Monday, February 5, 2024

‘Sickening’: E. Jean Carroll Slammed For Bragging About How She’ll Spend Trump Money

 Analyzing America

"If you needed any more proof this whole suit and verdict was a crock, here it is. And of course, Maddow still soaks it all up while not realizing how damaging this is." Joe Concha 

"E. Jean Carroll’s comments during a media appearance, where she joked about using the funds from her defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump for personal expenses, sparked controversy and criticism.

"Despite winning an $83.3 million verdict in the lawsuit, her remarks led to concerns about her credibility and the impact on real assault survivors.

"Trump’s legal team plans to appeal the decision, and Carroll clarified her comments, emphasizing her intention to use the money for good causes.

. . ."“This shows exactly what’s wrong with the justice system. You’re claiming the harm to your reputation was so bad you need millions to compensate for it, then you make these types of jokes. This also paints real assault survivors in bad lights and makes them seem money hungry. Absolutely disgusting,” Independent Women’s Forum spokesperson Paula Scanlan said.

“ 'She’s a nutball,” The Spectator contributing editor Stephen Miller wrote.

“ 'Being in Law Enforcement and public safety for over 3 decades having worked special victims cases, this is not the mindset of a victim. No amount of money can ever make whole a true victim of sexual assault nonetheless make them giddy,” radio host Rob O’Donnell said.

“ 'Deranged. Maddow served it up on a silver platter for E. Jean Carroll and she decided to be unhinged in her response,” conservative Steve Guest wrote." . . .

E. Jean Carroll's Stunning Claim: Dress Allegedly Worn During Trump Assault Didn't Exist - State of the Union (

Trump’s Attorney Boris Epshteyn said, “She said, this is the dress I wore in 1994. They went back, they checked. The dress wasn’t even made in 1994.”

‘Build The Border Wall’ Americans Once Again Tell Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll –

  Issues & Insights 

“Anyone who says Biden needs new laws to stop the migrant crisis is a liar,” tweeted Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida this week. “The law RIGHT NOW says if the President finds that the entry of any aliens would be detrimental to the U.S. he can ‘suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens’.” 

"The hot topic of immigration has come to a boil in recent weeks with a clash between President Joe Biden and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over the building of a border fence to keep illegal entrants from crossing into the U.S. Americans lean strongly toward Abbott in the feud, expressing strong support for a border wall, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

"Along with the economy and health care, immigration has leapt to the fore among the many issues that concern Americans this election year. The latest national online I&I/TIPP Poll, including 1,402 registered voters, asked three questions related to the topic, with special focus on the U.S.-Texas border row.

"To begin with, voters were asked: “Do you support or oppose building a wall along the southern border to combat illegal immigration?”

"The score wasn’t close: Among all respondents, 59% supported constructing a wall along our southern border, either “strongly” (41%) or “somewhat” (18%). Just 32% oppose the idea, either “strongly” (17%) or “somewhat” (15%).

"As with many other things in America these days, political differences can be huge. Democrats are split close to evenly, with 43% supporting a wall and 47% opposing it. Republicans overwhelmingly like the idea, with 85% support and just 11% opposition. A slight majority of independents (51%) back a wall, while 37% reject it." . . .

How many millions of illegals must it take for that 37% to cherish this nation?

When it comes to Muslim massacres, we’ve seen all this before

 When it comes to Muslim massacres, we’ve seen all this before - Milli Sands

"Muslims have been “musling” from the 7th century until the 21st with no end in sight. Whether it is the massacring of Jews, Christians, or Hindus (not a complete list of Muslim targets), Muslims will continue “musling” until the world puts an end to these Islamic practices." Milli Sands

"One of the least disturbing images from the October 7 massacre.

. . ."On October 7, 2023, as Ilhan Omar said of September 11, 2001, some people did something. What they did was so appalling that it’s still difficult to comprehend the level of atrocity.

"But it’s not the first time. The same “some people something before” to the Jews, back in 1929, in Hebron (quoting Shai Ben-TekoaPhantom Nation: Inventing the Palestinians as the Obstacle to Peace):

Half of the massacred Jew, those in Hebron, were non-Zionist Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) boy studying in a yeshiva. Sixty-nine of them were slain while others were deliberately maimed: hands, toes and fingers chopped off in order to leave the victim crippled for life. Some had their eyes gouged out; others were castrated. Not one person was just killed; all were inventively mutilated and tortured to death. One pre-teen girl was gang-raped by thirteen Arabs who then suspended her from a tree upside down over a bonfire until the heat made her brain swell and explode, and she died.

