Sunday, February 18, 2024

Biden Regime Again Shows Which Side It’s On, and It's Not on Israel's

 Robert Spencer – PJ Media  

The Biden regime is trying to show Tlaib, Awad and co. that it is listening to their rage, and pressuring Israel accordingly. The subtext is blazingly obvious: Please vote for us! Don’t stay home in November! We are betraying Israel as quickly as we can! 

"The Biden regime has been under heavy pressure from its far-left base for months. Foes of Israel have repeatedly demanded that Biden’s handlers punish the Jewish state for defending itself, or else they’ll lose their votes in November. Clearly, the Biden camp has been listening, and now the matter has come to a head: the Biden regime has actually threatened our foremost ally in the Middle East with a cutoff of military aid.

"The Jerusalem Post reported that “Biden issued a memorandum on Thursday night asking countries receiving US military funding to prove they’re following international humanitarian and human rights laws.” There is only one country to which that pertains at the moment, and as the Post pointed out “the timing of the memorandum coincides with President Biden’s unscheduled press conference where he took reporters’ questions on the Israel-Hamas war, saying Israel’s response is ‘over the top.’”

"This has been coming for a long time. Nihad Awad, executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who infamously said that he was “happy” about Hamas’ Oct. 7 jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, thundered at a November pro-Hamas rally: “No cease-fire, no votes. No votes in Michigan, no votes in Arizona, no votes in Georgia, no votes in Nevada, no votes in Wisconsin, no votes in Pennsylvania."

"These were, of course, the states that allowed Old Joe to pretend to be president over the last three years. Awad concluded: "No votes for you anywhere if you don’t call for a ceasefire now." Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) added: "The American people won’t forget. Biden, support a ceasefire now. Or don’t count on us in 2024.' ” . . .

Netanyahu to Biden: Israel Will “Fight Until Total Victory” In Gaza, Including Capture of Rafah (   "Despite growing pressure from President Joe Biden on Israel to suspend the planned military operation against the last remaining terrorist stronghold of Rahaf, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday vowed to pursue complete victory over Hamas in Gaza, including the capture of the southernmost terrorist bastion.

"In a apparent reference to President Biden, Prime Minister Netanyahu said that “Those who want us to desist from the Rafah operation … are telling us we should lose.”

“ 'We won’t be dictated to,” Netanyahu declared at a press conference on Saturday evening.

"The Jerusalem Post reported Prime Minister’s remarks:

An IDF military operation in Rafah is necessary to defeat Hamas irrespective of any hostage deal, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said as he pushed back against massive international pressure to hold off from such a move.

“There is no substitute for total victory and there is no other way to do it than eliminating the [Hamas] battalions in Rafah,” he said, adding, “We will do it.” . . .

 Why Is Biden Kowtowing To Dearborn’s Terror-Justifying Mayor? (   . . ."Finer’s message to Hammoud was one of contrition. “We are very well aware that we have [made] missteps in the course of responding to this crisis since Oct. 7,” said Finer. He said the administration was sorry for its messaging and policies in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 massacres in which Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,200 men, women, and children in southern Israel. Biden had forthrightly declared American support for Israel’s right to defend itself but also for the cause of eradicating Hamas." . . .

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Ann Coulter: White People Embarrassing Themselves

 Ann Coulter (

What was happening was this: A white actor was making damn sure everyone knew how much he liked black people. 

"Taylor Swift, star of the LVIII Super Bowl, this year's Grammys and a crackpot Fox News conspiracy theory that she's a government PSYOP, is also the winner of my award for "Least Embarrassing Way To Attach Yourself to a Black Person When Accepting an Award."

"For the uncouth among my readers, modern etiquette dictates that:

1) Black people win all awards; and

2) When that is absolutely impossible, the white winner must somehow latch onto a black person, stressing how fond he is of black people.

"In Taylor's case, she recently made history by becoming the first musician to win four Album of the Year awards. This was despite her being, as The New York Times put it, "white and thin and blond in a world that continues to privilege whiteness and thinness and blondness."

"Thus, according to protocol, Taylor had to attach herself to a black person. This she did by becoming part of the show when Tracy Chapman reprised her 1988 hit "Fast Car" at the Grammys. Taylor rose from the audience, like a mushroom popping up amid the moss, and sang along for the entire song.

