorative term for a court that ignores recognized standards of law or justice, carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides, and is typically convened ad hoc.[1] A kangaroo court may ignore due process and come to a predetermined conclusion. The term is also used for a court held by a legitimate judicial authority, but which intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations (compare show trial).[2]

"A kangaroo court could also develop when the structure and operation of the forum result in an inferior brand of adjudication. A common example of this is when institutional disputants ("repeat players") have excessive and unfair structural advantages over individual disputants ("one-shot players")."

The Left Had Better Watch Its Fani - American Thinker    "I was going to avoid commenting on the Fani Willis comedy routine playing in Atlanta.  But after the last week’s events, I’m busting at the seams with snark.  So here goes.

"The Atlanta district attorney, Fani Willis, decided to play superhero in her own performance art production to rescue the Dems from their disastrous decision to let gropey Joe lead the party.  She figured she could clear the field for Joe by indicting Donald Trump, and 18 others, on federal racketeering charges.  It seems that the Donald did the same thing that every losing Democrat since Al Gore has done: he questioned the vote-counting.  That’s considered “protecting our democracy” when a Democrat does it, but according to Fani, it’s criminal conspiracy when a Republican does it." . . .

Feb 2023: Trump Calls Georgia Criminal Investigation 'Kangaroo Court' After Juror Gives Interview About Forthcoming Indictments (

Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger Back Nikki Haley, Donate to Campaign (   Former Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, hardcore anti-Trumpers and the only two Republicans to serve on the January 6 committee, have both thrown their weight behind Nikki Haley for president.. . .

Opt Out Of 'Pride' Month Activities At Your Child's School

 Peachy Keenan; (

"Opting out is your only choice — and the only hope for your kids . . .No one is coming to stop this. Your only option is to do what my friend is doing: opt out. Let your own school know you will not allow your child to take part.                                

"My friends and I are bracing for the annual rainbow onslaught poised to swamp families coast to coast this June. This year’s storm looks like a Category 5; it’s already blowing the doors off the nearby Target and wreaking havoc on the Bud Light warehouse. 

As bad as it is out in corporate land, it’s worse in the public schools, where it’s harder to see — almost like they’re trying to keep it secret! Many schools have even moved their pride events up to May so that no child is freed for summer vacation without being forced to take their required rainbow pill.

"I was shocked to learn this week that not only are newborns not allowed to opt out of transgender indoctrination, but kids with Down syndrome aren’t either!

"Incredibly, the Los Angeles Unified School District is doing just that. I don’t know why I’m surprised; LAUSD has never met a bad idea it didn’t immediately adopt and force on its kids. 

"This week, a friend of mine sent out an email account of her shocking experience at her local public elementary school’s morning assembly. She is an educated woman, a scholar, and an artist, and her older children are linguists and classical musicians. Somehow, in the heart of Los Angeles, she has raised a Catholic family of devout and artistic children.

"Her youngest is 9 and was born with Down syndrome. He is enrolled in a classroom for children like him with developmental disabilities. But his intellectual limitations end at the door to his special classroom; in the school at large, he is subject to the same gender indoctrination the other 5- to 13-year-olds are forced to undergo. Not even a child with Down syndrome is free from learning about the wonders of becoming transgender. After all, this is vital knowledge for everyone 5 and up, no matter their disabilities!" . . .

Peachy Keenan is a senior contributor to The Federalist and a contributing editor and regular essayist for The American Mind, a publication of The Claremont Institute. She is the author of "Domestic Extremist: A Practical Guide to Winning the Culture War".

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Race-Baiting Biden Renews His Favorite Playbook In 2024; Fruits not of his age but his character.

By Carpe Diem › American Greatness  "Biden has built his entire career on race-baiting and lying about his “civil rights record” in a pathetic attempt to gain credibility with the black community."

"For the record, the only books that are being “banned” are ones that have inappropriate sexual content that have no business being in any school library or classroom, let alone in an elementary one. But if Biden wants to defend sexual perversion, that’s his prerogative."