""Like October 7, just not quite. Rhyme, not repetition. Muslim violence doesn't occur in a vacuum.

"October 7 did not take place in Hebron. It took place some 50 miles away in Israel, near Gaza. (Of note, the website, from which the above link comes, refers to “Gaza, Palestine,” and “Hebron, Palestine,” despite above link comes, refers to “Gaza, Palestine,” and “Hebron, Palestine,” despite the fact that there is no Palestinian state, and labels them as such on their map.) 

The Hebron Massacre of 1929 was the result of Muslims being Muslims after being told by Haj Amin al-Husseini that the Jews were planning on destroying holy places, e.g., Al-Aqsa. 

Muslims repeatedly accuse Jews of trying to destroy Al Aqsa. It is so weird that not a single weapon in the hands of the Israelis, precision-guided or otherwise, has found this target in the near century between the massacres. 

View if you dare: HAMAS MASSACRE (

The Al-Aqsa Flood of Antisemitism

 Alex Gordon - American Thinker

"The Arabs got along well with the Jews while they were a humiliated minority in the Islamic world, but they cannot forgive the Jews for having managed to establish their own state and prospering despite all the injustices done to them, while the Arabs, despite their natural wealth, cannot fit into modern civilization and culture.' " 

                                          "You will always be a silly people!" 


"The purpose of The Al-Aqsa Flood, Hamas's October 7, 2023 "operation" in southern Israel, was to drown the Zionist enemy in its own blood.

"However, this massacre and the kidnapping of hundreds of Israeli citizens did not elicit unanimous condemnation of this terrorist crime, but rather, in many cities around the world, on the five continents, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators supported the murderers and rapists, chanting the slogan "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which meant the destruction of the State of Israel.

"This slogan was first used in 1964 by the newly established Palestine Liberation Organization, which rejected the partition plan for Palestine that had been adopted by the United Nations on November 29, 1947, calling for "two states for two peoples."

"Neither the Arab countries that attacked the newly formed Israel on May 14, 1948, nor the Palestinian Arabs accepted the partition of Palestine approved by the United Nations resolution, for they did not accept the existence of Israel. The Palestine Liberation Organization then and later, followed by Hamas supporters, called for the establishment of a unified Palestinian state stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, that is, they called for the destruction of the State of Israel.

"The Palestine Liberation Organization's call for the destruction of Israel predates the Six Day War, that is, before the "Zionist occupation." In 1964 and now, it means support for the massacre and a campaign to encourage its continuation. The massive support for Hamas means that "Operation" Al-Aqsa Flood has become a "flood" of antisemitism in many corners of the world, a globalization of antisemitism.

"The outbreak of antisemitism in the Middle East and around the world as a result of the October 7, 2023 massacre is due to the outrage of the Jews' foes that the Israelis put up stiff military resistance to the pogromists." . . .

Other history months we need; Consider Italians. Most of them arrived after slavery. They are associated with pizza and the Mafia but they were far more than that.

  Don Surber (

. . ."Heisenberg said, “I owe my patriotic duty to my country. I’m not going to defect to the United States.” That really shook Fermi up and he decided to move ahead, because if the Germans beat the Americans to this, it would be an absolute disaster."

David N. Schwartz wrote in 2017, The Last Man Who Knew Everything: The Life and
Times of Enrico Fermi, Father of the Nuclear Age
 Fermi built the first nuclear reactor
 as part of that Manhattan Project in Chicago.

"February marks Black History Month in which the contributions of black people are honored.

"The best example is Norbert Rillieux, a freeman born in New Orleans in 1806. In 1830, he went to study engineering in Paris. There he invented a process for refining sugar. Not only did he give us white sugar but he transformed the chemical industry.

"Nick Weldon wrote in 2021, “Rillieux’s invention, the multiple-effect evaporator, streamlined what had been a slow and costly process for purifying cane juice by using a series of vacuum chambers that used heat more efficiently and reduced waste. The result: cheaper, better sugar. The method changed the sugar industry — and, later, all kinds of industrial processes — such that some historians compare it to what Eli Whitney’s gin did for cotton.”