"Boffo publicity! Twitter instantly exploded in gratitude and admiration for the Grammys champion. The media hailed Taylor's performative tribute to Chapman as if she'd orchestrated the Peace of Westphalia. (The Times: "Taylor Swift singing along to Tracy Chapman and Luke Combs performing "Fast Car" is some kind of apotheosis of 2023 in music.") . . .


 Who Would Have Believed The Singularity Would Be So Stupid?: (    

"One thing I'm thinking with the hearing is this:

"They are trotting out a lot of claims with no evidence -- "Fani paid me back for all of these trips, but only in cash, and no, I have no deposit slips for when I deposited this cash into my account, you'll just have to take my word for it as a He-Wore selling his man-pussy" -- and Fani's claim that of course she keeps thousands of dollars in cash in her apartment to pay for trips "because my daddy told me a woman should always have six months of cash lying around."

" 'She is using this lie to explain why there are no bank records showing her withdrawing money to repay Sweetdick.

" 'He has no records of ever depositing the cash; she has no records of ever withdrawing it.

" 'Because Her Pappy told her to always have $30,000 in cash (or whatever the figure is) on hand, squirreled away in a hidey-hole in her dirty Fuck Shack.

" 'Sweetdick was asked to provide bank records so he could prove his claims. He refused. He's offering his lies as a defense, and when someone asks him to prove it, he says "No thanks."

" 'Similarly, he refuses to release his lawyer from privilege so he can say what he observed as far as the start of the affair. Sweetdick says it began in 2022; his lawyer... says he will not answer due to client-lawyer privilege. When Ashleigh Merchant asks him if he will release his lawyer from privilege to answer this one question, he says "No thanks."

"This is how criminals at a criminal trial behave -- but these are public officials and officers of the court at a disqualification hearing. And they're lying and evading like common ... streetrat hoods." . . .

WATCH: Judge Walks Out After Fani Willis LOSES IT During Testimony * * by Kaley   . . ."Later in the afternoon, Fani Willis surprised everyone by taking the stand herself.

"She delivered a dramatic testimony...and essentially, made an ass of herself.

"At one point, Willis had a meltdown when asked by lawyer Ashleigh Merchant if Nathan Wade had ever visited her "at a place you laid your head."

"Willis responded by waving papers in the air and repeating, "IT'S A LIE! IT'S A LIE!"

"The judge was so done by this point, he actually called a 5-minute recess and walked out of the courtroom!

"That clip went viral on social media.

"Take a look:"

Later in the afternoon, Fani Willis surprised everyone by taking the stand herself. She delivered a dramatic testimony...and essentially, made an ass of herself. At one point, Willis had a meltdown when asked by lawyer Ashleigh Merchant if Nathan Wade had ever visited her "at a place you laid your head." Willis responded by waving papers in the air and repeating, "IT'S A LIE! IT'S A LIE!" The judge was so done by this point, he actually called a 5-minute recess and walked out of the courtroom! That clip went viral on social media. Take a look:

WOAT President: (worst of all time).

 Who Is the WOAT President? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics One of the choices:

  • Barack Obama: No such list would be complete without the president who vowed to “fundamentally change America” even though most of America pretty much liked America the way it was. As an African American, he also had the opportunity to heal — or at least radically improve — race relations in America but opted to play the same old racial grievance game.
My contempt for this man has no bounds. I will happily explain for any who inquire about this. Joy Reid will have her own opinions. TD

Two-state "solution"

 Mr. Sidney Silverman: “The Rt. Hon. Gentleman is not suggesting, is he, that any Jew who regarded a country in Europe as nothing but the graveyard and cemetery of all his relatives, friends and hopes should be compelled to stay there if he did not want to do so?” 

‘A Terrible Lot of Lies’: Winston Churchill on Palestine and Israel - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics    "People always ask me: “So what’s the solution?” What do I know? Surely, however, it’s time to forget the eight two-state solutions that have never worked. What about a three-state solution: Gaza to Egypt, West Bank to Jordan (the 1967 borders)? Then they say: “But they don’t want them back!” The answer is Churchill’s idea of the only things that work in the Middle East: “force and bribery.” Whatever it costs us to bribe them is less than a war, and we back the deal with air power. Better yet (in the words of an old friend in a 70s panel discussion on the woes of the British car industry): “Go back to 1945 and start all over again.”
. . .Richard M. Langworth, CBE, is the author or editor of 10 books on Winston Churchill, including the quotations book Churchill by Himself, an expanded edition of which will appear in 2024.