"There are very few things we don’t already know about Joseph Robinette Biden.

Almost none of them are positive qualities.

We know that he will literally say and do anything, no matter how dishonest or unethical, if it means staying in power at all costs.

We know that he has no problem lying about his supposedly “stellar” academic record or easily verifiable events—if he thinks it will lend him more credibility with a block of voters.

"We know that Biden is a plagiarist, shamelessly stealing entire lines from Robert F. Kennedy and Neil Kinnock and hoping no one will notice. Disgraced former Harvard President and raging anti-Semite Claudine Gay must be very proud of Biden’s “academic integrity.”

""We know Biden’s family is corrupt and that they have used his proximity to power to enrich themselves. In case The Washington Post and the rest of the Leftist corporate media still think there’s “no evidence” of wrongdoing, maybe they can try explaining how a career politician and his family managed to rake in over $24 million during a five-year period from 2014 to 2019 from countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan—without providing any tangible services.

"We also know that Biden has built his entire career on race-baiting and lying about his “civil rights record” in a pathetic attempt to gain credibility with the black community.

"Biden has repeatedly claimed that he was arrested on a trip to South Africa in the 1970s while attempting to meet with Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned on Robben Island at the time. Aside from the fact that not a single person has ever been able to corroborate Biden’s ridiculous story, the township of Soweto, where he maintained he was arrested, is more than 760 miles from Robben Island.

"We also know that Biden has built his entire career on race-baiting and lying about his “civil rights record” in a pathetic attempt to gain credibility with the black community.

"Biden has repeatedly claimed that he was arrested on a trip to South Africa in the 1970s while attempting to meet with Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned on Robben Island at the time. Aside from the fact that not a single person has ever been able to corroborate Biden’s ridiculous story, the township of Soweto, where he maintained he was arrested, is more than 760 miles from Robben Island." . . .

Obama is not happy with Joe Biden, reportedly tells him to quit the race

"Biden, recall, was advised several times by Obama to not run for president at all back in 2016. Obama withheld his endorsement for Biden until Biden became the Democrat nominee in 2024, giving him his endorsement only when it was unavoidable."

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker    "Another day, another senility episode from Joe Biden, speaking in public. Take a look:

"And things like that reportedly have Joe's former boss, Barack Obama, getting out his phone.

"According to Matt Margolis at PJMedia:

The former president and other allies of Biden's have advised him "to quit the 2024 race to save America and the Democratic Party," according to a report from RadarOnline.

"Insiders snitched that tensions between the two presidents recently exploded after irate Obama rushed to a secret meeting and confronted Biden about his fading chances to fend off surging Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming November election," explains the report.

Incredibly, Joe seems almost oblivious to the lack of excitement about his campaign and cratering approval ratings. Recent polls show a scant 38 percent of American's approve of his performance with a whopping 58 percent holding a negative opinion of his work.

Meanwhile, Trump, 77, has seized a lead in some national polls despite being under indictment on 91 charges and openly declaring he wants to be a dictator.

In desperation, sources said Obama bellowed at bumbling Biden to go on the attack — and make sure trusted aides are constantly by his side on the campaign trail to keep them from committing the disastrous gaffes that have defined his presidency.

"The Obamas are convinced Joe's lost his grip," an insider confided. "He looks more feeble and clueless every day, and they know he's lost the confidence of the public." . . .   Much more here

 Megyn Kelly Reveals More About the Alleged Plan and Timeline to Replace Biden With Michelle Obama – RedState  . . ."But now there's more from Megyn Kelly, talking about a report from NY Post columnist Cindy Adams about the "plan" in the works. Now, again, take all reports with a grain of salt and question anything from "sources" but Adams says she's being told the timeline. Kelly said there's been a reach out to donors that both she and Adams have heard about." . . . 

. . ."Here's what Adams says:

Reportedly, and I’m being told, “Obama has polled donors.”

His plan? Around May, Biden announces he’s not running (even mentally). The so-called plot is that come the August convention, ­Michelle gets nominated.