"He was not the first black man to get a U.S. patent. In fact, he was turned down for one patent because the patent office thought he was a slave and slaves had no rights. They were considered property and whatever inventions they made belonged top the massa.

"The first black patent honor went to Thomas L. Jennings, a freeman and a tailor who patented the process for modern dry cleaning in 1821. The National Inventors Hall of Fame said on the bicentennial of his patent, “Not only did Jennings manage to acquire a patent in 1821, but he also dedicated much of his earnings to supporting the abolitionist and desegregation movements, helping others defend their rights and achieve their goals.”

"He was civil rights before there were civil rights. Back of the bus? A century before Rosa Parks, his daughter sued to get on the bus. New York City banned blacks from riding in street cars. She won the case. Her lawyer was Chester Arthur, a future president.

"Then there is Robert Smalls, a slave who commandeered a Confederate boat in the Civil War and made his way to freedom. He joined the Navy and eventually became a captain. After the war, he served 5 terms in Congress.

"The point of Black History Month was to build the esteem and reputation of black people, who are one-eighth of the U.S. population. I am cool with that.

"But what about the other seven-eighths of the population? We didn’t sit around eating bonbons while watching slaves pick cotton.

"Consider Italians. Most of them arrived after slavery. They are associated with pizza and the Mafia but they were far more than that." . . .

Sunday, February 4, 2024

J6 Committee Admits Show Trials Were A Publicity Stunt

  The Federalist   Key members of the Jan. 6 Committee admit in a new PBS documentary that the operation was an election-year publicity stunt.

. . .“Persuading the public to care.” The article continued, “They hope their recommendations to prevent another insurrection will be adopted, but also that their work will repel voters from Republicans who they say helped propel the attack.”

Judy Nordean · King County, WA

"Key members of the since-disbanded Select Committee on January 6th admit in a new PBS documentary that the entire operation was an election-year publicity stunt.

On Wednesday, Frontline PBS published a new documentary, “Democracy on Trial,” chronicling the House committee’s work. Pivotal players on the partisan probe conceded in the two-and-half-hour documentary that the panel’s public performances produced for prime-time television were orchestrated as entertainment media.

“The one thing that we knew was the information that we have is compelling,” said Illinois congressman-turned CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger. “The thing we needed to do was tell that to the American people in a compelling way.” . . .

The J6 Committee Hearings have made it all but impossible to choose an impartial jury pool.  . . ."The J6 committee is trying to ensure no one receives a fair trial and no one gets bail while spewing false and incorrect information to deceive the masses against innocent people. They are abusing and perverting laws to harshly punish supporters of Trump as a message to all conservatives that laws will be ignored to seriously hurt conservatives at any cost. Their directive to end Trump once and for all overrides any law."

Cops 'fed up' Manhattan DA didn't seek bail for cop-beating migrants

 The Feds are involved, but remember they are the Biden-Mayorkas Feds. TD

NY Post

“We talk about it all the time. We’re a catch-and-release city. This is a complete joke. We put bad people behind bars to keep the community safe and, they just keep on letting them out. I really don’t understand what their agenda is.”

Police officers and other critics are slamming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for refusing to seek bail for the rowdy migrants arrested after allegedly being caught on camera attacking NYPD cops in Times Square.

"Veteran police officers fumed to The Post Saturday that Bragg made a mockery of the entire justice system by letting five migrants walk after they were arraigned Wednesday on charges of second-degree assault on a police officer and obstruction of governmental administration in the shocking Jan. 27 beatdown.  

" 'Alvin Bragg just showed all New Yorkers that the Police Department doesn’t matter to him,” said an NYPD detective with more than two decades on the job.

" 'What this does is open the window for all people to say we can beat up cops and nothing is going to happen to us. Thanks, Mr. Bragg.”

"Another 25-year NYPD cop tore into the lefty prosecutor, saying his lack of action is a “complete joke “because the migrants committed “bail-eligible offenses.”

“ 'They are not coming back,” said the police officer." . . .

50 Cent Says 'Maybe Trump Is the Answer' After NYC Mayor Adams Gives Migrants pre-Paid Credit Cards (

. . .The city program will offer asylum seekers at the Roosevelt Hotel with hard cash from taxpayer pockets, intended to help illegal migrants pay for food, according to city records. 50 Cent has already slammed California over a similar decision to use taxpayer money to fund health care for aliens. . . .