Lawfare Fani making Trump’s point (Complete article here)

Silvio Canto, Jr. - American Thinker   

The important part is that Trump’s enemies always end up helping him. Add lawfare Fani to the list.
Toon added by TD

"It was interesting TV and the show is not over. As you know, there is only so much of the “Elderly Man with a Poor Memory” story that we can take. I guess that many of us want to wait until Special Counsel Robert Hur speaks publicly about just how bad the elderly man's memory is. So a little Nathan-does-Fani is a bit more interesting for now, even if she disputes what he did to her.

"According to Eddie Scarry, Fani had a plan:

It wasn’t clear that Willis would be compelled to give testimony, but it’s no shock that it turned out this way when she volunteered. The whole point of her performance was to ratchet up news and online commentary about her abrasive conduct and her “Uh-uh, don’t got there” demeanor. It’s a naked attempt to get Trump supporters and right-wing media to please, please, oh-pretty-please call her “angry.” That way she can go on “The View,” plus chat with MSNBC’s Joy Reid to do what she’s already been doing and accuse her critics of being racists who simply can’t stand seeing a black woman of color in power.

It’s a desperate, albeit rational attempt to distract from what the rest of Thursday’s hearing demonstrated -- that Willis and Wade likely lied to the court about the extent of their involvement, as Willis’ former close friend attested, and that Willis also probably lied about receiving improper gifts from Wade, whom she retained and paid with taxpayer money.

It’s all she has left. If it doesn’t work in the court, she will have lost nothing anyway. “The View” and Joy Reid will still call her a hero.

"I agree that Fani will have Joy Reid or "The View" to run to. And playing the race card comes naturally to Democrats, especially those who never planned to get caught.

"What I see here is a disaster for the anti-Trump crowd for two reasons:

"First, it exposes just how partisan, amateurish and arrogant this whole group is. This is about getting Trump; and,

"Second, it will harden the people voting for Trump. I want Trump to win so that we can shut down these banana republic tactics. I’m sick of this stuff.

"And yes, Fani will probably find a friendly audience at "The View." To be sure, Joy Reid will find the racial angle of this. I’m sure that Jim Crow made them do it. Doesn’t she always blame everything on poor JC? 

"The important part is that Trump’s enemies always end up helping him. Add lawfare Fani to the list."

 Donald Trump Is Blessed With the Very Best Enemies - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

. . ."Consider some of the current biggest enemies of Trump, as he marches through the Republican presidential primary and looks toward a general election rematch with President Joe Biden.

"First, there is Biden himself. The nominal president of the United States is an indescribable embarrassment to the nation — physically corpse-like, palpably senile, chronically misinformed, utterly lacking in judgment, and generally clueless as to where he is and what words emanate from his mouth. He is a disgrace to his office, and it is a shocking public disservice that his wife and handlers even permit him to seek reelection in such a debilitated state." . . .

"Consider some of the current biggest enemies of Trump, as he marches through the Republican presidential primary and looks toward a general election rematch with President Joe Biden.

"First, there is Biden himself. The nominal president of the United States is an indescribable embarrassment to the nation — physically corpse-like, palpably senile, chronically misinformed, utterly lacking in judgment, and generally clueless as to where he is and what words emanate from his mouth. He is a disgrace to his office, and it is a shocking public disservice that his wife and handlers even permit him to seek reelection in such a debilitated state." . .  .

"Third, there is Alvin Bragg, the Soros-funded lawyer in New York City now prosecuting Trump" . . .

"Finally, there is Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis, whose courtroom meltdown this week, and the likelihood that she lied in court about the timing of her extramarital affair with her own appointed special prosecutor, has crystallized what already seemed likely: The Georgia prosecution, which once seemed the most dangerous of Trump’s four criminal cases, is imploding." . . .

"It is a LIE!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Fani Willis Is Daring You To Call Her ‘Angry’ Because Race Baiting Is All She Has Left

 The Federalist

The performance of Fani Willis is meant to do one thing: goad Trump supporters into calling her ‘angry’ so she can call them racists.

"From the moment that Democrat Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis abruptly hurled herself into the court hearing on Thursday, it was obvious what she was there to do. And it’s hard to even blame her because it’s the only option she has left.

Before she was even asked to appear — before it was even clear she would be required to testify in the hearing about her relationship with Nathan Wade that could zero out her criminal case against Donald Trump — Willis entered the scene in a painfully bright pink dress and told the court she was ready for her close up. Her eyebrows frozen in a defiant arch, left hand on hip, she tossed a document onto the desk of her legal team and told the judge, “I’m ready to go.”