Mrs. Obama’s team has already sent a survey to heavy-duty donors asking how they’d feel about her as the candidate.

The process has begun. . . .

"Now, I don't doubt Barack Obama likes power, but I'm not sure Michelle wants the job. Plus, while they may think that she could just step in and be nominated at the convention, it might not be as simple as they think. Others with experience beyond just being in the White House might rise and want to be heard in such a scenario. So this seems a rather complicated thing to try to pull off at the last hour, although she is very popular within the party. And Biden hasn't seemed to want to step aside so far — the plan requires him to comply. Jill Biden likes the spotlight. So that's another thing — they would have to somehow convince him to get out. It seems someone wants us to think this is a possibility. Are they floating a test bubble to see how it works or does Barack Obama think they could pull this off?"  

Michelle may fear Trump but I fear her. Joe has worked hard to divide this nation by race, but is an amateur compared to the racial resentment she tries to manufacture. 

The effects of America under today's Democrats

No longer my father's Democrat Party; why we no longer refer to it as "Democratic" but "Democrat" TD


He turned into a blabbering FOOL after this question lol.   (Video"Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion: Garvey: “I believe you were censured for lying.” Schiff: “I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president” Garvey: “Sir, you lied to 300 million people and you can’t take that back.
  • Here’s Lyin’ Adam Schiff saying his family came to America fleeing the Holocaust. Schiff’s father, Edward Schiff was born in Massachusetts in 1928, and his mother, Sherrill Schiff née Glovsky was born in Massachusetts in 1933. Hitler didn’t take power in Germany until 1933. Americans are tired of lying sociopaths playing on their emotions to tell them they aren’t allowed to have a real country.  Charlie Kirk  (watch him lie below)
"Don't forget Eric "Flatulence" Swalwell, who was having an affair with a CCP 母狗 and openly committing treason. As an American woman of Chinese descent, I find it abhorrent." . .  .

"It remains unclear whether the Democrat Party will rally behind him and win the White House."

Biden will be 82 years old in 2024 and claims he will seek re-election as the nominee of the Democratic Party. Given Biden’s long history of physical and mental struggles, it remains unclear whether the Democrat Party will rally behind him and win the White House. 

Biden Goes Off-Script After His Speech — It's WORSE Than You Could Imagine - Analyzing America   . . .“Before I say even more what’s on my mind, I’m now gonna leave this podium,” Biden said. The video  quickly went viral on social media as people mocked Biden’s apparent mental decline." . . .

. . ."A poll from NBC found that the majority of Americans (68%) believe Biden does not have the mental and physical health to serve as president.

"The poll also found that a staggering 43 percent of Democrats believe Biden is not mentally and physically healthy to serve as president.

"This concern among Democrats has doubled since 2020. Prior to 2020, just one in five Democrats were concerned about Biden’s mental acuity.

"NBC found that 89% of Republicans agree that Biden does not have the cognitive or physicial abilities to be president.

"Biden will be 82 years old in 2024 and claims he will seek re-election as the nominee of the Democratic Party. Given Biden’s long history of physical and mental struggles, it remains unclear whether the Democrat Party will rally behind him and win the White House." . . .

 Even CNN’s Van Jones is telling Biden to stay in the basement

Nikki Haley’s Strategies? In the short term, Haley will cede to Trump the Nevada caucuses and focus on her home state of South Carolina. But then what?

 Victor Davis Hanson › American Greatness

"Nikki Haley just lost the New Hampshire primary by 11 percent.

"She had earlier come in third in the recent Iowa caucuses behind Ron DeSantis.

"But DeSantis, not she, dropped out of the race. He then endorsed front-runner Donald Trump.

"By contrast, Haley confidently announced that at last there was a two-person, head-to-head race. So she confidently headed to New Hampshire.

"Her subtext was that if she did not win the upcoming two-person primaries, she would come in “second” rather than “last.”

"Her supporters outspent all the candidates in Iowa and would do so again in New Hampshire. Haley consolidated the Never-Trump voters, won Independents and cross-over Democrats, and garnered millions from the donor class exasperated at the thought of a third Trump candidacy.