Finally! The People Are Speaking Out Against the Cause of Their Misery—Gazans Chant: ‘The People Want to Topple Hamas!’

 Def-Con News

"While the IDF continues to provide safe corridors for civilians fleeing from Khan Yunis, Hamas operatives try to hold them back, for they are the human shields Hamas relies on to discourage IDF attacks." You know this works when we see the simple-minded in our streets accusing Israel of - wait for it - genocide.

(Emphases in the original) . . ."The IDF has established a humanitarian corridor in recent days for Palestinian residents of western Khan Yunis to move from combat areas to the town of Al-Mawasi in southwestern Gaza, IDF Arabic spokesperson Avichay Adraee announced on Saturday.

Adraee said that Gazan residents would be safe in Al-Mawasi and that the corridor has been opened to evacuate civilians every day so that the IDF can focus on fighting the Hamas terrorist organization and deepening its incursion into Khan Yunis without the risk of civilians being injured in the process.

Tens of thousands of Gazans have already passed through this corridor safely, according to the spokesperson.

Adraee also quoted a number of Gazan civilians passing through the corridor, who informed IDF soldiers that Hamas was preventing them from leaving combat areas, using threats and violence. Additionally, IDF soldiers were also assisting civilians at the scene, including the elderly and sick.

The humanitarian corridor remains open until 4 p.m. for residents to cross over to Al-Mawasi.

‘The people want to topple Hamas,’ can be heard from the Palestinian civilians chanting." . . .

Indoctrination versus education; or a disgraceful school district versus a wise teacher

Andrea Widberg - American Thinker

"We live in strange times. The only consolation is that the world that leftists have created American schools cannot survive—as evidenced by the fact that the Hayward school’s attendance declined once it went so woke." . . ." A.W.

"For 250 years, education in America meant reading, writing, and arithmetic, along with peripheral subjects such as the Bible (in early America), history, civics, and science. During those years, with a mostly literate, numerate population, we were a stunningly successful nation. Now, in leftist-controlled school districts across America, reading, writing, and arithmetic have been supplanted entirely by leftist values, such as LGBTQ+ ideology, racism, and antisemitism. It’s Maoism, with ideology supplanting reason. Two items on the internet today highlight the difference.

"On the Maoist front, the Daily Mail reports that an elementary school in Hayward, California, part of the San Francisco Bay Area, using federal taxpayer funds, has shifted its entire focus from education to indoctrination. The outcome for the children is tragic:

A Bay Area Elementary School has spent $250,000 on a ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program only to see its student’s literacy and numeracy rates plunge.  . . .

Full article here

 This is utterly brilliant. A student accuses @jk_rowling of being transphobic. This teacher skilfully dissects the claim and challenges it by asking questions.

Gavin must be pleased with his woke teachers!

Bay Area elementary school where just 4% of students are proficient in math and 12% in English spent $250K on 'Woke Kindergarten' program where third-grade teacher was told to 'disrupt whiteness', and whose non-binary creator wants to abolish police | Daily Mail Online


Texas Proves Biden Could Have Stopped Border Crisis: Stats Show Powerful Effect of Real Border Defense

 Nick Arama – RedState

Republicans should make an ad about this to show how enforcing the law works — when you choose to do it. 

I'd guess these people also support Hamas over Israel, TD

. . ."So what's the difference? The biggest difference seems to be the defense being put up by the state of Texas. 

Texas has locked things down on their side of the border, and Mexico has increased enforcement against migrants arriving in the Mexican state of Coahuila following Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Mexico in December. 

Mexico is now suddenly stopping migrants from boarding trains, and is removing migrants from their northern border down to their southern border following that meeting. 

And the migrants who do cross there now find a very unwelcoming posture from the state of Texas with legions of soldiers, troopers and razor wire, as well as the threat of arrest. It is unknown what the U.S. offered Mexico in return for this cooperation. 

"Now, this is fascinating. So we don't know what Biden may have promised Mexico, and we have to wonder what that is. I tend not to trust anything they do. But it does show Biden could likely have done this all along, as former President Donald Trump did when he worked with Mexico to have the country work like a "wall." 