" 'She barreled into the witness box and demanded that a series of court filings be placed in front of her. When her own attorney requested a five-minute break so the documents could be located, Willis said, “I’ll sit here and wait for them,” lips pursed, eyebrows still plastered at the height of her forehead.

"Willis endured questions for two hours from her legal team and that of Trump’s associates related to the conflict-of-interest charge against her office that she has improperly and unfairly prosecuted the former president and those whom she has accused of aiding him to defraud Georgia voters in the 2020 election. Willis hired a special prosecutor to join her team, a curious choice given that he’s a defense attorney, though she admits to having been involved with him romantically (thus using taxpayer money to benefit both him and, consequently, herself — allegedly).

"And the entire two hours were hysterical. Willis, from the start, accused the defense team attorneys of lying and distorting her history with Wade, her now-former boyfriend who continues to oversee the case she’s bringing against Trump and his associates. She refused to answer yes-or-no questions with a single word, and when guided by the defense team or even the judge to remain within the parameters of the interrogation, she insisted she be allowed to characterize the motive and intent of the questions, which, again, she said were dishonest and malignant.". . .

How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide

  John D. O'Connor › American Greatness

Evidence now clearly establishes that moderate liberals should face reality and reject the policies of the progressive vanguard, leading them to civilizational suicide.  

"We all understand, in the timeless words of the poet Robert Burns, that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Most Americans are accustomed to assessing the various failed initiatives of our country’s leaders as well-intended actions that turned out badly. The Vietnam, Afghan, and Iraq wars, the 2008 financial meltdown, and the COVID pandemic overreaction, all in hindsight, can be viewed as simply the unfolding of human stupidity in the contingency of time.

"In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of a prosperous, free, safe, and secure society?

"As we examine the policies pushed by the Biden administration progressives regarding climate, national security, crime, and the border, we can rationally conclude that they are being purposely implemented to render our society unsuccessful, not successful, in its traditional aims, causing what could be the ultimate destruction of a thriving, liberal enlightenment society.

"Let us begin with escalating climate mandates, now reaching gas stoves and tires, seeking the total elimination of fossil fuels. Because our mainstream media, more out of reflexive conformity than malevolence, constantly amplify climate alarmism, most Americans believe climate programs are designed in good faith to protect us from planetary disasters. Climate subsidies are aimed, they are led to believe, at increasing prosperity through good “green” jobs in emerging “green” industries, all part of the supposedly improved “Bidenomics” economy, however counterintuitive many think them to be.

"When Biden, immediately upon assuming office, stopped issuing new drilling leases, canceled the Keystone Pipeline, and issued EPA regulations effectively shutting down multiple power plants in the near future, was he, however idealistically, trying to wean our country off of fossil fuels in favor of clean, “renewable” energy? If so, what could be wrong with that?

"If the administration had calculated that lost energy from stifling fossil fuel sources could actually be replaced, these initiatives, even if overly optimistic, could be viewed as well-intended.

"However, within the climate camp, it has been well known that fossil fuels, which power 82% of world energy needs, cannot conceivably be replaced by renewable energy to any substantial degree." . . .

MS Society DEFENDS staff who sacked 90-year-old volunteer because she 'asked what pronouns meant' despite furious backlash | Daily Mail Online

. . ."Itkoff was let go via email after a representative at the company asked her began to start using pronouns on her email signature, but she did not know what it meant according to an interview she conducted with Libs of TikTok.

" 'I had seen it on a couple of letters that had come in after the person's name. But I didn't know what it meant,' the senior said.

" 'Because it sounds like you are labeling for females, not males, if you are just putting in she/her.' 

" 'A few days later, she received an email accusing her of violating the MS Society's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion guidelines." . . .

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Trump Georgia Case: DA Willis Loses Temper, Receives Warning From Judge in Explosive Testimony

 Trump Georgia Case: DA Willis Loses Temper, Receives Warning From Judge in Explosive Testimony (

"Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis lost her temper on the stand as she faces allegations of financially benefiting from hiring Nathan Wade as special prosecutor in the case against former President Donald Trump and others.

"Trump’s co-defendant, Michael Roman, said Willis should be disqualified. It’s called a conflict of interest.

"Willis’s body language said it all before she took the stand: rage, nervousness, and trembling.