"Moreover, nearly half of those who voted in the Republican primary were not themselves Republicans. New Hampshire was the most Haley-friendly primary in the entire campaign season.

"Yet after coming in last in the three-person Iowa race with 19 percent of the vote, she still lost by 11 points in a New England state more reflective of a traditional Romney or Bush voter than of a Trump supporter." . . .

Positively Stunning - Nikki Haley Campaign Manager Sends Letter Saying the Haley Plan Is to Use "Open Primaries" and Democrats - The Last Refuge 
   "The only Republican politician I can remember campaigning with such an open intention to defy the will of the Republican base voter was Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010, who lost the Republican primary to Joe Miller, then openly asked Democrats to vote for her as a write-in during the general election.

"What Nikki Haley is openly stating, as her intention, is filled with an equal amount of disdain for the Republican voters and off-the-charts arrogance.

"Then again, like Murkowski, Nikki Haley is showcasing her DeceptiCon credentials.  Haley will not accept that Republican base voters do not support her.  She will use any tool at her disposal to gain power- regardless of what it is.

"This is not the type of person who should be in any leadership role.  This is a desperate, power hungry, elitist mindset."

Which is the better news source: CNN or Babylon Bee?


(Parody) Nikki Haley Celebrates Getting More Votes In GOP Primary Than Any Other Democrat In History | Babylon Bee (where else?)

. . .At publishing time, Haley had asked if anyone would mind if just Democrats voted in the South Carolina Republican presidential primary. . . .

Exit polls show ‘70%’ of Nikki Haley NH voters were… wait for it… not Republicans - Olivia Murray   . . ."With “Republicans” like Nikki Haley’s apparent supporters, who needs Democrats? 

"Here’s this, as reported by CNN last night:

Roughly 7 in 10 of the New Hampshire voters backing Trump said they were registered as Republicans. And about 8 in 10 of Trump’s voters denied the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s election win in 2020, highlighting the election denialism that remains widespread among his supporters. There is no evidence of widespread election fraud in 2020. Haley’s backers present a near mirror image: about 7 in 10 said they were registered as undeclared prior to Tuesday, and the vast majority acknowledged the results of the 2020 election.

"For context, New Hampshire voters are registered in one of three ways: Republican, Democrat, or undeclared. Registered Republicans may only vote in Republican primaries; registered Democrats may only vote in Democrat primaries; but “undeclared” voters have the option of voting in either the Republican primary or the Democrat primary, but not both."

. . .It’s no secret that CNN’s viewership has… to put it politely, precipitously declined over the past few years; you’d never know if this were some sort of appreciation party for the few diehard loyalists still hanging in there, or apparently, a Republican presidential candidate’s election night watch party. . . 

Oakland's In-N-Out shuts doors due to crime

Oakland's In-N-Out shuts doors due to crime (   "Oakland's only In-N-Out restaurant is closing due to crime, restaurant officials said. 

"According to a statement by the franchise, regular car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies of customers and employees led to their decision to close down the Oakland location. 

"The last day of business will be on March 24. 

"Current employees will be able to work at other locations nearby or receive a severance package, officials said.

"In-N-Out said "repeated steps" have been taken to minimize crime and maximize safety, but despite their efforts, crime has remained a concern. " . . .

 Oakland In-N-Out Relocating To Safer Location In Gaza | Babylon Bee

"GAZA — Despite the ongoing violent conflict taking place in the region, the leadership of one of America's most popular fast food chains announced the Oakland, California In-N-Out would be relocating to a far safer location in the Gaza Strip.

"We just can't subject our customers to the dangers of Oakland anymore," said In-N-Out owner and heiress Lynsi Lavelle Snyder-Ellingson. "For the safety of our employees, we needed to find a location that was far less dangerous than Oakland, and Gaza is the perfect solution. Are there daily bombings and drone strikes going on? Yes. But that's way better than Oakland." . . .