Show 'em your mean face, Joe!
"But the Biden team only made this latest move in December. Why couldn't they have done that, to begin with or, frankly, just keep what Trump had already put in place? They're likely only doing it now because of the election and how much it's hurting Biden in the polls. And that's a despicable thing when you consider how much illegal immigration has taxed and harmed the American people over the past three years under Biden. And they're still fighting Texas, who's trying to defend its citizens and the American people. " . . .

"Suddenly, illegal crossings at the southern border are now increasingly happening in Arizona and California, moving away from Texas, according to Fox's Bill Melugin." . . .

Saturday, February 3, 2024

According to a new report, Joe Scarborough, not Obama, is Biden’s real muse*

"Looking at the world today, it would make sense that a fanatically leftist talk show host is driving the Biden administration policies." American Thinker

  - American Thinker   "Biden is, without doubt, the most disastrous president America has ever had. On his watch—and thanks to his policies—every aspect of America’s well-being is collapsing: her economy, border, national security, social cohesion, ability to stay out of WWIII… It’s all going downhill. A lot of people see Barack Obama’s “fine Italian hand” (to use an old-fashioned expression), but it now appears that someone else may be driving Biden’s policies: Joe Scarborough, a fanatic MSNBC talk show host.

"According to a scoop from Axios, not only is Biden a fan of the show, but there’s an open line between the White House and Scarborough:

When White House aides appear on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," they're often booked between 7 and 7:40 a.m. ET. That's so they'll reach one crucial and loyal viewer: President Biden.


Zoom in: The president often calls co-host Joe Scarborough — a former Republican congressman who's now a harsh critic of Donald Trump — to get Scarborough's take on issues and sometimes vent about media coverage, according to people familiar with the relationship." . . .


. . ."And then something changed—and that change was a 2003 job on MSNBC. Early during his MSNBC tenure, he criticized George W. Bush’s response to Hurricane Katrina and became a Democrat celebrity. By May 2007, he was the host of Morning Joe, which is Joe
Biden’s favorite show. His eventual co-host was Mika Brzezinski, who’s always been a hard-left Democrat.

"As is so often the case in American politics, starting with Peggy Shippen and Benedict Arnold, when Joe fell for Mika (for whom he eventually left his second wife and children), his politics shifted to align with hers. And, like many converts, Joe is now a zealot."

*"When you are a muse to someone else, this means that you are their source of inspiration, typically for their artistic efforts. Painters, authors, composers and the like have often talked about having a muse. This may be a person they love deeply who inspires them, or someone who’s not a lover, but for some other reason provides inspiration that helps the artist to feel creative, and to unleash and direct that creative force."  Quora

UPDATE:  Biden’s Favorite Morning News Host Urges White House To ‘Let Him Out More’ | The Daily Caller    . . ."Biden has characterized Trump to allies as a “sick fuck” and called him a “f**king a**hole,” Politico reported.

“Let Fox News make fun of him because he has the same stutter he has had since he was 14 years old, but go out and show flashes of anger,” Scarborough added.

Scarborough also brought up how Biden lost his temper at an Iowa voter, calling him “fat” during the 2020 campaign.

“It showed a human side of him,” Scarborough said." . . .

NYPD Believe Four Illegal Immigrants Accused of Beating Cops Left for California

 Mary Chastain; ( 

Toon added by TD

"Good going, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg.

"Four illegal immigrants charged with beating two NYPD cops in Times Square likely fled to California.

"Bragg’s office didn’t request bail. The courts released the illegal immigrants without bail.

"NYPD had eight suspects at first. The New York Daily News reported the police have 12 suspects and are still looking for five.

"Police arrested Darwin Andres Gomez, 19, Kelvin Servita Arocha, 19, Wilson Juarez, 21, and Yorman Reveron, 24, right away. They were released without bail.

"Reveron has two open cases for assault and robbery in Manhattan.

"The courts also released Jhoan Boada, 22, without bail.

"Jandry Barros, 21, and Yohenry Brito, 24, were arraigned on Thursday. The judge ordered Brito to be held on bail.

"Bragg’s office requested bail for Brito:

"The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office said the $15,000 cash bail or a $50,000 bond was warranted because Brito had been positively identified on the video footage of the attack through a “distinct tattoo.”