"Willis sparred with defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant from the start, leading Judge Scott McAfee to call for a five-minute recess.

"The testimony took a major turn when Willis’s former friend said Wade and Willis began their relationship in 2019 and not 2022. See, if it began in 2022, it wouldn’t seem as suspicious because Willis charged Trump in 2021.

"But 2019…that is something else. Willis and Wade also didn’t disclose their relationship:

Roman alleged in court filings last month that Willis should be disqualified from the case, claiming that she financially benefited from hiring Wade because of their personal relationship, and said she had “some choice words” about Roman’s motion, calling some of the allegations “dishonest” and “extremely offensive.” At one point, Willis held up a printed copy of the allegations against her in both hands and turned to the judge yelling, “this is a lie!”

Willis also called defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant’s interests “contrary to democracy.”. . .

Biden's plan to give Palestinians a state is a mess in the making

The Palestinians' leadership is corrupt. It has always placed self-aggrandizement before its people and the Palestinians, themselves, have generally failed themselves because they were always driven by a false narrative they came to believe and which worked, i.e.. victimhood. 

 Richard Berkowitz - American Thinker   "There is a report floating around which asserts Biden is about to shove establishment of a Palestinian state down Israel's throat. 

"According to the Washington Post:
The Biden administration and a small group of Middle East partners are rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state, that could be announced as early as the next several weeks.
The urgency of the effort is tied directly to a proposed pause in the fighting and release of hostages held in Gaza by Hamas that is being negotiated by the United States, Qatar and Egypt.
An initial cease-fire, projected to be at least six weeks, would provide time to make the plan public, recruit additional support and take the initial steps toward its implementation, including the formation of an interim Palestinian government, according to U.S. and Arab officials.
 "The reason is not clear to me, but, in view of "Uncle Joe's" sinking poll numbers and his well-known moral corruption, it must have something to do with his desire to save his re-election. 

"Uncle Joe" has been loyal to Israel until "Bibi's" war lasted too long for our president's political tolerance so it has come time to pull the Persian tug out from under Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu since the latter intends to complete his goal of reducing the risk of a third Holocaust.

"There is no love lost between Bibi and Biden, nor was there any lost between Obama and Bibi." . . .

Nova Music Festival Survivor Speaks Out

 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews®

"Natalie Sanandaji speaks out about the Nova music festival and how she and her friend kept running for over two hours, which ended up saving their lives on October 7. Natalie explains how important it is for her to tell her story so the world knows and can connect to her experiences, reports Arutz Sheva:
 She explained that “It’s important for me to tell the story because I want people to see a face to this story. When the whole world is dehumanizing Jews and acting like this massacre was a form of resilience to ‘free Palestine,’ I feel that maybe putting a face to the story will show them how human this story is. Because if they’re just reading about this story in an article, if they’re just seeing someone on the news talk about it who wasn’t there, I don’t think they’re gonna feel as emotional about it. I don’t think they’re gonna feel connected to it.” “I hope that when they see my face, when they see that there’s a face to this story, that they’ll feel more connected to it. And maybe they’ll change their mind about how they feel about everything that happened on October 7. “If we let them take our joy away, the joy of living, then we’ve let them win. And we’re not gonna let them win. Of course we’re gonna dance again,” she concluded.

April Ryan: Jean-Pierre is Race-Based 'Foolishness'

 Mediaite     "Long-time White House correspondent April Ryan called out criticism of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as racialized “foolishness” from a “white male-dominated space” — that is, the press briefing room.

"Writing for the New York Times, Michael Grynbaum reported on the current and unique arrangement of press secretaries in the Biden Administration, given Admiral John Kirby’s recent promotion and increased presence during briefings on behalf of President Joe Biden.

"As the first Black and openly gay press secretary, Jean-Pierre cuts a historical figure in the briefing room, filling the rather big shoes of the well-received Jen Psaki, who moved to MSNBC. As with nearly all new press secretaries, Jean-Pierre’s tenure did not start without criticism but was reasonable and partisan.

"Grynbaum thoughtfully lists some of the critiques — namely an over-reliance on prepared talking points in her briefing notebook and that “some reporters grumbled that she occasionally seemed out of the loop,” among other things. Kirby, on the other hand, has received praise, perhaps in part owing to the focused area of his role, national security, and foreign affairs.

"Ryan, a columnist for The Grio, flatly claimed that Jean-Pierre’s standard for judging her is by nature racialized. Grybaum writes:  . . .Full article here.