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Men Are About To Dominate Women’s Golf! Democrats Collectively Cheer |

 Religio-Political Talk (RPT)   "Just an update to the craziness of the world… and if people can really believe men can magically become women and must be called by those pronouns… those people are already fooled beyond anything Stalin, Pol-Pot, Hitler, or Mao could ever dream of. And are ALREADY brainwashed enough to start putting people in labor camps. Scary.

  • Hailey Davidson, a man cosplaying as a woman, won the NXXT Women’s Classic in Florida. The tournament’s mission is to “empower women in golf.” — Todd Starnes

"Megyn Kelly notes [rightly] the misuse of pronouns:"

I will exemplify with the linked story from the NEW YORLK POST

"A transgender golfer with dreams of making it to the LPGA tour has won a WOMEN’S tournament in Florida, which improved her HIS chances of earning herself HIMSELF a spot in a qualifying tour.

"Hailey Davidson, 30, came out on top at the NXXT WOMEN’S classic on Jan. 17 at the Mission Inn Resort and Club, 35 miles northwest of Orlando, after shooting one-over-73 and ending the three-round tournament +4.

"Davidson, a Scottish native residing in Florida, won after being 3-shots behind with two holes to go before forcing a playoff following her HIS play on the 18th hole, according to Davidson’s Instagram post celebrating the victory. 

"NXXT Golf is a professional WOMEN’S golf tour focused on “elevating WOMEN’S golf.”

“ 'The Tour’s mission is to prepare the world’s best YOUNG WOMEN professional golfers for a successful career on the LPGA Tour,” according to the Epson Tour’s website." . . .

"Megyn Kelly is joined by Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, to discuss Nikki Haley dodging the question of whether a man can become a woman when asked in a campaign event, how Trump and DeSantis answered the same issue, and more."

Nikki Haley dodges the question of whether a man can become a woman

UPDATED: Biden thanked New Hampshire voters and critiqued Trump, claiming the MAGA movement has taken over the GOP.


Video: Pelosi Labels Trump Senile in Fiery Speech, but the Tables Turn Moments Later!   . . ."Rep. Nancy Pelosi, appeared on MSNBC to offer her vast wealth of knowledge and expertise following Donald Trump’s win in the New Hampshire primary.

During the interview, she decided it’d be a great idea to accuse the former president of being senile. Specifically, she claimed he has “cognitive disorders.” What she wasn’t counting on was having a senile moment of her own immediately after.". . .

. . ."New Hampshire’s primary has been “called” for former President Donald Trump. But it was a lot closer than it would have been if it had a truly “closed” primary that did not allow Democratic voters to register as ‘undeclared’ and vote for Nikki Haley." . . .

"The Left is promoting this BS all over the net. Our Deep State installed president is losing the respect of Americans everywhere. The fake news media cannot hide him any longer, no matter what they do as everyone now pays attention." . . .

During the interview, a clip was played where President Biden claimed “extraordinary success” and praised the military in the aftermath of the withdrawal. Barnett strongly condemned Biden, labeling him a “coward” and holding him responsible for her son’s murder. She went on to assert that Biden should resign, making way for Trump’s return to the White House. Video

"The Left is promoting this BS all over the net. Our Deep State installed president is losing the respect of Americans everywhere. The fake news media cannot hide him any longer, no matter what they do as everyone now pays attention." . . .

"Coverage of the New Hampshire Primary on the Fox News Channel became "must-see TV" for a time on Tuesday night as a panel consisting of Bret Baier, Martha MacCallum, Charles Payne, Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh McEnany, and token liberal Jessica Tarlov discussed the night's events. Discussion turned to President Joe Biden's frequent use of the term MAGA as a pejorative to encompass all Republicans. As Tarlov prepared to defend Biden, Payne would have none of it and called it exactly what it is: the fact that Joe Biden and his media cheerleaders despise half of the population of the United States because they have different political views."  

 When Payne mentioned doing research for a segment, he said he googled "Biden hates MAGA," and was greeted with numerous articles on that topic.